Rate the last movie you saw

I wish the sub titles matched the lines quicker...or better yet,I knew the language. I don’t think I’ll like those ones though.
Ya want me to read? Write a book. Ya want me to watch? Make a movie. Ya want me to read and watch? Make porn so I don't have to read.
Ya want me to read? Write a book. Ya want me to watch? Make a movie. Ya want me to read and watch? Make porn so I don't have to read.
Well I highly doubt most people would like subtitled films. I get that CC. I watch lots of stuff though...silent films,to Asian cinema,to regular commercial flicks.
Downshifted back into the dirty 30’s.
Little Caesar -‘31
Public Enemy -‘31
I always view these as a double header. They’re favs of mine. Just drop me off in a WBs backlot alley during that time....any old gangster flick will do.

Now here’s one I really like that isn’t well known.
The Sea Wolf. -41
Edward G.Robinson plays such a dirty low down rotten scoundrel in this...hilarious. Love that guy.
Edward G. was always my fav. gangster
Deadpool 2 - 7/10 I haven't watched a movie in a long time, but I finally got around to seeing this. I liked it but not as much as the original and it's only because the original was, well, "original". Lots of the same campiness of the first (which I loved both times), but the fight scenes seemed to last forever and there were too many IMO. I will watch it again, and if I want to see it again then I think it's a good movie.
Gosh I haven't watched an adult movie in a long time. All I watch is kids movies with the lil ones. I've watched all the cars movies on repeat for a long time now. And mater's tall tales. I gotta say. They do add a lot of adult humor in these animated cartoons that will go right over kids heads but we adults appreciate them.
Edward G. was always my fav. gangster
Heck yeah,”Rico Bandello” was it alright. I sit there laughing at his angry phone call to the “coppers” at the end. And in Key Largo as “Rocco”...I love watching him count the money on the bar in that. Wish he could have played more straight gangster films. I liked him in Film Noirs too. That famous scene of dialog he does in Double Indemnity is masterful. One take...nailed it.
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I didn’t think it was Mummy bad, but I was expecting some groundbreaking stuff based off of the hype it initially got. I was expecting The Dark Knight levels of superhero badassness based off of what I was seeing and hearing. I left the theater disappointed.

I just rewatched it, and I think it was entertaining, and I don’t wanna drag race into it, but I think that finally having an awesome black superhero is overdue, especially for young boys to look up to; kids all do now. In that way, I think it did its job exceptionally well. I’m glad the movie was made.

But as far as quality goes? I’ve seen better superhero movies in the Marvel universe. The CGI was great, I think Chadwick played a good lead role, and it had some cool battle scenes, and that cool car chase at the start. I think the concept of it taking place in somewhere dope like Africa instead of another generic New York or Hollywood super hero is cool too. And I think Kendrick Lamar nailed the soundtrack. The concept was unique, but it could have been better.

That’s all it did for me. 5.5/10.

What do you mean, finally? Blade is like 20 years old and much more awesome than BP.
Downshifted back into the dirty 30’s.
Little Caesar -‘31
Public Enemy -‘31
I always view these as a double header. They’re favs of mine. Just drop me off in a WBs backlot alley during that time....any old gangster flick will do.

Now here’s one I really like that isn’t well known.
The Sea Wolf. -41
Edward G.Robinson plays such a dirty low down rotten scoundrel in this...hilarious. Love that guy.

Have you ever seen "Our Vines Have Tender Grapes"?
Eddy G plays a Wisconsin dairy farmer
Way out of character
Really good family movie.
Saw "The Nun" hoping it would be scary,but it was stupid. D+..

Spoiler Alert******Don't read below here

It seemed like I was in a Haunted House, basically "Don't look in that dark corner"!! and of course it comes out of the dark corner. Basically jump out and surprise you stuff.

[MODERATOR EDIT] Site Tip: Type [ spoiler ] <comment> [ /spoiler ] and remove the spaces and less/greater signs to hide information within your message that can be accessed by anyone wanting to read it by simply clicking on the spoiler button.

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I think it shows a divergence between critics and audiences (though I have seen much larger differences).
There is generally a divergence between paid critics and audience grading, mostly because paid critics' reviews are summarily static in nature (e.g. limited number of applicable reviews) and audience polling is perpetually fluid since the latter is fueled by an undetermined number of tabulated final opinions. It is the reason why sites like Rotten Tomatoes publishes an (usual) unchanging group paid critics summation, while the audience's overall judgment wavers as more opinions are provided. If memory serves, Rotten Tomatoes' initial audience rating was higher than paid critics' but has gradually decreased over time. Meanwhile, the paid critics' rating remains virtually unchanged since the film debuted.

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