Really bad story on Gregory

You obviously don't know the stories, and they're not fit for print here.

Haley and Gregory are two different animals, I'm sure you'd agree, erod. Just based off of our PMs (in which you schooled me).

If Gregory was playing in the early-mid 90's, none of y'all would be hearing about this. Doesn't make it right, but it is what it is.
Charles Haley isn't one to judge.

That guy is one of the sickest people that ever walked Valley Ranch. Those stories about Haley.........sheesh.

Haley sounds like a really annoying guy. Doesn't excuse Gregory's overall behavior, however.
Gregory today under current NFL weed policy = bum, disgusting loser, pot head

Gregory tomorrow under an NFL weed ok policy = promising prospect with tons pf upside

except NFL owners are mostly old school like Mara
The sad thing is the simpleton approach to mental illness. Gregory's frustrated wish to fight him speaks volumes.
Gregory today under current NFL weed policy = bum, disgusting loser, pot head

Gregory tomorrow under an NFL weed ok policy = promising prospect with tons pf upside

Gregory in early-mid 90's = non story and phenom with a whole fanbase rallying behind him. LOL.

Weed and roids were not given a **** about until the PED outings in the MLB. Exposed sports and substances as a whole, trickle down affect like a son of a gun.
At least we had some steals in this years draft.
Helps ease the pain in a big way

But man, what a wasted 2nd rounder.

I mean, who needs..
David Johnson
Frank Clark
Tyler Locket
Jalen Strong
or a shot any of the dozen later steals starting from 2015
We will draft like he's not there. If he turns it around, I'll be surprised.
I did too. Even posted a thread looking forward to him returning, that very day that it was reported he had failed again for now a year suspension . I do feel for the guy but Cowboys must do what is best for the team not for any 1 individual. I would hope Jones would assist Gregory in getting the help he needs but at the end of the day it falls to Gregory to handle his problem.
i think even jones probably sees that this guy isnt going to pan out for the team but jerry liking the kid is trying to get him the help aside if he ever plays for us.
I get it. Where I'm going is that the post seems to rule out any personal responsibility. Seems is the key word. Not putting words in his mouth.
Do you blame the gun itself for someone being shot?
You blame the stop sign, the cop or the car for getting the ticket?

Is this a post in response to my first post in this thread, Den?
Gregory in early-mid 90's = non story and phenom with a whole fanbase rallying behind him. LOL.

Weed and roids were not given a **** about until the PED outings in the MLB. Exposed sports and substances as a whole, trickle down affect like a son of a gun.
similar to.....
a man who had a drink on Dec 4 1933 was a criminal, detriment to society
a man who had a drink on Dec 5 1933 was a social, festive fella
Charles Haley isn't one to judge.

That guy is one of the sickest people that ever walked Valley Ranch. Those stories about Haley.........sheesh.
People that have "been down that road" are often in the best position to assess and help...are you saying Charles is being a hypocrite??? So I take it that AA meetings should only be attended by people who never had a drinking problem?
LOL at all the excuse making for Gregory.

It's all pointless ramblings. You can't smoke weed in the NFL. That's the rule. If you cant abide by the rules the problem is YOU not the league or the rules or the laws in the country. There are probably hundreds of NFL players that do smoke weed but are smart enough to not get caught and can control their use of the weed. Gregory clearly can't.

So as it stands right now, Randy Gregory should be a non factor for this team going forward. You can't roster build with the expectation that he's eventually going to be there.

Frankly, I also wonder about his commitment to be a great player and be a good teammate when he can't put the pipe down long enough to pass a drug test.
He signed a 4 year deal and as long as he is suspended, you don't have to pay him or have any cap ramifications. You might as well hold onto him until that deal is up to see if he ever straightens his life out. If he doesn't, you cut him and you haven't lost anything. If you cut him now, you run the risk that 2 or 3 years from now he's recording 12 sacks in another uniform.

There is very little risk of that actually happening.

Gregory is proving he's not going to be smart enough, and mature enough, to be in the league to play any games, let alone play enough to get 12 sacks in a season.
similar to.....
a man who had a drink on Dec 4 1933 was a criminal, detriment to society
a man who had a drink on Dec 5 1933 was a social, festive fella

Sun, it's a little more nuanced than that at this time due to the fact the marijuana is still federally illegal, and your analogy involved a reversal in federal legislation (it's getting there, but not quite yet).

So right now, because the good ol' boys are in the pocket of Big Pharma and Big Alcohol, Gregory must abstain if he wants to play. In this day and age, everyone is being outed, they don't mess around. Gregory must realize that weed isn't worth his career if he wants to play. He has to pick one over the other, and sadly (for us Dallas fans), weed is just too important for him. It's looking bleak.

This discussion requires critical thinking and nuance, and a certain level of intelligence. Not knee-jerk drive-by postings.

But I agree with the essence of your post, Sun :)
I'm blaming a bunch of things. Gregory. The rules. System. NFL bureaucracy. It's all in my post. Critical analysis can be your friend, Den. Even on a smallish post, like my OP.
I get it but IMO you have to look at the persons actions first and foremost. The system will eventually change. In the meantime you have to live within the rules to get paid or move to another occupation.
LOL at all the excuse making for Gregory.

It's all pointless ramblings. You can't smoke weed in the NFL. That's the rule. If you cant abide by the rules the problem is YOU not the league or the rules or the laws in the country. There are probably hundreds of NFL players that do smoke weed but are smart enough to not get caught and can control their use of the weed. Gregory clearly can't.

So as it stands right now, Randy Gregory should be a non factor for this team going forward. You can't roster build with the expectation that he's eventually going to be there.

Frankly, I also wonder about his commitment to be a great player and be a good teammate when he can't put the pipe down long enough to pass a drug test.

I really hope this wasn't directed at me, Syd. You're far too intelligent to post a knee-jerk reaction to the thought-out posts that I posted. I only say this, cuz some of these dudes don't seem to read my whole take, or process them as intended. But again, you have a great mind, so I hope I'm not lumped in your post.

There's been a very small minority that is outright excusing him. Most are admonishing him, dude.
There is very little risk of that actually happening.

Gregory is proving he's not going to be smart enough, and mature enough, to be in the league to play any games, let alone play enough to get 12 sacks in a season.

Probably true but what do you have to lose with holding his rights until his 4 year deal is up?
I get it but IMO you have to look at the persons actions first and foremost. The system will eventually change. In the meantime you have to live within the rules to get paid or move to another occupation.

Which I said in my OP and further posts.
Probably true but what do you have to lose with holding his rights until his 4 year deal is up?

Practically speaking? Probably nothing other than wasting time, and possible energy of those around him, to wait and hope this kid gets it. Which it seems pretty clear he doesn't and has no intention of doing so.

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