Rate the last movie you saw

It is ok but frankly another movie that has a similar, to a degree, plot that I like better is...

Land of Bad - I really enjoyed this one!! It had a good mix of suspense, drama, and adrenaline-pumping moments. If you like action war movies, check this one out.

It's currently on Netflix, for those that have that service.

On Prime, it's a star studded cast of voice actors. A pretty cute story... sometimes predictable, but still entertaining.

Hearing Louis Gossett Jr.'s voice made me a little emotional, I must admit. I didn't realize it was him, at first, because it wasn't his usual style. But he was fantastic.

I give the movie a 7/10, even though many of the roles could have been played by anyone, for as much as you heard them.
Seven Samurai
The legendary classic by Akira Kurosawa. I had seen bits and pieces and clips over the years, but finally decided to sit and watch the entire movie, all 3.5 hours of it. It's a great movie and a classic for a reason, Kurosawa was a master filmaker. It's one of those movies, even if you've never seen it, you've seen it because the story has been told and reimagined countless times over the years in different settings and genres. It's a familiar story that continues to influence filmakers to this day, movies like "The Magnificent Seven", Star Wars and more recently "Rebel Moon" were influenced by this movie. 10/10

Zatoichi Blind Swordsman Movies
It's taken a year, but finally watched all 25, yep 25, of the original series of Zatoichi movies. These were a series of movies starting in the early 1960's to early-mid 1970's, starting in black and white to color movies. Zatoichi is a blind yakuza that wanders the Japanese country side, with a bounty on his head and works as a traveling massuer and gambler. He's got mad skills and will flash them at times to deter a fight. He doesn't use a katana, but uses a cane sword and when he does fight, the fights are quick, no long drawn out battles here, few last longer than the time it takes to draw his sword. Some of the deaths are over the top and exaggerated, but the sword play is top notch, even today.

All the movies are pretty much stand alones and does have a lot of reoccuring themes. Even though, he considers himself a yakuza or gangster, he does have a code, he doesn't harm or take advantage of the innocent or weak only others that live the yakuza life or those seeking to claim the bounty. He commonly defends the weak, young or powerless and does not like bullies. There's a fair bit of humor mixed in, a lot of fancy sword play and a fun watch. Each movie is around 1.5 hrs, so fairly quick watches. I found all the movies, as well as "Seven Samurai" for free at The Internet Archives and all pretty good quality. 8.5/10
Wow, someone else remembers the Zatoichi movies! Donnie Yen's character in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is in part a homage to the Zatoichi character.

I was flipping through channels and hit the public channel on the TV back in the day, and the beginning of Seven Samurai. I was curious and watched...then 3 1/2 hours later was blown away by the film. i didn't know it at the time, but it was my introduction to Akira Kurosawa. Ran, The Shadow Fortress, Kagemusha, Rashomon, all fantastic films.

Another film I would recommend in that vein is Ame Agaru (After the Rain). It is based on Kurosawa's last script and was directed by a former director whom he worked with for many years. The martial arts action is not over the top, and I've been told fully authentic by two Japanese men/martial artists I met while on vacation overseas.

If you liked Twister, you'll like this one. It has ALOT of the same story elements as the first one. Just changed up a little.

I do think this one that plays better in the theater or atleast with a legit set up at home. The roar of the tornados are just as much of the experience as the visuals are.

Cast was great
Storms were great

Fun time at the movies

Solid 8/10
Possibly another example of having high expectations that can't be met.

Interstellar - Always has high ratings and tops in many lists of great movies.
I found it too long, a little too slow and just did not live up the expectations I had.

Finally got around to watching it and found myself on a few occasions seeing how much time was left in the movie.

Was really hoping I would love it. Been on a bit of a Sci Fi movie run of late and this one again had good ratings..
Just a let down.

Don't get me wrong, the acting and directing were good. But it was just a little too slow and long.
Possibly another example of having high expectations that can't be met.

Interstellar - Always has high ratings and tops in many lists of great movies.
I found it too long, a little too slow and just did not live up the expectations I had.

Finally got around to watching it and found myself on a few occasions seeing how much time was left in the movie.

Was really hoping I would love it. Been on a bit of a Sci Fi movie run of late and this one again had good ratings..
Just a let down.

Don't get me wrong, the acting and directing were good. But it was just a little too slow and long.
I agree. I was disappointed and don’t understand the hype this film often gets.

If you liked Twister, you'll like this one. It has ALOT of the same story elements as the first one. Just changed up a little.

I do think this one that plays better in the theater or atleast with a legit set up at home. The roar of the tornados are just as much of the experience as the visuals are.

Cast was great
Storms were great

Fun time at the movies

Solid 8/10
I was just talking with my wife yesterday about how long it's been since we've been to a movie (at a theater). Sounds like this one could be a good one to get us out again.
Dang, I loved Interstellar. It wasn't faced paced, but it had a lot of good qualities. The science behind it was accurate (well, except for the Black Hole. We're not sure what happens inside a black hole, but fun idea of being in a tesseract!). I loved it's exploration of human themes (does love transcend space and time to help push the human spirit to achieve the extraordinary), and the complex storyline (the concept of time dilation, and how time might be an illusion with how the past, present, and future could all exist simultaneously).

I don't know, I'm a big space nerd and giant fan of Christopher Nolan, so it could just be that I'm being a homer here, but I enjoyed that movie.
Dang, I loved Interstellar. It wasn't faced paced, but it had a lot of good qualities. The science behind it was accurate (well, except for the Black Hole. We're not sure what happens inside a black hole, but fun idea of being in a tesseract!). I loved it's exploration of human themes (does love transcend space and time to help push the human spirit to achieve the extraordinary), and the complex storyline (the concept of time dilation, and how time might be an illusion with how the past, present, and future could all exist simultaneously).

I don't know, I'm a big space nerd and giant fan of Christopher Nolan, so it could just be that I'm being a homer here, but I enjoyed that movie.
I’m a big Nolan fan as well, but there are a few of his films that are misses for me. Interstellar and Tenet. Quality film making, but not what I feel are quality films.
Dang, I loved Interstellar. It wasn't faced paced, but it had a lot of good qualities. The science behind it was accurate (well, except for the Black Hole. We're not sure what happens inside a black hole, but fun idea of being in a tesseract!). I loved it's exploration of human themes (does love transcend space and time to help push the human spirit to achieve the extraordinary), and the complex storyline (the concept of time dilation, and how time might be an illusion with how the past, present, and future could all exist simultaneously).

I don't know, I'm a big space nerd and giant fan of Christopher Nolan, so it could just be that I'm being a homer here, but I enjoyed that movie.
Interstellar is great. Saying it's not a quality film is ridiculous.
I was just talking with my wife yesterday about how long it's been since we've been to a movie (at a theater). Sounds like this one could be a good one to get us out again.
There are some theaters now with 4DX - it's not really for me as I'd probably get motion sickness but they seem to be perfect for this movie.

The seats move, they have water/wind/scents/fog that pair with the movie as well. Seems like a very different experience.
There are some theaters now with 4DX - it's not really for me as I'd probably get motion sickness but they seem to be perfect for this movie.

The seats move, they have water/wind/scents/fog that pair with the movie as well. Seems like a very different experience.
I tried that twice. The first time was for the latest Batman movie and I found I enjoyed it!! The second time was for the newest Avatar movie and I couldn't wait for it to be over. lol

It's neat, definitely gimmicky, but maybe the newness wore off for me by the time I was getting through Avatar. I found myself wishing for quiet scenes in the movie where the chair wasn't moving. Would I do it again? Meh.....I dunno. Maybe on a shorter movie.
I tried that twice. The first time was for the latest Batman movie and I found I enjoyed it!! The second time was for the newest Avatar movie and I couldn't wait for it to be over. lol

It's neat, definitely gimmicky, but maybe the newness wore off for me by the time I was getting through Avatar. I found myself wishing for quiet scenes in the movie where the chair wasn't moving. Would I do it again? Meh.....I dunno. Maybe on a shorter movie.
Don’t feel bad.

I was sitting on my couch at home and I “couldn’t wait for the newest Avatar movie to be over” either!

Bout to get see the movie of the decade. My favorite super hero as a kid and my favorite supe as an adult. Dreams can come true!

"I may be super...but I'm no hero."

Pineapple and olive pizza and Chimichangas for the POOLVERINE today! I missed out on the popcorn buckets haha. But I might drop 8 hundo on ebay for one. I did get the pop toys and some t shirts. Yeah...this is geekgasm day!
Possibly another example of having high expectations that can't be met.

Interstellar - Always has high ratings and tops in many lists of great movies.
I found it too long, a little too slow and just did not live up the expectations I had.

Finally got around to watching it and found myself on a few occasions seeing how much time was left in the movie.

Was really hoping I would love it. Been on a bit of a Sci Fi movie run of late and this one again had good ratings..
Just a let down.

Don't get me wrong, the acting and directing were good. But it was just a little too slow and long.
I thought Interstellar started off promising but as the movie dragged on it lost me. To me it was one of those films that you think could have been great, but wasn't.

I haven't seen the movie in a while but your review peeked my interest to maybe watch it again with an open mind.
Wow, someone else remembers the Zatoichi movies! Donnie Yen's character in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is in part a homage to the Zatoichi character.

I was flipping through channels and hit the public channel on the TV back in the day, and the beginning of Seven Samurai. I was curious and watched...then 3 1/2 hours later was blown away by the film. i didn't know it at the time, but it was my introduction to Akira Kurosawa. Ran, The Shadow Fortress, Kagemusha, Rashomon, all fantastic films.

Another film I would recommend in that vein is Ame Agaru (After the Rain). It is based on Kurosawa's last script and was directed by a former director whom he worked with for many years. The martial arts action is not over the top, and I've been told fully authentic by two Japanese men/martial artists I met while on vacation overseas.
I had finished watching all the Lone Wolf and Cub movies when I decided to tackle the Zatoichi movie series. I may decide to check out the Zatoichi TV series, don't know where they would have all of them, probably check out The Internet Archive again for those. I really like those Japanese samurai period movies, they're basically Japanese Westerns, swords instead of six shooters....lol

I plan on watching more of Kurosawa's movies, I've seen a couple others and always wanted to watch more.
Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)

7.75 of 10.00


The first Deadpool remains the best one in my opinion. However, this one is another Ryan Reynolds zany murderfest worthy of its predecessors.

These movies are not for those wanting an deep, in-depth plot. The one holding this third chapter in the Merc With A Mouth story is razor thin and held together with duct tape.

However, it delivers the type of action those characters in the poster above embody. And they bring it like only they can.

The movie does a good job of cleaning up the films FOX New Line Cinema pumped out for a quarter century. Wade throws it all out there in scattershot fashion, so some of tie-ins may slip pass part of the audience.

For me, all of the cameos were great. Even one missing cameo was great in my book (thank you Reynolds, lmbo!)

I am interested in reading impressions of Emma Corrin as the primary villain. She was pretty freaking evil in a smooth way. I felt a little cheated she did not get more face time.

No post-movie previews of future projects. There are two ending credits scenes. First, is a honorary montage of past stuff. That happens as the ending credits start to roll. The second one hits at the very end of the credits roll. Classic Ryan Reynolds. Great stuff.

Time for a new avatar! :D

Edit: I guarantee any members of the audience, who did not watch the Loki series, will have NO clue concerning the bulk of the movie.

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