Rate the last movie you saw

Finally caught Black Panther and do not get all the raves about it. I thought Andy Serkis was completely over the top (he's a supporting actor at best) and in it too much and the acting was really mediocre from some actors I consider better than that.

To each their own which is why I seldom pay any attention to critics. And most of the Oscar winners throughout history I disagreed with so why let anyone else's opinion sway me unless I know them and their tastes.

I just watched Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and I liked it but then again it was exactly what I expected, dinos munching on humans. I didn't buy it to watch herbivores chewing leaves. My only issue is how about doing one of these R rated and really show some chowing down with more blood and nasty organs in between teeth, reminding me to floss regularly.
WAtched TAg last night. Oh Man was it bad. Really bad. Just stupid bad. I know it was based on a true story and I hope the true story was better than this garbage. Not a good movie at all.
Took a flier on a Redbox movie this weekend called Upgrade. Was pleasantly surprised!!!! Thought it was really well done for a movie that flew under the box office radar. Makes you think a little bit about our future as well, where humans and technology will begin to blur.
Angel - Movie on Netflix about someone being a spy with ties to the Egyptian government during the time Sadat went from VP to President.
Only watched about an hour of it. It was not bad by any means but it was a tad slow. Just was not in the mood for a slower moving plot kind of movie so I turned to something else.
Probably will finish it later.

SOLO - Some hated it, some loved it...I liked it. It might not have some of the great scenes, plots or so on of some other Star Wars movies, however at the same time it was one of the first (of the newer star war movies) that
did not make me think...man this movie is long is it ever going to end. Although this one was over 2 hours it was a fast two hours for me. I enjoyed the back story of how some characters met, how they got the M.Falcon, how it looked a little different to start with and how it come to look like the Falcon we know. I don't know if the box office let down for the movie will kill any possible sequels but I would like to see more with a young Han and Chewie.

4.25 of 10.00

For what it's worth, Extinction has a really good plot twist. Other than that, the movie delivers some fairly cardboard performances. Michael Pena seemed completely miscast as the father and husband. There was virtually zero chemistry between Lizzy Caplan, the kids and him. Even Pena's 'I know something is wrong even though no one believes me' lacked suspense. The 90 minutes drags but it does have a fair ending.

However, this movie is right up your alley if you are into films with a child or children character(s) who make you want to roll your eyes or yell at them.
without the boost from the plant, he was pretty easily defeated by an ordinary human.

I agree BP wasn't the best marvel film, but that is a funny criticism to me. Like the Hulk would fair well without a boost from Gamma Radiation, or Iron Man without his suit, Spiderman without a boost from a radioactive Spider...
This weekend I saw:

The House with a Clock in its Walls
Action Point
I watched Solo last night. Was presently surprised, I thought it was going to be the second terrible thing I watched that day. Not so. 7/10
I agree BP wasn't the best marvel film, but that is a funny criticism to me. Like the Hulk would fair well without a boost from Gamma Radiation, or Iron Man without his suit, Spiderman without a boost from a radioactive Spider...
  • Captain America without the super-soldier serum (98 pound weakling)
  • Thor, stripped of his demi-godhood by Odin (The Destroyer backhanded him into next week)
  • Ant-Man and The Wasp cannot shrink or grow without Pym particles and that is before omitting their suits
  • Gamora would have died in the vacuum of space if Star-Lord did not have his all-purpose helmet gadget
  • Doctor Strange could not be the Sorcerer Supreme without, well, sorcery
  • Scarlet Witch would still be the best-looking Olsen sister without her hex powers.
Could continue what you started but your point was well-made before I butted in. Just solely sticking with the MCU theme, one could elevate Hawkeye or Black Widow as two examples of a small contingent of heroes without a special ability or technology crutch. Both are excellent hand-to-hand fighters. Natasha is a world class spy. Clint would still be deadly with ordinary bow and arrows.

Could get really interesting if we expanded outside the MCU. Wolverine is super deadly as is but his adamantium (sp?) makes him the perfect killing machine. Logan calling Xavier 'Wheels' would be fitting if the Professor did not have telepathy. Jump over to DC. Kal-El would be just another Joe Six-Pack Kryptonian if he lived under a red sun. :p
I agree BP wasn't the best marvel film, but that is a funny criticism to me. Like the Hulk would fair well without a boost from Gamma Radiation, or Iron Man without his suit, Spiderman without a boost from a radioactive Spider...
But they weren't chosen to be superheroes, or king of a country.
  • Captain America without the super-soldier serum (98 pound weakling)
  • Thor, stripped of his demi-godhood by Odin (The Destroyer backhanded him into next week)
  • Ant-Man and The Wasp cannot shrink or grow without Pym particles and that is before omitting their suits
  • Gamora would have died in the vacuum of space if Star-Lord did not have his all-purpose helmet gadget
  • Doctor Strange could not be the Sorcerer Supreme without, well, sorcery
  • Scarlet Witch would still be the best-looking Olsen sister without her hex powers.
Could continue what you started but your point was well-made before I butted in. Just solely sticking with the MCU theme, one could elevate Hawkeye or Black Widow as two examples of a small contingent of heroes without a special ability or technology crutch. Both are excellent hand-to-hand fighters. Natasha is a world class spy. Clint would still be deadly with ordinary bow and arrows.

Could get really interesting if we expanded outside the MCU. Wolverine is super deadly as is but his adamantium (sp?) makes him the perfect killing machine. Logan calling Xavier 'Wheels' would be fitting if the Professor did not have telepathy. Jump over to DC. Kal-El would be just another Joe Six-Pack Kryptonian if he lived under a red sun. :p
See above reply. With the exception of Captain America, who was chosen by one man, because of his character alone, none of the others were selected to be superheroes.
Took a flier on a Redbox movie this weekend called Upgrade. Was pleasantly surprised!!!! Thought it was really well done for a movie that flew under the box office radar. Makes you think a little bit about our future as well, where humans and technology will begin to blur.
Yeah,I posted about that. I thought it was a interesting movie. The fighting was a trip!!
See above reply. With the exception of Captain America, who was chosen by one man, because of his character alone, none of the others were selected to be superheroes.
Not sure of the relevance...

Practically every fictional comic book character, who becomes a superhero or villain, is plotted to achieve a specific distinction through a multitude of ways. Why would the circumstances matter how a character is given a particular label if the label is applicable to the character?
Not sure of the relevance...

Practically every fictional comic book character, who becomes a superhero or villain, is plotted to achieve a specific distinction through a multitude of ways. Why would the circumstances matter how a character is given a particular label if the label is applicable to the character?
My point is that, in choosing a superhero/king, one would expect that person to be the wisest, strongest, or in some way the best choice for the job. He clearly wasn't the wisest, as he made emotionally based decisions. He clearly wasn't the strongest, as he got his butt handed to him rather easily. Birthright was his claim to the throne, but what justified the decision to make him Black Panther?
My point is that, in choosing a superhero/king, one would expect that person to be the wisest, strongest, or in some way the best choice for the job. He clearly wasn't the wisest, as he made emotionally based decisions. He clearly wasn't the strongest, as he got his butt handed to him rather easily. Birthright was his claim to the throne, but what justified the decision to make him Black Panther?

Just like any monarchy, but during the ceremony anyone can challenge him (and did)/ He defeated the leader of that other tribe.
My point is that, in choosing a superhero/king, one would expect that person to be the wisest, strongest, or in some way the best choice for the job. He clearly wasn't the wisest, as he made emotionally based decisions. He clearly wasn't the strongest, as he got his butt handed to him rather easily. Birthright was his claim to the throne, but what justified the decision to make him Black Panther?

Fiction is often reflective of writers' individual worldview. Throughout its nearly 60-year history, Marvel Comics has practically specialized in the creation of flawed characters.

Black Panther is not an exception of Marvel's philosophy. Thousands of years of human history has birthed monarchs who are not the wisest, strongest, best qualified, etc. I would agree with you that T'Challa is flawed in these areas but would also point out that one would be hard pressed to find another character under the Marvel banner who is not similarly flawed--whether they be royalty or not. Take Thor for example--heir to throne of Asgard. Thor is flawed but strives to not only be a capable successor to Odin but also protector of Midgard.

Similarly, T'Challa's case may be just as simple to explain. He is his father's successor, who was regarded as a strong and powerful Black Panther in his own right but we, the movie audience, learned was self-confessed as a very flawed king himself. In either case, the mantle of Black Panther is handed down much like any other royal succession, with the component of combat being a variable.

4.25 of 10.00

For what it's worth, Extinction has a really good plot twist. Other than that, the movie delivers some fairly cardboard performances. Michael Pena seemed completely miscast as the father and husband. There was virtually zero chemistry between Lizzy Caplan, the kids and him. Even Pena's 'I know something is wrong even though no one believes me' lacked suspense. The 90 minutes drags but it does have a fair ending.

However, this movie is right up your alley if you are into films with a child or children character(s) who make you want to roll your eyes or yell at them.
I watched 3/4 of this and bailed. What could have been a good movie turned into another low budget lifeless escape the aliens flick. Having a score,and big explosion sounds to go with a lot of scenes would have helped too.

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