***** READ THIS -- A message to the new members from the DALLASCOWBOYS.com forums! *****

Welcome Gentlemen, and or Ladies.

Hope you find a new home here.

You might gravitate to other members joining from the old site until you get used to it but with enough time I think you will find many posters with similar thoughts concerning the team, whether good or bad and before you know it you will have a new bigger family to interact with.

Just remember to read the rules and also realize this is a family friendly site so we try to keep the name calling and arguing down for the betterment of the forum.

And I wish I could offer more encouragement for the team as a whole at this time but frankly after this lack luster season and let down...I am kicking into full time draft zone mode.

So if there are any draft junkies that like to talk draft prospects, do mock drafts, just read about mock drafts and so on....be sure to visit the draft zone section of the board https://cowboyszone.com/forums/draft-zone.40/https://cowboyszone.com/forums/draft-zone.40/

As the draft gets a little closer we will have some friendly competitions for friendly bragging rights.

Some mock draft (for the cowboys) comps
Some over all drafts where a person picks for a specific team and get's graded on their picks.
We have another competition where We are allowed so many picks (15-20) that the cowboys might take throughout the draft and we try to get the most correct.

Again...welcome to the forum.
This is where you went Ron?
Hey there Howard....yea, I've been on here for a few years actually, just been posting more in probably the last 6-8 months.....this site has a lot of good knowledgable posters as well as a good staff that contributes to the threads. Glad you're here, jump on in and enjoy.
Hey there Howard....yea, I've been on here for a few years actually, just been posting more in probably the last 6-8 months.....this site has a lot of good knowledgable posters as well as a good staff that contributes to the threads. Glad you're here, jump on in and enjoy.
Hey there Howard....yea, I've been on here for a few years actually, just been posting more in probably the last 6-8 months.....this site has a lot of good knowledgable posters as well as a good staff that contributes to the threads. Glad you're here, jump on in and enjoy.

Lies! I disagree with this completely!!!!!
Hey! Glad to see that you made it Runwild!
Been here since the mass exodus, back when the admin started throwing her weight around, but thanks, Todd! (I think that's a reasonable guess. lol)
PM me with the old admin's handle, and I'll make sure somebody gives her the old 'Carson Wentz.'
I intentionally forgot her name. It took about 2 weeks before everything was business as usual after her appearance.....other than all the crap she got from members in the thread she started.
Now I don't know what you believe but I do know there's no doubt,
I need another double shot of something 90 proof, I got too much to think about.
Too much to think about...too much to figure out....stuck between hope and doubt...too much to think about.

I do not know how pro-Cowboys or anti-Cowboys friendly the official forums were, but on CZ we have a variety of fans with differing opinions. At various times of the season, the community with be more pro-Cowboys and at other times, it will be a lot more critical of the team. There will be some users who claim we only want one or the other here, because we allow both and one side is a lot more vocal at times, but of course that's not true.

The only time we do clamp down on things is when the site gets a bit too negative, especially when there are a lot of similar threads being posted. That said, after a disappointing season like we had in 2017, it's expected that the tone will be a little more negative for a while.
Hey @Reality while we're engaged in our usual relaxed & happy atmosphere and you're talking about the forums operating systems, how come I can write 'fist' and I can write ' full' but when I combine those two words into ' fistfull' it comes out like this,,,?
Welp.. Look like DC forum just took its last breath. Says server not found now. Seems a little confusing to me why they would kick there fan base to the curb. Whatever. I have been a member here for a while but went back and forth because slot of us were there for years and it felt family there. No offense to anyone here. Since I have been a member everyone here has been great.

Looks like the family is coming here. Sorry CZ. Just make a spot for us in the basement. Lol.

Thanks fo having us.

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