Rate the last movie you saw


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Asteroid City. You have to love low-key humor to enjoy it, but I did.
Very quirky, I kept waiting for the "fireworks" to start, but
they never did. At the end though, I walked out thinking I spent my time and money well...


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"The Big Short" with Christian Bale and Steve Carrell. I think Bale is a really good actor but he might have been a little too over the top in this one.

The movie is about the housing bubble and financial collapse in 2007. It actually starts out doing a pretty good job explaining some of the details about how we got to where we got in 2007. I was working for one of the major NY banks at the time of the collapse so I had a front row seat to what happened before, during and after the crisis.

The movie does show how many people in different businesses played a role in the crisis, including the government agencies who spent more time and energy auditing entitlement review processes (my comment, not from the movie) than the risky financial products that were involved in the crisis. . But the focus was on how a few bankers, including Bale, foresaw the real estate bubble and looked to short real-estate securities to make huge amounts of money when the bubble burst. It is all very interesting.

The movie does not really cover everything. For example, it didn't really get into the companies like AIG that insured much of the debt but when the crisis hit did not have enough cash to pay the banks what was insured. It also didn't get into the role Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac played in pushing small mortgage banks to make risky loans. What many people do not realize is that the big banks never made subprime loans. They bought them from the mortgage banks which pumped out bad loans and sold them quickly to avoid having to keep capital on reserve. The big banks were stupid and greedy because the did not review what they were buying. I can tell you where I worked there were probably about 5 to 10 people in the entire company that had a management role in securitized loans, swaps, and CDOs. After the crisis, they were all fired, some with no severance packages. Those of us who had nothing to do with what happened lost our 401ks, bonuses, had salaries frozen for several years, and many others lost their jobs. Those big bad banks are made up of a lot of little people too.

The entire disaster was way more complicated than the movie could cover, and so were the problems that resulted. Still it is an interesting movie from the perspective of a few smart guys who saw the bubble early and were looking for a way to exploit it for even more money. Even though the crisis seems to be in the rear view mirror for a while now the movie does ring a few bells.

I give it a 6.5 out of 10. I would have given it a higher rating but the writers got lazy at the end with the "no one went to prison" narrative, except one little guy. I am not going to say what happened was fair, but the circumstances were way more complicated than just throwing people in prison, especially since the ratings agencies failed to do their jobs, and the government agencies green lighted a lot of what happened. No one in particular was to blame, but everyone was to blame.


It's all in the reflexes
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The Northman

I've been wanting to watch this movie for a long time and finally watched it last week. It was kind of a let down, mostly due to me coming into this flic believing it to be more of a "Valhalla Rising" type theme.... but it turned out to be more of a Hamlet meets Conan the Barbarian type flic. Not a bad movie, but was not what I was expecting after all of this time waiting to see it. 6.5/10


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The Commuter

This was a pretty standard Liam Neeson action thriller. In this one, he plays an ex-cop turned insurance salesman that after a bad day at work gets involved in a conspiracy on the train during his commute back home and has to use his "particular set of skills" to try and save the day. This movie is about as "Liam Neeson" as it gets, but still entertaining for what it is and has a pretty good cast. 7/10

Godzilla Minus One

I liked this one, had an old school creature feature vibe to it. Takes place in the 1940's-50's and the first contact with Godzilla, Godzilla as the villain and not guardian for humankind, there's no trying to befriend Godzilla in this one. There's a couple issues here and there, but this is about a gigantic lizard with a death ray that lives deep within the earth, I think I can suspend some belief on the other stuff.......lol. I liked it for what it was and liked this one more than the latest Godzilla vs Kong movie. 8/10


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan

While it's not the best movie I've ever seen, it wasn't nearly as bad as many make it out to be.

I think JLo did a good job with what she had to work with. Some say she overacted, but I think it was more the writing and/or directing that made it seem like it.

Overall, I give it a 6/10


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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I saw the TV Glow - Well I seen some reviews where people loved it. Not sure if it was from a book or not. I just kept trying to get into it, kept waiting for it to get better. After about forty minutes or so I just gave up on it. Maybe I turned it off too soon and it paid off later. Thought the acting, directing and the story line was bad and boring. I could not make it to whatever pay off it might have offered in the end.

Serenity - No, not the movie from the series Firefly. Per IMDB
Baker Dill (Matthew McConaughey) is a fishing boat captain leading tours off a tranquil, tropical enclave called Plymouth Island. His quiet life is shattered, however, when his ex-wife Karen (Anne Hathaway) tracks him down with a desperate plea for help. She begs Dill to save her - and their young son - from her new, violent husband (Jason Clarke) by taking him out to sea on a fishing excursion, only to throw him to the sharks and leave him for dead. Karen's appearance thrusts Dill back into a life he'd tried to forget, and as he struggles between right and wrong, his world is plunged into a new reality that may not be all that it seems.

Not a bad movie. Never heard of it before so no expectations going in. Some of it is predictable but overall not a bad movie for what it was.