Recent picture of Jaylon Smith shows no brace

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Lol, Jesus!
I've seen people with high knee gait or outward swing like you are talking about.

I just remember last Novemeber when they asked him about it and he said he wore it all the time and then showed the reporters he was wearing it then.

I haven't seen him wear one since then though.
I can't imagine him not wearing one while playing. Walking a straight line on hard, even surfaces, isn't an issue with or without the afo. Walking, and even worst, running on uneven surfaces isn't so easy, even with the afo. Might sound odd but he'll probably play better on field turf than natural grass. Especially if the field is some what messes up. I avoid grass as much as I can lol it wears a me out. With that said, Smith is in a lot better shape than me lol so I'm not saying it will affect like me, just that natural grass will affect him more than field turf.
I can't imagine him not wearing one while playing. Walking a straight line on hard, even surfaces, isn't an issue with or without the afo. Walking, and even worst, running on uneven surfaces isn't so easy, even with the afo. Might sound odd but he'll probably play better on field turf than natural grass. Especially if the field is some what messes up. I avoid grass as much as I can lol it wears a me out. With that said, Smith is in a lot better shape than me lol so I'm not saying it will affect like me, just that natural grass will affect him more than field turf.

His nerve has started to fire and he can lift his foot now. That was reported months ago.
I am going to withhold my opinion until Dr. Lumpkins provides us with zoomed in stills which clearly show his weight distribution and proves definitely that there is sensation in the nerve.

The OP shows I was right to think that he could pick up his foot just as the George and Breer articles were. Of course you could not bear to give me credit.

Also, the stills showed the range of motion. Try and keep up.
Why are so many in denial about his nerve firing and a complete recovery? Some actually seemed angered by the news.

The Cowboys Dr. likely always believed that would be the case and apparently he was right.

Dr. Cooper. Dude's legit. Re-did my gf's knees after an accident where most docs didn't think she'd ever walk again (her mom was a fed employee, gotta love that insurance. the work was like half a million dollars, jeez man) anyways, now she does yoga. Haha she said other doctors would come in and basically slow clap the work he did. I think the other team he consults with is Real Madrid, so yeah. He's a leader in the field, no doubt about it.

Him signing off on it should have made people more optimistic. I don't understand why people get so pissed off about good news.
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