Recent picture of Jaylon Smith shows no brace

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Did you already forget the conversation we had before indicating that I knew he was still recovering strength as outlined by Stephen Jones? And exactly what point do you think I am trying to make when I say that the season is near 6 months away?

But please quote the post I made that disputes that.

And spare me. You went from insisting that there was no improvement in the nerve and haranguing people for ignoring Fisher and Chao whose rhetoric you posted to moving the goalpost to this new plausible deniability in a invective filled post that got that thread in question locked. You then harangued people for not acknowledging your new position while never acknowledging the change in new threads.

Stephen Jones said he may need the AFO to play but they don't know right now and will have to see the situation as it is later. You just seem to struggle with ambiguity.

And on a final note since that November interview where he showed reporters the AFO in the lockerroom we have gotten dozens and dozens of pics and videos of him. In none of them can he be seen to be wearing an AFO.

Where is it, Cal?

Lol, what a load of crap.

I've documented my position on his recovery numerous times, including providing the links to the actual posts that predate your blatant lies.

Now, in desperate shame, your new tactic is to just flat-out lie and deny with the idea in mind that if you say it enough folks will actually believe it.

BTW, you tried calling me out on another thread about me not being the one to correct you about Jaylon supposedly "jumping on a trampoline." You defiantly challenged me to show you where I did that, which I did, again, providing the posts/links/times where I did so.

Predictably, you never posted on that thread again. Par for the course with you.
Lol, what a load of crap.

I've documented my position on his recovery numerous times, including providing the links to the actual posts that predate your blatant lies.

Now, in desperate shame, your new tactic is to just flat-out lie and deny with the idea in mind that if you say it enough folks will actually believe it.

BTW, you tried calling me out on another thread about me not being the one to correct you about Jaylon supposedly "jumping on a trampoline." You defiantly challenged me to show you where I did that, which I did, again, providing the posts/links/times where I did so.

Predictably, you never posted on that thread again. Par for the course with you.
Didn't Jaylon say recently that he was wearing the AFO in all of the workout videos that have been posted?
Lol, what a load of crap.

I've documented my position on his recovery numerous times, including providing the links to the actual posts that predate your blatant lies.

Now, in desperate shame, your new tactic is to just flat-out lie and deny with the idea in mind that if you say it enough folks will actually believe it.

BTW, you tried calling me out on another thread about me not being the one to correct you about Jaylon supposedly "jumping on a trampoline." You defiantly challenged me to show you where I did that, which I did, again, providing the posts/links/times where I did so.

Predictably, you never posted on that thread again. Par for the course with you.

The quote you gave was the post at the end of the thread that jobber closed because you were being your typical classless jerk. You of course conveniently left out the earlier posts where you did as I described which I also linked and showed.

You outlined your current position sure but you never acknowledge your previous position or how you were mistaken. You did say that there was no proof of improvement and you did grandstand on Chao and Fisher saying the same telling us we were ignoring them, you did cite that Fisher article.

And cool story about my motivation. I don't know why you do what you do but you remind me of mrtexstar in how you change your stance and act like that is what you were saying the entire time.
Yep. If you have skinny ankles there is no exercise or weight lifting in the world that will make them bigger.

My wife suffers from BHTAS (Big Head/Tiny Ankle Syndrome). Can't do a damn thing about it.

Yep. Some people just have skinny ankles. A lot of NFL players do.
Yep. Some people just have skinny ankles. A lot of NFL players do.

For the pro-wrestling fans out there... Bruiser Brody wore fur-covered wrestling boots because no matter how much he worked out he couldn't get his ankles and calves to gain any mass, hence the fur-covered boots to make those parts of his body to look larger.
The quote you gave was the post at the end of the thread that jobber closed because you were being your typical classless jerk. You of course conveniently left out the earlier posts where you did as I described which I also linked and showed.

You outlined your current position sure but you never acknowledge your previous position or how you were mistaken. You did say that there was no proof of improvement and you did grandstand on Chao and Fisher saying the same telling us we were ignoring them, you did cite that Fisher article.

And cool story about my motivation. I don't know why you do what you do but you remind me of mrtexstar in how you change your stance and act like that is what you were saying the entire time.

Lol, smh. You keep lying even in the face of obvious evidence; you seriously are cracked.

Here's the link

Notice how numbers and time work....sequentially. And then notice once again that you are nowhere to be found after having the facts thrown in your face.

What this really boils down to is your pathetic cry for attention wanting to be right. You know that I've never claimed Jaylon's nerve wasn't firing, in fact, quite the opposite, but in an effort to draw a false distinction, you've simply made up a story and tried to run with it, which is equally disturbing as it is pathetic. Notice you don't actually forward any evidence. Why don't you? Go ahead...expose me and provide the posts or quotes.

You've hung your hat on these Mike Fisher tweets bogusly claiming that I've "changed my mind," but I've provided you actual posts with the dates/times from days/weeks predating any of those tweets about Jaylon. Your response = ignore the evidence and continue trotting out blatant lies.

I wrote on Feb. 17:
And your point about Jaylon's nerve recovering and firing is what? I've never disputed that. I'm right on board with that prognosis. I believe his nerve has regrown and the innervation into the muscle is taking place, strength and function are returning, but there is still progress to be made.

Lool, your own signature references an Albert Breer quote about Jaylon's nerve firing from early March. My post is from FEBRUARY 17.

Ooops, looks like you'll need to reformulate a new lie.
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Lol, smh. You keep lying even in the face of obvious evidence; you seriously are cracked.

Here's the link

Notice how numbers and time work....sequentially. And then notice once again that you are nowhere to be found after having the facts thrown in your face.

What this really boils down to is your pathetic cry for attention wanting to be right. You know that I've never claimed Jaylon's nerve wasn't firing, in fact, quite the opposite, but in an effort to draw a false distinction, you've simply made up a story and tried to run with it, which is equally disturbing as it is pathetic. Notice you don't actually forward any evidence. Why don't you? Go ahead...expose me and provide the posts or quotes.

You've hung your hat on these Mike Fisher tweets bogusly claiming that I've "changed my mind," but I've provided you actual posts with the dates/times from days/weeks predating any of those tweets about Jaylon. Your response = ignore the evidence and continue trotting out blatant lies.

I wrote on Feb. 17:

Lool, your own signature references an Albert Breer quote about Jaylon's nerve firing from early March. My post is from FEBRUARY 17.

Ooops, looks like you'll need to reformulate a new lie.

You wrote on March 2

CalPolyTechnique said:
In fact, I said the exact opposite in one of the recent Jaylon related mega-threads when we discussed the very same issue and still photos.
You tried claiming he was still wearing the bulky AFO and proudly posted a photo from back in August 2016 before the season had even started. I believe his injury rehab/healing has progressed and that he's wearing a much more streamlined AFO (which you didn't even know existed until you got called-out for posting that old photo). His nerve pathway is regenerating down the leg and hopefully will restore full function of his foot. That said, there is no evidence that he can lift his foot.

March 1 sees you post the Mike Fisher article stating the nerve has not fired below

CalPoly said:
Posted by Mike Fisher himself:

By Mike Fisher

I’ve reported it all a skillion (a Jerry Jones pet number) times:

*Jaylon Smith has dropfoot.

*There is “medical hope’’ regarding the nerve in his knee firing, but there are no guarantees.

*The suggestion that he can play with a brace on his foot and ankle to supplement the feeling in the knee and stabilize the dropfoot is a theory, not a fact.

Here is you pimping him again.

I don't know what the disconnect is?

He's been training with his AFO on; YOU CAN run with an AFO on; he's said he felt he could have played this postseason with the aid of his AFO.

His nerve is regenerating and progressing; that's the story.

Any claims to him running without it or it being completely healed have NOT come from Jaylon but rather message board posters interpolating the available info.

READ (from Mike Fisher's exclusive interview):

March 2 sees you denying when I say the nerve and muscle are working towards cooridnation.

There is no visual evidence of Jaylon lifting his foot without a brace and the still shot of him jumping on the "trampoline" certainly doesn't indicate that.

The suggestion that Jaylon is now just trying to get his mind and muscle function in coordination is simply your interpolation of a blurb in an article that said nothing of the sort.

You will pretty much say anything apparently. All in an effort to "play me like a toy" as you so proudly claim.
Since the board likes to create forums for every single topic, I wonder if we can get a Jaylon Smith nerve forum.

And the doctors can argue back in forth in their little fiefdom over Jaylon's nerve's status.
Since the board likes to create forums for every single topic, I wonder if we can get a Jaylon Smith nerve forum.

And the doctors can argue back in forth in their little fiefdom over Jaylon's nerve's status.

Or you could just not click on the thread.

I have certified myself as correct.

I got my rubber stamp that allows me to declare when something I myself said is correct.

I just sent 25 cents (known as 2 bits in old days) to the FuzzyLumpkins School of Self Certification and I received the stamp.

Except if I were to make such a claim I would back it up. I never ever appeal to authority and when asked to prove something I don't go for passive aggressive cowardice like you display here.
Since the board likes to create forums for every single topic, I wonder if we can get a Jaylon Smith nerve forum.

And the doctors can argue back in forth in their little fiefdom over Jaylon's nerve's status.

It hasn't fired yet. Maybe when it does we will get a nerve forum lol.
Or you could just not click on the thread.

I wanted to click on the thread. I was curious. Then, I saw the same old argument hashed out. Whatever his name is, said this. You said this. Then, the two of you argue about what each other said.... etc.

It happens in a lot of Jaylon's threads. Probably all. I merely offered a suggestion. It doesn't have to be acted on.
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