Rate the last movie you saw

Last Star Wars film:

2 The silver foxes are the ONLY reason it gets a 2. It was an awful film!
My grade was a BIT higher than a two :p but I was also disappointed with The Last Jedi. I thought the return of Mark Hamill would have been somewhere in the vicinity of epic. Instead for me, it ended up hovering around the event horizon of a black hole. :D
My grade was a BIT higher than a two :p but I was also disappointed with The Last Jedi. I thought the return of Mark Hamill would have been somewhere in the vicinity of epic. Instead for me, it ended up hovering around the event horizon of a black hole. :D

I know it's a tad harsh calling it a 2, but that's my take on that film. Like I said, the only thing that was even decent about that film were the foxes because, well, you know me lol.
I saw this movie called The Hitmans Bodyguard with Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson, I found it action packed, and entertaining, and Salma Hayek was hot as usual
Terrifier - new "horror" movie on Netflix.

This movie is a current movie but it screams low budget 70-80's horror movie that is so bad and campy that it could be a movie that becomes a cult classic by turning it into a drinking game.
It truly is bad
My grade was a BIT higher than a two :p but I was also disappointed with The Last Jedi. I thought the return of Mark Hamill would have been somewhere in the vicinity of epic. Instead for me, it ended up hovering around the event horizon of a black hole. :D
As soon as Luke threw the light saber over his shoulder, I thought oh boy they're going in this direction, this is going to suck. I was expecting an epic battle between he and snoke, instead he gets force sabred by a cut rate wanna be Vader
Terrifier - new "horror" movie on Netflix.

This movie is a current movie but it screams low budget 70-80's horror movie that is so bad and campy that it could be a movie that becomes a cult classic by turning it into a drinking game.
It truly is bad

Really gory though. It had some good moments. I've never seen someone sawed in half lengthwise before.
Downshifted back into the dirty 30’s.
Little Caesar -‘31
Public Enemy -‘31
I always view these as a double header. They’re favs of mine. Just drop me off in a WBs backlot alley during that time....any old gangster flick will do.

Now here’s one I really like that isn’t well known.
The Sea Wolf. -41
Edward G.Robinson plays such a dirty low down rotten scoundrel in this...hilarious. Love that guy.
Just for Fun -- with the 1 year Anniversary coming up . . .

I didn’t like this that much. It should have been better,and could have been. Had some cool scenes though...that fight in the waves? Awesome. And I MUST have that holographic companion “Joi”!!! My future depends on her!!!
I didn’t like this that much. It should have been better,and could have been. Had some cool scenes though...that fight in the waves? Awesome. And I MUST have that holographic companion “Joi”!!! My future depends on her!!!

I hope your satisfied with our product.
This week I saw:

Juliet, Naked
The Predator

Tomorrow night I'll be seeing A Simple Favor
Seeing White Boy Rick this weekend. Looks good. The story at least. I hope it delivers.
Seeing White Boy Rick this weekend. Looks good. The story at least. I hope it delivers.
Be sure to give a review. I am curious what the premise is, even though the preview says it is based on a true story. All I know is every time I see a trailer of the movie, I ask myself, "Who and what the heck is What Boy Rick???" :laugh:
Be sure to give a review. I am curious what the premise is, even though the preview says it is based on a true story. All I know is every time I see a trailer of the movie, I ask myself, "Who and what the heck is What Boy Rick???" :laugh:
I will certainly let the thread know of my take on it, DE.

It's a true story of a kingpin drug dealer, who happens to be a 15 (I believe) year old boy. His rise, ascension, and downfall (I assume). Hoping for something similar to Catch Me If You Can, but I doubt it will be made like that. Excited, nonetheless.
This week I saw:

Juliet, Naked
The Predator

Tomorrow night I'll be seeing A Simple Favor
The Predator looks too CGI'd up. Wouldn't you think with an unlimited imagination, they could come up with a new creature? The original was damned good, this didn't need a remake.
The Predator looks too CGI'd up. Wouldn't you think with an unlimited imagination, they could come up with a new creature? The original was damned good, this didn't need a remake.

It's a sequel (thought doesn't really rely much on the others), not a remake.

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