Rate the last movie you saw

Just watched a marathon of Wrong Turn over the last few days, think there is 5 of them. It is a pretty solid slasher/horror series :thumbup:

Nothing earth shattering but kept my interest.
Just watched a marathon of Wrong Turn over the last few days, think there is 5 of them. It is a pretty solid slasher/horror series :thumbup:

Nothing earth shattering but kept my interest.
Never could understand in the Wrong Turn movies ,you got these hot bombshell women and all these hillbillys want to do is make them supper. Geez no women and these Hawaiian Tropic models are there and all that comes to mind is "It's Buffet Time"!!!
Just watched 3 Billboards, excellent movie, has a bit of a Coen brothers vibe to it. A movie that has a Townes Van Zandt song and a town midget in it is gonna get my attention. The movie is definitely worthy of the buzz it's getting. I really want to see a sequel and find out where the story goes from here. 10/10
All on netflix

Mudbound - just sloe and depressing. Just was nor in the mood for something so slow. Only got half way through. Might try to finish it later.

  1. Happy Hunting - crazy western town in middle of nowhere picks an unruly citizen and some questionable people passing through for their annual hunt. And the people are the prey.
It is comically amazing how much one guy takes to get away from the hunters. Pretty bad movie.. Might be better if drunk lol

Before I Wake - A couple who lost a child decides to adopt a young boy. Things seems to go well j till the young boy starts dreaming.

This is one of those movies that you never heard of but turns out to be pretty good. It was a nice surprise.

I had bought a flick from the cult classic rack titled:
Two Thousand Maniacs
A town celebrates it's 100th anniversary from the civil war by forcing a handful of northerners to serve as " guests " for a variety of macabre, blood crazed fun & games,,,o_O

It was made in 1965 so the few cars in the flick are pretty minty & that was about the best part of the movie although they put one dude in a wooden pickle barrel, drove a fistful of pole barn nails into it & rolled him down the hill, that was kinda cool,,,it was a weird ***ed flick .
Melon Feudian referral on repeat viewing: 3/10o_O
Theater - The Last Jedi 8/10 because I am a Star Wars fan and can even re-watch 1-3. As a mature adult, any movie that can take me back for some escapism and the thrill when I first started going to movies can do no wrong. I do not get overly critical with these types of movies. I become that kid again.

Home - Bright 2/10 and it is as bad as they said it was. Netflix spends a record for them of 90M on this, it gets panned and is the moist watched in the last 2 weeks. That's weird. Viewers either doubting the vibe or just seeing if it's as bad as everyone said. And it didn't cost them to see it so there is that. The fact they're making a second one mystifies me.

Most pleasantly surprised movie - It. 8/10 Loved the book, hated the TV movie but this one was actually well done and I look forward to Chapter 2.

Biggest disappointment - Alien Covenant. 1/10 Ridley Scott needs to give it up and stop trying to milk this franchise, it died with Aliens although AVP was a fun popcorn movie.
Three Billboards 9/10 great acting but Manchester by the Sea depressing.
I, Tonya 7.5/10 Allison Janney is outstanding.
47 Meters Down 0.5/10 I did not think you can make a worse shark movie than the Shallows, I was wrong. If you are gonna make a shark movie at least research shark behavior.
Watched Dazed and Confused (yet again)

That movie is like someone followed us around in junior high and high school and then made a documentary out of all the footage

Great soundtrack & amazing cast too: Milla Jovovich, Matthew Mcconaughey, Ben Affleck, Parker Posey, Cole Hauser, Joey Lauren Adams, Jason London, Renee Zellweger, etc
Just finished Downsizing.
First 45 min was good. The concept of small people made that part work.
After that, you forget they are tiny and the movie just sucks taking on preacing tones.

If i could compare it, I would compare it to monty python and the holy grail. First act was great, second act went down hill fast.
Watched Dazed and Confused (yet again)

That movie is like someone followed us around in junior high and high school and then made a documentary out of all the footage

Great soundtrack & amazing cast too: Milla Jovovich, Matthew Mcconaughey, Ben Affleck, Parker Posey, Cole Hauser, Joey Lauren Adams, Jason London, Renee Zellweger, etc
:lmao: that's funny!
I recall letting my boy stay up late one school night when he was about 13 or 14 and we were watching a flick called: "the STONED AGE",,,, and we were crackin up And I think it kinda had a pretty profound effect on his personal views of drug usage,,, in a good way( as in 'avoidance')
Cuz' at the end of the movie when the hophead is laying in bed out on a baseball field or something weird like that all old,long haired & decrepit wearing a tied dyed hennley & dying, we kinda had a philosophical talk about life & what you do with it,o_O
I'm repeat watching
and it's utterly amazing to me how the Fiberglas hood of that AERO-MAX L9000 garbage truck remains impervious to repeated vehicle rammings being conducted at engine revving red line operation,,,
,,yeppers! that stuff must've been made outta @waldoputty cuz' it didn't warp, crack,chip or peel either,,,,o_O

Melon Feudian repeat viewing movie review: 7/10
Just watched King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

It wouldn't have been too bad, if they had titled it something else, given the characters different names, and not tried to completely rewrite the Arthurian Legend.

Very little of the movie was in line with the original stories, which made it just awful, if you're a fan of King Arthur.
Jaws. The shark was fake and but I never put my feet on the floor.

Mama Mia, worst movie of all time. All involved should never be allowed in a movie theater let alone make another movie.

The Godfather. I put two paper napkins in my mouth and did Brando driving home until I inhaled one, stared choking and had to pull over. I survived and that was one of my wife's favorites. She liked the movie too.
Mollys game.

7/10 - very good jumping back and forth. Good plot.
Dam is that woman good looking.
Just finished Downsizing.
First 45 min was good. The concept of small people made that part work.
After that, you forget they are tiny and the movie just sucks taking on preacing tones.

If i could compare it, I would compare it to monty python and the holy grail. First act was great, second act went down hill fast.

Interesting they down sized sick and poor people. Government intervention?