Rate the last movie you saw


7/10 - Written and directed by the writer of Hell or High Water & Sicario. It's streaming on Netflix and definitely worth the watch.
Just watched it the other day, good movie, very intriguing, they say that there are only 2 seasons in Wyoming, July and Winter
The problem with a remake is that you can't replace Shaw as Quint imo
He's retired but I would cast Daniel Day-Lewis as Quint in a kind of spin off Bloody Bill in Gangs of New York. Brendan Gleeson might make a good Quint.

The part of Jaws that I did not like and only drew attention to Bruce, the mechanical shark, was the use of the real shark entangled with the cage. That never made since to me and still doesn't as I prepare for my annual 4th of July Extravaganza of beginning the day with Jaws, followed by Independence Day and topped off with The Patriot. Ya know who should do the remake of Jaws? The guy that made ID4 and The Patriot, Roland Emmerich, he loves that kind of stuff. Although he might go overboard on the size of the shark.
He's retired but I would cast Daniel Day-Lewis as Quint in a kind of spin off Bloody Bill in Gangs of New York. Brendan Gleeson might make a good Quint.

The part of Jaws that I did not like and only drew attention to Bruce, the mechanical shark, was the use of the real shark entangled with the cage. That never made since to me and still doesn't as I prepare for my annual 4th of July Extravaganza of beginning the day with Jaws, followed by Independence Day and topped off with The Patriot. Ya know who should do the remake of Jaws? The guy that made ID4 and The Patriot, Roland Emmerich, he loves that kind of stuff. Although he might go overboard on the size of the shark.
I was just about to say DDL would be unbelievable as Quint. They did not even dig as deep into Quint in the movie as they did in the book. There was a deep Captain Ahab connection with Quint in Benchley's book, right down to how Quint died.

Russell Crowe might be able to pull it off too.
Bird on a Wire - 7/10

I never got around to watching this over the years but it has that feel of the classic 80's/90's type fun movies. I forgot how good Mel Gibson was in these type of roles :thumbup:
Did not know that. Pee Wee is dead to me now.

The truth is actually both better and worse than you're probably thinking.

The good news if you like the guy is that all the child porn charges were dropped. It was one of those situations where they went through tons of evidence and couldn't find any proof he was a kid toucher. So in that sense he was vindicated, and not in a "the kids don't want to testify" way or something. The cops went through all his stuff and the authorities eventually just had to drop all the major charges.

The bad news is the guy was some kind of absolutely insane pornography hoarder, like you have no idea, seriously it was ridiculous. The reason the cops had so much evidence to go through was because the dude just bought old porn in bulk, which I didn't even know whas a thing. But apparently he'd buy like crates of black & white dirty pictures and stuff like that, and a fair amount of it was borderline stuff of the "we swear they were 18" variety, but it was also made before Elvis got fat so who the hell knows at this point.
The truth is actually both better and worse than you're probably thinking.

The good news if you like the guy is that all the child porn charges were dropped. It was one of those situations where they went through tons of evidence and couldn't find any proof he was a kid toucher. So in that sense he was vindicated, and not in a "the kids don't want to testify" way or something. The cops went through all his stuff and the authorities eventually just had to drop all the major charges.

The bad news is the guy was some kind of absolutely insane pornography hoarder, like you have no idea, seriously it was ridiculous. The reason the cops had so much evidence to go through was because the dude just bought old porn in bulk, which I didn't even know whas a thing. But apparently he'd buy like crates of black & white dirty pictures and stuff like that, and a fair amount of it was borderline stuff of the "we swear they were 18" variety, but it was also made before Elvis got fat so who the hell knows at this point.
Never understood the Pee Wee Herman fascination. Then again I do not get the SpongeBob SquarePants thing either.

To be honest though, I did like the role he played in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer B-movie. His post credits scene where he overacts slowly dying in agony makes me laugh every time.
Just watched a movie called Birth of the Dragon. It's about Bruce Lee, when he first started teaching in the U.S. I didn't care for it at first, because they made Lee look like a dick, but in the end it was cool. It's fictionalized, but pretty entertaining, with some very good fight scenes. 7 out of 10, in my opinion.
I have the perfect cast for the Jaws remake:

Brody- Tom Hanks

Hooper- Josh Gad

Quint- Daniel Day-Lewis
Hereditary - 7/10

Slow burn thriller with creative storytelling and acting. Won't be for everyone. If you enjoyed The Witch, you will like this one.
Hereditary - 7/10

Slow burn thriller with creative storytelling and acting. Won't be for everyone. If you enjoyed The Witch, you will like this one.

That's what I was afraid of...and kind of what I expect from an A24 film.

I thought the trailers looked good, but the studio gave me great pause. I thought The Witch was possibly the worst film I had seen in a decade (until I saw Neon Demon, that is).
That's what I was afraid of...and kind of what I expect from an A24 film.

I thought the trailers looked good, but the studio gave me great pause. I thought The Witch was possibly the worst film I had seen in a decade (until I saw Neon Demon, that is).

I didn't feel that Hereditary was quite as slow as The Witch, which really dragged in spots for me. The former had better tension buildup, but the latter had a better payoff for me. Did you enjoy The Babadook? If not, I'd wait until this one is available on streaming.
It's right at 2.5 hours, including the credits and final scene, so it's not unusually long. I saw online a runtime of 2 hrs 40 minutes, but I checked my watch just as it started and as I was leaving the theater, and it was 10 minutes short of that.

Side note: I have never gotten up to pee during a movie at the theater. I never will.

Unfortunately, you may have to use your popcorn bucket, once your prostate gets big enough.
Yeah, it's hilarious when people claim stuff like that!!!!

Why? It's true. If and when it gets to the point that I can't hold it through an entire movie, then I will simply wait and watch it at home where I can pause it. I'm not going to miss part of the movie.
Took the kids to see Incredibles 2....thought it was good 8/10. How about that short before movie? I’m still trying to explain that to my kids.

8.5 of 10.0

Before Incredibles 2 starts, Samuel L. Jackson tells the audience he knows. He knows it has been 14 years since the original movie but that the wait would be worth it.

I was worried early on. The movie's first 30 minutes seemed to drag to me as it set up the story that continues that very same day seen at the end of original movie. I was worried for nuthin'.

In my opinion, an argument can be made the sequel is better. It is definitely more cerebral. The villain has more depth in this movie than Syndrome did in my book.

I will say this BUT as a hidden spoiler :p
The fight between Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible was brief but it was BETTER than the fight between Bruce and Clark in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. And the setup for the Elastigirl/Mr. Incredible fight was more tangible than Bats/Supes.

There are no post credits scenes, just like in the original film, but there is a small treat for anyone willing to sit while the credits roll. During the movie, there is a 20 or so second scene where several characters playfully sing speak the words of Mr. Incredible and Frozone's respective hero jingles. Well, the jingles for them and Elastigirl have full lyrics and music and are sung back-to-back-to-back during the credits. No biggie but does put a smile on your face.

Next up on the 2018 movie bucket list: Ant-Man and The Wasp.
Took the kids to see Incredibles 2....thought it was good 8/10. How about that short before movie? I’m still trying to explain that to my kids.
The mother dreamed she had a son, who was a dumpling, who grew up and tried to leave her but she ate him instead of letting him up. The dream was her subconscious resentment towards her real-life son, who grew up, fell in love, and chose someone who she may not have initially accepted as her daughter-in-law. It drove a wedge between the two of them, but the short demonstrates how a mother and son's love can allow people to get beyond truly trivial personal differences.

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