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Great movie!

Went to see it twice when it opened.

I can remember the "uproar" when the movie was released because it "romanticized" gang violence, which seems kinda comical today.

I suggest reading the book by Sol Yurick. Some interesting differences.
At least those gangs took care of business the old fashion way
Watched Extraction 2 tonight. About the same as the first one, which doesn't sound like a compliment, but it is. Very intense, from start to finish, never knowing who's gonna die or what's gonna happen next. I think Hemsworth is made for this role even more than Thor.

I give the flick a 7.5/10
Revisited Uncle Buck tonight. Just an absolute classic. I miss John Candy. Guy was such a cinematic treasure. I've read that he was a great guy off screen too.
I read where director's liked for him to improvise, guess from his days on Second City, in some parts of the films. In Home Alone, that entire story about his son he tells in the back of the truck was totally ad-libbed and Katherine O'Hara deserved applause for keeping it together while he told that story.

I loved him because he was a funny man that could shift to sad face in a minute and his portrayal of Del Griffith in "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" was one for the ages, I need that fix to start the holidays each year.
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Hotel Artemis Meh Ok action flick of sorts but could have been so much better.

Monstrous Not much of a horror movie however it did have a nice twist of an ending.
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.

I don't understand what the hype was all about. It was okay, but much of it was just stupid. They took idiotic universes and tried to make them something you'd get emotional about.

Yep, seen it twice and just don't get it. 6.5 is pretty accurate rating.
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.

I don't understand what the hype was all about. It was okay, but much of it was just stupid. They took idiotic universes and tried to make them something you'd get emotional about.

I thought it had a "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" vibe to it, just not as much fun.
My grandson is a huge Sylvester Stallone fan and his favorite movie of course is Rocky. We were in teh car last week listening to Joe Rogans podcast and Rogan was talking about CopLands a Stallone movie my grandson and I had never seen. So we watched it Saturday night and I have to admit it was really good. It may have been Stallones best movie. Of course toward the end when he was taking on the bad guys I am thinking, this is no problem. Stallone can defeat the Vietcong and Russian armies. He would take care of these guys with his eyes closed. Very good movie. 7.5 out of ten. Or as my grandson would say, 'That Movie was fire" ...which I think means it's good.
My grandson is a huge Sylvester Stallone fan and his favorite movie of course is Rocky. We were in teh car last week listening to Joe Rogans podcast and Rogan was talking about CopLands a Stallone movie my grandson and I had never seen. So we watched it Saturday night and I have to admit it was really good. It may have been Stallones best movie. Of course toward the end when he was taking on the bad guys I am thinking, this is no problem. Stallone can defeat the Vietcong and Russian armies. He would take care of these guys with his eyes closed. Very good movie. 7.5 out of ten. Or as my grandson would say, 'That Movie was fire" ...which I think means it's good.
His best acted movie and a hell of a cast.
My grandson is a huge Sylvester Stallone fan and his favorite movie of course is Rocky. We were in teh car last week listening to Joe Rogans podcast and Rogan was talking about CopLands a Stallone movie my grandson and I had never seen. So we watched it Saturday night and I have to admit it was really good. It may have been Stallones best movie. Of course toward the end when he was taking on the bad guys I am thinking, this is no problem. Stallone can defeat the Vietcong and Russian armies. He would take care of these guys with his eyes closed. Very good movie. 7.5 out of ten. Or as my grandson would say, 'That Movie was fire" ...which I think means it's good.
Definitely his best movie.
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.

I don't understand what the hype was all about. It was okay, but much of it was just stupid. They took idiotic universes and tried to make them something you'd get emotional about.

Watched this last night. Meh. I read about how great this movie was and how some people were crying at the end, so maybe my expectations were high, but it just didn't resonate with me.
We saw the new Mission Impossible movie earlier this week. The story line leverages the threat of AI taking over the world. Lot's of good action scenes.

Fairly typical of the Tom Cruise MI movies. Really liked the Haley Atwell role.

Good news/bad news: this is part 1 of a 2 parter.

Bottom line: if you like MI, you'll probably like this movie 7/10.

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