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I got an interesting flick for you guys....”Upgrade”. You’ll really get a kick out of the fight scenes in that one.

4.5 of 10.0

Taraji Henson is a wonderful actor. She did not deserve Proud Mary. The film itself can thank Henson for uplifting it above a 3 in my opinion. Practically the entire plot was outlined with grey areas. For me, the brief gunfights were the best parts of the movie. And I am still deciding which were weaker characterizations--crime boss Danny Glover or the Russian mobsters.

Question for anyone who has seen or will eventually see the movie. Did The Temptations' Papa Was A Rolling Stone theme really fit the movie in your opinion? It played repeatedly enough through the movie to stick with me but made me wonder what did it really pertain to? The kids' father maybe? Perhaps. I think the producer/director thought the song would be good soundtrack material. It is but sometimes certain songs do not exactly fit a story.
Finally got around to Avengers Infinity Wars.
Have to say I was pleasantly surprised. The other Avenger movies were ok (Was a big Avenger Comic fan way back in the day) but there would only be a couple of actual areas of the movies that I liked in the past.
So If I watched them I found myself FFing to one or two fight scenes and being meh about most of the other parts of the movie(s).
This one however was the opposite. I watched it initially and liked it. The second time I watched it I think I only skipped past a couple parts at most. Like most of these movies I think there are mistakes (even when they try to explain them away)...Like vision being so easy to attack with the alien weapon and saying he could not shift. It's only one of the most important powers he has now he is rendered useless to use this power just for the sake of the movie seems lame. Also when Strange and associate can use the portals to close them and hurt opponents (like cutting the hand off of the big alien)...Why not use this more to attack Thanos or others. Thanos getting cut and saying all that work for a drop of blood...this would be more of a shocker to Thanos IMO as I doubt he has ever experienced anything like that. Thanos sacrificing his daughter that we are to believe he truly loves when one of his main parts of being a bad guy is not loving anyone and being so cold. While in Wakanda as the alien ships were falling to drop off troops, one of the ships hits the top of the shield and explodes. If the other ships land outside of the shield...why not have the shield moved a tad to destroy the other ships. Also are we to believe the shield is so powerful that it can destroy a mega ton ship falling from the sky but it can not stop a few aliens from sliding through...seems odd to me. However I will take my advice I send out to others when they have questions (nod to @iceberg) and say...it's a movie based on a comic book so stop thinking too much lol.

The Package - no not the old movie with Gene Hackman (which is a good one to watch IMO). But the one on Netflix that is a total teenage type movie with juvenile rude humor about a group of teens who go camping and a buddy winds up with a part of his body being cut from his body (not hard to guess which) and so they medivac him to a hospital and think they had the body part in ice in a cooler but wind up giving the medics the wrong cooler. So the rest of the movie is basically the teens trying to get the "package" to the right hospital so it can be reattached. It is silly, stupid and predictable...however I have to admit there were a few scenes that had me laughing even though it was silly. Someone at work was laughing about the same parts as we were talking about the movie. Not a movie to watch with young eyes, and if you can enjoy a silly movie with crude humor silly for the sake of being silly...you might like it for a few laughs. However I will say this...the first half hour is really slow (with the exception of the wifi scene, you will know when you see it) so stick with it.

The Boy - another netflix movie. Has the actress who plays Maggie from the walking dead in it. In an odd twist she plays and american moving to england to be a nanny of sorts (I say this is odd as she is an english actor who came to american to play an american in the walking dead). She winds up in this english mansion with this older married couple and she is to watch their son while they go on a vacation. Only problem is, their son, Brahms, is actually a lifesize (little boy) doll. The Couple leaves and leaves her a list of chores she has to do everyday including talking to him, playing music for him, changing his clothes in the morning and evening, tucking him into bed and so on. While she is not looking, the doll starts moving around and doing things. The movie starts off slow and is kind of slow through most of it but at the same time it kind of keeps you interested. At some point you expect the doll to start talking or doing something. The movie has the potential to become much better but they go a different route that just did not work for me. The route they went makes more sense for the movie and or reality but for me if they were going to go so far in one direction you kind of hoped they would have kept going as I think it would have actually been creepier than what they went. Worth a watch if you get bored, maybe you will like the way they went with it more than I did.

LifeForce - I thought this movie was made a few years earlier than it was. However even with that being said I still know why I initially had fond memories of it but oddly could not remember much beyond the beginning and initial plot.
It was made when I was a teen so that will play into the reasoning later.
Basic plot of the movie was a shuttle is in space and finds an alien craft. They find some huge dead alien in the ship and later they find some humans (appear to be humans) that are in some kind of crystals...including one striking lady who happens to be nude. They are taking the few bodies to the shuttle. Somehow later the shuttle goes dead so NASA sends another shuttle up to see what is going on. The first shuttle crew is gone and they find the bodies of the alien humans (mostly the naked woman) and bring her back to earth.
While in a lab in England someone goes in to examine her and the lady wakes up and kills a few people in the lab and or building all while being nude. Turns out she is basically some kind of alien Vampire that drains the..."Lifeforce" from people. After that part I just turned it off. Now I know why I thought it was good back in the day but did not remember much beyond the main plot...Back in the day as a Teen I found the healthy well put together naked lady walking around very sexy but beyond that the movie was not worth remembering too much lol.
I saw LifeForce because Steve Railsback was in it and not too many other films. He played Manson in Helter Skelter and was as scary as Manson was. I read a piece about when they were making that made for TV movie and several of his costars would not get around him when he was in character, the words "too real" were used. For that time, that was the most disturbing thing I had ever seen on TV, made all the scarier by the roles of the girls in Manson's family.
Mission Impossible: Fallout - Pretty good action. The story wasn't that great, and there wasn't as much in the way of clever twists/planning as is usually found in the series. I'd put it on part with Ghost Protocol and Rogue Nation. Three is still my favorite with it's more personal story.

The Meg - A little more serious tone than I expected. Other than that, it was pretty much what you'd expect from the trailers. A big dumb Statham movie. Mildly entertaining I guess.

Mile 22 - This was pretty blah. There is very good action...sometimes. The problem is it is combined with terrible camera work and choppy editing that keeps it from coming close to reaching it's potential. The story is a nothing burger, and the characterization is a pretty useless waste of time.

Crazy Rich Asians - Thought this was very average. Maybe slightly below. Very generic. Nothing I haven't seen done better 100 times before. A lot of it was just dull, and it was too long. I wouldn't call it a Rom-Com, but a Rom-Dram. Not really a comedy. The only humor really came from Akwafina's character and her family. Just not a movie to write home about.

My wife was harsher and more succinct. She just said it was dumb.
Mission Impossible: Fallout - Pretty good action. The story wasn't that great, and there wasn't as much in the way of clever twists/planning as is usually found in the series. I'd put it on part with Ghost Protocol and Rogue Nation. Three is still my favorite with it's more personal story.

The Meg - A little more serious tone than I expected. Other than that, it was pretty much what you'd expect from the trailers. A big dumb Statham movie. Mildly entertaining I guess.

Mile 22 - This was pretty blah. There is very good action...sometimes. The problem is it is combined with terrible camera work and choppy editing that keeps it from coming close to reaching it's potential. The story is a nothing burger, and the characterization is a pretty useless waste of time.

Crazy Rich Asians - Thought this was very average. Maybe slightly below. Very generic. Nothing I haven't seen done better 100 times before. A lot of it was just dull, and it was too long. I wouldn't call it a Rom-Com, but a Rom-Dram. Not really a comedy. The only humor really came from Akwafina's character and her family. Just not a movie to write home about.

My wife was harsher and more succinct. She just said it was dumb.
Dang Kevin, you are a true movie goer. Hell, the last thing I saw in the theater was either Dunkirk or Kong. You did not make me want to return to the theater.
Finally got around to Avengers Infinity Wars.
Have to say I was pleasantly surprised. The other Avenger movies were ok (Was a big Avenger Comic fan way back in the day) but there would only be a couple of actual areas of the movies that I liked in the past.
So If I watched them I found myself FFing to one or two fight scenes and being meh about most of the other parts of the movie(s).
This one however was the opposite. I watched it initially and liked it. The second time I watched it I think I only skipped past a couple parts at most. Like most of these movies I think there are mistakes (even when they try to explain them away)...Like vision being so easy to attack with the alien weapon and saying he could not shift. It's only one of the most important powers he has now he is rendered useless to use this power just for the sake of the movie seems lame. Also when Strange and associate can use the portals to close them and hurt opponents (like cutting the hand off of the big alien)...Why not use this more to attack Thanos or others. Thanos getting cut and saying all that work for a drop of blood...this would be more of a shocker to Thanos IMO as I doubt he has ever experienced anything like that. Thanos sacrificing his daughter that we are to believe he truly loves when one of his main parts of being a bad guy is not loving anyone and being so cold. While in Wakanda as the alien ships were falling to drop off troops, one of the ships hits the top of the shield and explodes. If the other ships land outside of the shield...why not have the shield moved a tad to destroy the other ships. Also are we to believe the shield is so powerful that it can destroy a mega ton ship falling from the sky but it can not stop a few aliens from sliding through...seems odd to me. However I will take my advice I send out to others when they have questions (nod to @iceberg) and say...it's a movie based on a comic book so stop thinking too much lol.

The Package - no not the old movie with Gene Hackman (which is a good one to watch IMO). But the one on Netflix that is a total teenage type movie with juvenile rude humor about a group of teens who go camping and a buddy winds up with a part of his body being cut from his body (not hard to guess which) and so they medivac him to a hospital and think they had the body part in ice in a cooler but wind up giving the medics the wrong cooler. So the rest of the movie is basically the teens trying to get the "package" to the right hospital so it can be reattached. It is silly, stupid and predictable...however I have to admit there were a few scenes that had me laughing even though it was silly. Someone at work was laughing about the same parts as we were talking about the movie. Not a movie to watch with young eyes, and if you can enjoy a silly movie with crude humor silly for the sake of being silly...you might like it for a few laughs. However I will say this...the first half hour is really slow (with the exception of the wifi scene, you will know when you see it) so stick with it.

The Boy - another netflix movie. Has the actress who plays Maggie from the walking dead in it. In an odd twist she plays and american moving to england to be a nanny of sorts (I say this is odd as she is an english actor who came to american to play an american in the walking dead). She winds up in this english mansion with this older married couple and she is to watch their son while they go on a vacation. Only problem is, their son, Brahms, is actually a lifesize (little boy) doll. The Couple leaves and leaves her a list of chores she has to do everyday including talking to him, playing music for him, changing his clothes in the morning and evening, tucking him into bed and so on. While she is not looking, the doll starts moving around and doing things. The movie starts off slow and is kind of slow through most of it but at the same time it kind of keeps you interested. At some point you expect the doll to start talking or doing something. The movie has the potential to become much better but they go a different route that just did not work for me. The route they went makes more sense for the movie and or reality but for me if they were going to go so far in one direction you kind of hoped they would have kept going as I think it would have actually been creepier than what they went. Worth a watch if you get bored, maybe you will like the way they went with it more than I did.

LifeForce - I thought this movie was made a few years earlier than it was. However even with that being said I still know why I initially had fond memories of it but oddly could not remember much beyond the beginning and initial plot.
It was made when I was a teen so that will play into the reasoning later.
Basic plot of the movie was a shuttle is in space and finds an alien craft. They find some huge dead alien in the ship and later they find some humans (appear to be humans) that are in some kind of crystals...including one striking lady who happens to be nude. They are taking the few bodies to the shuttle. Somehow later the shuttle goes dead so NASA sends another shuttle up to see what is going on. The first shuttle crew is gone and they find the bodies of the alien humans (mostly the naked woman) and bring her back to earth.
While in a lab in England someone goes in to examine her and the lady wakes up and kills a few people in the lab and or building all while being nude. Turns out she is basically some kind of alien Vampire that drains the..."Lifeforce" from people. After that part I just turned it off. Now I know why I thought it was good back in the day but did not remember much beyond the main plot...Back in the day as a Teen I found the healthy well put together naked lady walking around very sexy but beyond that the movie was not worth remembering too much lol.

It's cool to hear that you were also an Avengers comic fan from back in the day. I have virtually their entire first 400 issues in my basement.

I've been a big fan of the Marvel films from the beginning, and I thought Infinity War was amazing. Not without nitpicks like you mentioned, but overall an amazing piece of work. In my opinion, it should be a Best Picture contender.

I remember Lifeforce as well, and Mathilda May especially. That was Cannon Films big money foray into trying to become a big time movie studio. And it's failure was when everything started to go south for that company.
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, 7/10
I shouldn't have watched this, I don't think some of the images are going to ever leave my brain.
A Quiet Place - I think I had a few people over hype it for me as I just though it was so so. Not terrible, not great. Would have been nice to have a little more back story, even if it was just a quick newcast type video in the starting credits. Curious why they did not have some booby traps set up for the monsters (might not hurt them but possibly slow them up when needed), Use more things for a sound distraction (set up remote control cars or cell phones in places. Also, and try to do this without spoilers...at one point he picks up a pick axe that was next to a pitchfork....later instead of being without a weapon, he should have grabbed the pitchfork.

Deadpool 2 - Parts of it I liked better than the first one. When he was growing again was cracking me up. However over all I think I liked the first one better.

Father Figures - Ed Helms Owen Wilson...I only got to the part where they met bradshaw and rhames. Maybe I was just not in the mood to watch it but for whatever reason I just could not go on.
Just did not seem to do it for me. If someone else has seen it and it gets much better after that point, let me know and maybe I will give it a try again later.
Seen a couple

Unfriended:The Dark Web-Grade B-...Not a bad film,but not a great film either.

Slender Man-Grade C-...Just kind of stupid

The Meg--Grade D+...If you really just got to see a movie.
The Visit -‘15....watched that last night,boy that old woman really creeped me out. She was a darn fine actress. So for scare factor,it worked and while not a great movie,was better than typical slasher flicks.
I finally watched Deadpool 2 during the weekend. Specifically the Deadpool 2: Super Duper Cut extended version. I enjoyed it as much as the first movie. If you liked the original, see the sequel.:thumbup:
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This is bull....allll my free movie sites are gone again!! Getting real tired of the gov forcing google to delete them out of search engines,and trying to keep me from breaking federal laws. We’ll see about that....show them a thing or two about violating the US digital millennium act.
The reason I gave "The Meg" a bad grade is because the storyline and I could see this is a movie going to be geared to sell in Asia...I spent time in Japan and have traveled several countries in Asia. The one thing I do know is they they really do not like Asian women with another race of men.......(((SPOILER ALERT)))) Don't read if you gonna watch it.

The lead Jason Statham and the lead actress some Asian actress. Here in America they show they might have a love interest by saying it through the Asian woman's daughter,but they never show affection for each other,NO KISS,NO HOLDING HANDS WITH PUPPY DOG EYES,NOT EVEN A HUG,etc...Over in Asia they could easily edit the daughter seen out and no love interest is shown..... If you ever see movies geared especially for Japan,you see what I see.....Years ago Tom Selleck in "Mr. Baseball" was a big uproar over in Japan because the Asian lead actress fell in love with Selleck and even gave him a spongebath and they kissed....In "Fast n The Furious:Tokyo Drift" , they don't have a problem with the American getting the girl because she was mixed and not totally Asian.Alos Lil Bow Wow has girls smile at him,but you never see him kiss any of them. ....Grudge 2, the bad Asian schoolgirl has an American boyfriend and they are finally going to get it on at a hotel and you see she becomes nervous and scared that she shouldn't "DO IT" and stay a good Japanese girl while he was taking a shower . It doesn't matter because The Spirit gets her before they could have sex.....The latest "XXX" movie the Asian bad guys at the beginning actually become part of the good guys team.

If you ever go to Japan,you know that you kind of become a 2nd class citizen to them. In Okinowa I was in The Marines and I would go into town and say a food stand or say video arcade place where you got quarters through the cashier ,not a machine. I could be waiting there a say 2 minutes before another Japanese person showed up and every time they served them before waiting on me. Me and a Black Marine went to a bar off the beaten path in town and 2 beautiful Japanese girls at the bar and the bartender and they stared at us and did not even acknowledge us to not be there. WE WERE NOT WELCOMED....Now when we chased girls in town,they were Filapinos or Koreans,not Japanese girls.

Just watched the channel NHK (New Hong Kong News) and saw a Japanese girl and a Caucasian guy(most likely born in Japan) show as anchors and they made the Caucasian a clown,a fool. This was like a entertainment news show.
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Ha ha ha...told you I would break that gov wall!! Found my site under a new name,and back in business! Movie time it is....post a review tomorrow.

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