Rate the last movie you saw

I just watched the movie Geostorm and I feel dumber for watching it. That is a hour and 49 minutes of my life I will never get back. I rate this a solid F------
You had to do it huh? I always passed it...had some awful ratings I see.
Can't review. Not sure what opinions are allowed and won't be deleted.
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I cannot say. It is HIGHLY classified. One word could get someone KILLED! For instance, if someone posted a link to the site rules...

Waitasec. I posted a link to the full site rules??? OMG! @Reality will KILL me! Wait! There is a knock at my door. Hello? Reality! How are you doing big guy? Wassssssssssup <BANG!>
Darkest Hour 8/10. I watched this movie thinking the movie was about how England lived through the War with Churchill's leadership. Turns out the movie dealt with his first month or two after he became Prime Minister. It was extremely enjoyable to me and it further cemented my admiration of Gary Oldman as one of the greatest actors in my lifetime. I cannot think of a movie where he didn't disappoint (True Romance being my favorite). While watching the movie I knew there were probably lots of liberties taken with historical truth. I researched it and naturally there were multiple instances of history being "stretched" to fit a narrative, but it still didn't deter my enjoyment of the movie.

I read there are reports of a sequel to this movie dealing with the Yalta conference. Since there is so much history and controversy of that conference I foresee a movie that would be riveting if it comes to fruition.
Darkest Hour 8/10. I watched this movie thinking the movie was about how England lived through the War with Churchill's leadership. Turns out the movie dealt with his first month or two after he became Prime Minister. It was extremely enjoyable to me and it further cemented my admiration of Gary Oldman as one of the greatest actors in my lifetime. I cannot think of a movie where he didn't disappoint (True Romance being my favorite). While watching the movie I knew there were probably lots of liberties taken with historical truth. I researched it and naturally there were multiple instances of history being "stretched" to fit a narrative, but it still didn't deter my enjoyment of the movie.

I read there are reports of a sequel to this movie dealing with the Yalta conference. Since there is so much history and controversy of that conference I foresee a movie that would be riveting if it comes to fruition.
Yeah I’ve seen that. It was pretty good.
Darkest Hour 8/10. I watched this movie thinking the movie was about how England lived through the War with Churchill's leadership. Turns out the movie dealt with his first month or two after he became Prime Minister. It was extremely enjoyable to me and it further cemented my admiration of Gary Oldman as one of the greatest actors in my lifetime. I cannot think of a movie where he didn't disappoint (True Romance being my favorite). While watching the movie I knew there were probably lots of liberties taken with historical truth. I researched it and naturally there were multiple instances of history being "stretched" to fit a narrative, but it still didn't deter my enjoyment of the movie.

I read there are reports of a sequel to this movie dealing with the Yalta conference. Since there is so much history and controversy of that conference I foresee a movie that would be riveting if it comes to fruition.
It was very well done as were the other biopics on Churchill with Albert Finney doing a good job in The Gathering Storm and Brian Cox was pretty good as well in Churchill as was Brendan Gleeson in Into the Storm. Oldman deserved to win the Oscar for his portrayal but I thought he was better than the movie.

It is fascinating how many movies have been made about Churchill and Hitler and so few about the other participants in WWII.
Can't review. Not sure what opinions are allowed and won't be deleted.
You are the resident movie attendee here and should give your reviews. Nobody here hits the flicks like you do. I don't know how reviewing movies could break any rules Step on out there Kevin, we've got your back.

(Later overheard between two posters. "Shame about Kevin" "Who's Kevin?".)

It's a space flick with Sandra Bullock & that one dude whose name escapes me , prolly cuz' he's never really been that memorable of an actor to begin with,anyway ,off in the distance something goes "KA-BOOM" and a bunch of debris is hurtling their way in a high velocity shotgun pattern of killer space ejaculate and it decimated the orbital station they were,,,er,,, stationed on, of which they were conveniently on the outside of working on when the catastrophe blew thru,,,
MELON FEUDIAN grade for rainy day repeat viewing,,, 6/10

come on, melon feud,george Clooney was pretty memorable as ne'er-do-well Ulysses Everett McGill in 'O Brother...'. One of my all-time favorite movies.
come on, melon feud,george Clooney was pretty memorable as ne'er-do-well Ulysses Everett McGill in 'O Brother...'. One of my all-time favorite movies.
(" ya,well,,,you've nailed my hide to the wall of the barn on that one,Friend") Yes,and to be honest,, ,I was pretty much flabbergasted In the witnessing of that rendered theatrical performance he'd turned in making that flick,,, a most uplifting and immediate buildup of his fan following couldn't have been overtly conducted with an unlimited budget,,,but ,,,knowing he's just another " better than thou Hollywood A-hole Clan-member" makes it easy to overlook his ,,,what I've deemed of this centuries best endeavor turned in by him,,while,that Dusk till DAWN with Harvey Keitel and Quentin Tarantino was about the first time I'd ever even registered him on my movie actor radaro_O
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(" ya,well,,,you've nailed my hide to the wall of the barn on that one,Friend") Yes,and to be honest,, ,I was pretty much flabbergasted In the witnessing of that rendered theatrical performance he'd turned in making that flick,,, a most uplifting and immediate buildup of his fan following couldn't have been overtly conducted with an unlimited budget,,,but ,,,knowing he's just another " better than you Hollywood A-hole Clan-member" makes it easy to overlook his ,,,what I've deemed of this centuries best endeavor turned in by him,,while,that Dusk till DAWN with Harvey Keitel and Quentin Tarantino was about the first time I'd ever even registered him on my movie actor radaro_O

Pass me the Dapper Dan while I attempt to digest your most recent post, Melon.

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