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I finally watched Deadpool 2 during the weekend. Specifically the Deadpool 2: Super Duper Cut extended version. I enjoyed it as much as the first movie. If you liked the original, see the sequel.:thumbup:

There have been great combinations of adapted comic book characters (on how they are actually represented in the books) and actors. Tony Stark and Robert Downey Jr. is one example of excellent pairing and on-screen presentation. The Joker and Heath Ledger were another superb combo.

I have given this a lot of thought. While Deadpool and Deadpool 2 are very good but not the best comic book movie adaptations, I think... overall... Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds may be THE best fictional and real life person duo of them all. Reynolds will never achieve the same degree of critical acclaim as Ledger or audience adoration as Downey--both of which were/are well-deserved. The Deadpool character skirts the edge of mainstream audiences' sensibilities, which influences appreciation for his (literal) hardcore hypermanic persona, but I believe Reynolds' exhibition slightly exceeds the best of the best.

Thus far, of course. I hope I have not jinxed him before he reprises the role again. :p

Edit: Before someone mentions it, I did not suggest Wolverine and Hugh Jackman but yes. I considered that particular duo as well. ;)
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There have been great combinations of adapted comic book characters (on how they are actually represented in the books) and actors. Tony Stark and Robert Downey Jr. is one example of excellent pairing and on-screen presentation. The Joker and Heath Ledger were another superb combo.

I have given this a lot of thought. While Deadpool and Deadpool 2 are very good but not the best comic book movie adaptations, I think... overall... Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds may be THE best fictional and real life person duo of them all. Reynolds will never achieve the same degree of critical acclaim as Ledger or audience adoration as Downey--both of which were/are well-deserved. The Deadpool character skirts the edge of mainstream audiences' sensibilities, which influences appreciation for his (literal) hardcore hypermanic persona, but I believe Reynolds' exhibition slightly exceeds the best of the best.

Thus far, of course. I hope I have not jinxed him before he reprises the role again. :p

Edit: Before someone mentions it, I did not suggest Wolverine and Hugh Jackman but yes. I considered that particular duo as well. ;)
I agree, can't imagine a better Deadpool and the scene with him growing his lower back half was a riot and only matched by having Leslie Uggams on the couch next to him.

Deadpool is an acquired taste and some don't know how to take the character, particularly the language. Ryan Reynolds will always be one of my favorites, he is Van Wilder.
I agree, can't imagine a better Deadpool and the scene with him growing his lower back half was a riot and only matched by having Leslie Uggams on the couch next to him.
Never thought I would live to see the day when Uggams would play a role in this kind of movie franchise. Love it.
Deadpool is an acquired taste and some don't know how to take the character, particularly the language. Ryan Reynolds will always be one of my favorites, he is Van Wilder.
People like what they like and do not like what they do not like.

That said, I believe a certain segment of the audience, who are slightly confused but find themselves somewhat enjoying Reynolds' performance, do not have a previous understanding of the Deadpool character. They *might* like the character more if they had previously read his comic book titles. It is not uncommon for some television and film audiences who 'cannot get into' certain characters adapted from literature because they do not have a prior frame of reference.

Some of Reynolds early work like Van Wilder and Blade:Trinity convinced me a long time ago that he and Deadpool would be a perfect match. It is a crime that he had not played the character years ago. Then again, I also thought he had the perfect look to flawlessly pull off Green Lantern and look where that got me. :rolleyes::D
Never thought I would live to see the day when Uggams would play a role in this kind of movie franchise. Love it.
People like what they like and do not like what they do not like.

That said, I believe a certain segment of the audience, who are slightly confused but find themselves somewhat enjoying Reynolds' performance, do not have a previous understanding of the Deadpool character. They *might* like the character more if they had previously read his comic book titles. It is not uncommon for some television and film audiences who 'cannot get into' certain characters adapted from literature because they do not have a prior frame of reference.

Some of Reynolds early work like Van Wilder and Blade:Trinity convinced me a long time ago that he and Deadpool would be a perfect match. It is a crime that he had not played the character years ago. Then again, I also thought he had the perfect look to flawlessly pull off Green Lantern and look where that got me. :rolleyes::D

I didn't think Reynolds was suitable for Green Lantern at all and I'm a Reynolds fan. He is perfect as Deadpool.

I never saw Ironman as the character RDJ portrays. I read him differently, but I do enjoy Downey's portrayal much better than the comic book version I read as a teen. I'm sure the comic book character has evolved since then and probably been adapted more to that of Downey's portrayal.
I didn't think Reynolds was suitable for Green Lantern at all and I'm a Reynolds fan. He is perfect as Deadpool.
My early hopes were that Reynolds could pull off a Hal Jordan portrayal dramatically with depth. Reynolds did look like he was virtually cut-and-pasted from the character's book but it takes more than looks to succeed. It just was not meant to be. I do not put everything on Reynolds' shoulders for why Green Lantern underperformed though.
I never saw Ironman as the character RDJ portrays. I read him differently, but I do enjoy Downey's portrayal much better than the comic book version I read as a teen. I'm sure the comic book character has evolved since then and probably been adapted more to that of Downey's portrayal.
I have enjoyed Downey's Tony Stark. I recall an alcoholic phase the character experienced decades ago but other than that I have considered it a good on-screen meshing.
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Ha ha ha...told you I would break that gov wall!! Found my site under a new name,and back in business! Movie time it is....post a review tomorrow.
You could have, you know...just paid to watch like you're suppose to.
Not happening,anymore than getting rid of my free pandora app.
Pandora is not the same. They have rights to use the content.
Well,I’m real sorry about that,guess you’ll just have to file a complaint with the feds on me.
My early hopes were that Reynolds could pull off a Hal Jordan portrayal dramatically with depth. Reynolds did look like he was virtually cut-and-pasted from the character's book but it takes more than looks to succeed. It just was not meant to be. I do not put everything on Reynolds' shoulders for why Green Lantern underperformed though.
I have enjoyed Downey's Tony Stark. I recall an alcoholic phase the character experienced decades ago but other than that I have considered it a good on-screen meshing.

Reynolds didn't have the look in my opinion. Many, including myself, thought David Boreanaz looked like Hal Jordan. I don't know if he could have pulled it off. The story just wasn't good, so it truly didn't matter who they cast.

Downey's makes me like Iron Man. I didn't like the character when I read Avengers or Iron Man. His take is different and that is a good thing.
Deadpool 2.....Morena Baccarin doesn't get naked in this one.................Stupid movie.

J/K.........Loved this movie more than the first one, and @CouchCoach , the scene on the couch was the best part of the flick!
A-...Operation Finale.....Good solid movie based on true events.
Brokedown Palace: !999 movie in which Kate Beckinsale and Claire Daines are framed for smuggling drugs and thrown in a Thai prison. Neither get naked, but it's still a very good movie. 8 out of 10