The truth is actually both better and worse than you're probably thinking.
The good news if you like the guy is that all the child porn charges were dropped. It was one of those situations where they went through tons of evidence and couldn't find any proof he was a kid toucher. So in that sense he was vindicated, and not in a "the kids don't want to testify" way or something. The cops went through all his stuff and the authorities eventually just had to drop all the major charges.
The bad news is the guy was some kind of absolutely insane pornography hoarder, like you have no idea, seriously it was ridiculous. The reason the cops had so much evidence to go through was because the dude just bought old porn in bulk, which I didn't even know whas a thing. But apparently he'd buy like crates of black & white dirty pictures and stuff like that, and a fair amount of it was borderline stuff of the "we swear they were 18" variety, but it was also made before Elvis got fat so who the hell knows at this point.