***** READ THIS -- A message to the new members from the DALLASCOWBOYS.com forums! *****

Yep.. It was rude. Years of dedication and building friends and online family.
I would have thought at the very least one of the admins would have had the decency to post an explanation for why and given us a time and date for the final closure.
Instead it was left to one of the mods to take it upon Himself to tell Us what He knew, which included no information at all about when, surely somebody knew when they planned to switch off, it wouldn't have taken much effort to let Us know.
Someone posted this on your old board and i think last part of it is bad advice.

"Well, it seems like if everyone would just keep their screen names, we can just continue uninterupted. I've been on cowboyzone for years but I rarely ever log on. This site was way more interactive and has a lot more debaters. We need to go show those zoners how its done and take that board over."

Settle down. :popcorn:
That was tongue in cheek, he wasn't serious and looking to soften the blow many of us felt when the news came down. First the site became really difficult and I came over here for a short visit, went back and got a workaround from Gip. They said the board needed adjustments and then it was The Forum is going away and less than an hour ago...gone.

The DC Forum had it's problems but it was home for many of us but I believe the majority are migrating here because the members of both were very complimentary of the Zone. Actually liked this site better but they had enemies or friends back there that they'd miss.

I am an old guy and change is difficult for me. Been wearing this same set of teeth for years and gotten use to them.
I agree! That's a common reaction when a community has to move to another site. Everyone wants to find the same atmosphere and feeling somewhere else because the site, especially a forum site, is more than just a group of people or friends who talk to each other. In reality (no pun intended), things change and we all adapt. Even CowboysZone has changed over the years a few times as some people left, new people joined, forum software changed, etc.

The way everyone has to look at it is that with an influx of new people, from both sides and to both sides, it helps introduce some fresh thoughts and perspectives to the mix. Eventually, it's just one big group again :)
I told our guys that this is the combining of two families, we are the Partridge Family of sports forums. We had to bring Bonaduce with us because he had nowhere else to go.
I intentionally forgot her name. It took about 2 weeks before everything was business as usual after her appearance.....other than all the crap she got from members in the thread she started.
lol, there was another one after her that thought he was Barney Fife reincarnated.
I just 'liked' and 'unliked' his post four times. Lol.
So,,,,now he'll get +4 redundant alerts, that will quickly dash his hopes upon opening, in that he'd had 4 different members who've pulled one of his brilliant posts wishing to engage in insightful & meaningful correspondence?,,,( ya,I know,,,:lmao:)
That was tongue in cheek, he wasn't serious and looking to soften the blow many of us felt when the news came down. First the site became really difficult and I came over here for a short visit, went back and got a workaround from Gip. They said the board needed adjustments and then it was The Forum is going away and less than an hour ago...gone.

The DC Forum had it's problems but it was home for many of us but I believe the majority are migrating here because the members of both were very complimentary of the Zone. Actually liked this site better but they had enemies or friends back there that they'd miss.

I am an old guy and change is difficult for me. Been wearing this same set of teeth for years and gotten use to them.
It shouldn't be that difficult. This board is run very well and it makes things go very smoothly. Maybe you needed to go back the first time because you needed to bring everyone and now that's done, settle in get comfortable enjoy your new home. :popcorn:
Hey @Reality while we're engaged in our usual relaxed & happy atmosphere and you're talking about the forums operating systems, how come I can write 'fist' and I can write ' full' but when I combine those two words into ' fistfull' it comes out like this,,,?
It knows how you think Melon...haha
I would have thought at the very least one of the admins would have had the decency to post an explanation for why and given us a time and date for the final closure.
Instead it was left to one of the mods to take it upon Himself to tell Us what He knew, which included no information at all about when, surely somebody knew when they planned to switch off, it wouldn't have taken much effort to let Us know.
Londy, I would not assume the mods knew anything but that it was going away. I think they got treated pretty poorly by the ptb on that forum which shall remain unnamed. I shall not speak their name again.

Wouldn't you know it, I got caught mid post!! Just like when the mods would lock threads, I wasted a lot of good characters there.
That was tongue in cheek, he wasn't serious and looking to soften the blow many of us felt when the news came down. First the site became really difficult and I came over here for a short visit, went back and got a workaround from Gip. They said the board needed adjustments and then it was The Forum is going away and less than an hour ago...gone.

The DC Forum had it's problems but it was home for many of us but I believe the majority are migrating here because the members of both were very complimentary of the Zone. Actually liked this site better but they had enemies or friends back there that they'd miss.

I am an old guy and change is difficult for me. Been wearing this same set of teeth for years and gotten use to them.
Now,I've seen you around here b-4
Londy, I would not assume the mods knew anything but that it was going away. I think they got treated pretty poorly by the ptb on that forum which shall remain unnamed. I shall not speak their name again.

Wouldn't you know it, I got caught mid post!! Just like when the mods would lock threads, I wasted a lot of good characters there.
Another reason to avoid verbosity. Heh heh
Glad to be here...can't belive dc.com dish is like that
When Jerry said changes were coming I didn't know he meant to the website....someone's posts must have gotten to him
That was tongue in cheek, he wasn't serious and looking to soften the blow many of us felt when the news came down. First the site became really difficult and I came over here for a short visit, went back and got a workaround from Gip. They said the board needed adjustments and then it was The Forum is going away and less than an hour ago...gone.

The DC Forum had it's problems but it was home for many of us but I believe the majority are migrating here because the members of both were very complimentary of the Zone. Actually liked this site better but they had enemies or friends back there that they'd miss.

I am an old guy and change is difficult for me. Been wearing this same set of teeth for years and gotten use to them.

Yeah it’s gonna be odd for a while. Don’t like change either. But the people here are nice. Gotta gives it a try.
Now,I've seen you around here b-4
Hey...what? Who me? No, that must of been some other fat cat.

I did a short stint here when I went self exile on the old forum. It is a very nice site but I couldn't find many to play with me here before and went back home. Luckily, they hadn't rented out my room yet. Now, they've burned it to the ground but ya know what? That's the good news because almost all of us have been complaining about the technical aspects and the staleness of the forum and getting kicked out of the "too comfortable nest" and trying our wings in a new environment is just what we need.

Reality, really nice of you to relax the rules and let our folks get their likes that quickly. Great gesture to welcome some new friends.

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