similar to.....
a man who had a drink on Dec 4 1933 was a criminal, detriment to society
a man who had a drink on Dec 5 1933 was a social, festive fella
Sun, it's a little more nuanced than that at this time due to the fact the marijuana is still federally illegal, and your analogy involved a reversal in federal legislation (it's getting there, but not quite yet).
So right now, because the good ol' boys are in the pocket of Big Pharma and Big Alcohol, Gregory
must abstain if he wants to play. In this day and age, everyone is being outed, they don't mess around. Gregory must realize that weed isn't worth his career if he wants to play. He has to pick one over the other, and sadly (for us Dallas fans), weed is just too important for him. It's looking bleak.
This discussion requires critical thinking and nuance, and a certain level of intelligence. Not knee-jerk drive-by postings.
But I agree with the essence of your post, Sun