Recent picture of Jaylon Smith shows no brace

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You wrote on March 2

March 1 sees you post the Mike Fisher article stating the nerve has not fired below

Here is you pimping him again.

March 2 sees you denying when I say the nerve and muscle are working towards cooridnation.

You will pretty much say anything apparently. All in an effort to "play me like a toy" as you so proudly claim.

Ah, notice what you did there.

You posted a bunch of links without actual quotes in an effort to make it look like you've provided something substantial. Problem is the links don't say what you're claiming but you know that.

Here's the other problem you're not computing.

My post below is from FEBRUARY.

And your point about Jaylon's nerve recovering and firing is what? I've never disputed that. I'm right on board with that prognosis. I believe his nerve has regrown and the innervation into the muscle is taking place, strength and function are returning, but there is still progress to be made.

Let's see, we know fuzzy doesn't understand how time and numbers work sequentially in terms of message posts, but now we see you don't understand how the Gregorian calendar works either.....February comes before March.

I'm not playing you; you're playing yourself.

[still no acknowledgment of the "trampoline" problem, lol]
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Ah, notice what you did there.

You posted a bunch of links without actual quotes and instead provided your BS interpretation of what you want them to mean in an effort to make it look like you've provided something substantial. Problem is the links don't back up your claims at all.

Here's the other problem you're not computing.

My post below is from FEBRUARY.

Let's see, we know fuzzy doesn't understand how time and numbers work sequentially in terms of message posts, but now we see you don't understand how the Gregorian calendar works either.....February comes before March.

[also loved how you avoided the "trampoline" issue for you]

Also, I'm not playing you. You're playing yourself.

If they do not back up what I say it helps to explain how. Your word is garbage. I'll let people decide for themselves.

That was not the first time I've demonstrated this and you going back and forth stating contradicting statements does not help your case. I found stuff from November where you were playing the denier too.

And once again you're speaking as if you have intimate knowledge of his medical status.

Multiple insiders have both said he has no ability to lift his foot (drop foot).

Your niece's issues seem (as far as the info provided) to stem from a neurological issue (brain injury), which can have varying degrees of severity. Jaylon's injury was physical damage to anatomy; his peroneal nerve was stretched/damaged causing the palsy.

Every indication (reports since January) is that he has no dorsal flexion in his foot. Further, not a single report has been given indicating he has partial functionality (as it relates to that movement) in his foot. In fact, the most current reports state he has no movement in the foot.

Then of course there is your insistence that he will wear a brace until "fully healed."

Just so everyone is clear, Jaylon is still wearing a brace and will continue to until/if the nerve fully heals.

When he talked about playing this postseason, he was talking about playing with his brace

So where is the brace, Cal?

I responded to your trampoline red herring already earlier. Try and keep up.
Ah, notice what you did there.

You posted a bunch of links without actual quotes in an effort to make it look like you've provided something substantial. Problem is the links don't say what you're claiming but you know that.

Here's the other problem you're not computing.

My post below is from FEBRUARY.

Let's see, we know fuzzy doesn't understand how time and numbers work sequentially in terms of message posts, but now we see you don't understand how the Gregorian calendar works either.....February comes before March.

I'm not playing you; you're playing yourself.

[still no acknowledgment of the "trampoline" problem, lol]

If they do not back up what I say it helps to explain how. Your word is garbage. I'll let people decide for themselves.

That was not the first time I've demonstrated this and you going back and forth stating contradicting statements does not help your case. I found stuff from November where you were playing the denier too.

Then of course there is your insistence that he will wear a brace until "fully healed."

So where is the brace, Cal?

I responded to your trampoline red herring already earlier. Try and keep up.

This really crystalizes your level of intellectual dishonesty.

In your own signature you use a quote from Albert Breer (from a March 6 article) which states "The nerve has started firing again, and he's gained foot activation" but you prematurely end the quote there and purposely don't provide the rest of the sentence.

Here's what Breer's quote actually says:
"The nerve has started firing again, and he’s gained foot activation, but he’s nowhere close to full strength and may never get there."

Hmmm, sounds right in line with my synopsis from February 17:
"I believe his nerve has regrown and the innervation into the muscle is taking place, strength and function are returning, but there is still progress to be made."

In fact, the takeaway from the Breer article (found here) is the fact Jaylon will have to wear an AFO and how effective can he be playing with an AFO.

The entire basis of your faulty conclusion is drawn from an argument from silence: "welp, I havn't sceen aNy pikturez of Jaylun with the AFO on, so that cAn only meen one thing...he'z heeled!!!"

I've never seen any photos of Jaylon using the restroom either. Does that mean he doesn't produce waste? I haven't seen any pictures of Jaylon with Rod Smith in the past two months. Does that mean they aren't brothers any more? [reductio ad absurdum]

Bottomline, I'm willing to let the evidence speak for itself, good or bad. In contrast, you want to twist the available evidence until it says "uncle!"
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This really crystalizes your level of intellectual dishonesty.

In your own signature you use a quote from Albert Breer (from a March 6 article) which states "The nerve has started firing again, and he's gained foot activation" but you prematurely end the quote there and purposely don't provide the rest of the sentence.

Here's what Breer's quote actually says:
"The nerve has started firing again, and he’s gained foot activation, but he’s nowhere close to full strength and may never get there."

Hmmm, sounds right in line with my synopsis from February 17:
"I believe his nerve has regrown and the innervation into the muscle is taking place, strength and function are returning, but there is still progress to be made."

In fact, the entire takeaway from the Breer article (found here) is the fact Jaylon will have to wear an AFO and how effective can he be playing with an AFO.

I addressed your assertion that I do not consider that he is not fully recovered before. You ignored it before and I am not going to waste my time again.

The intellectually dishonest part is your bait and switch deflecting attention away from your contradictory statements as well as the statements in and of themselves.

Stephen Jones said he may or may not need the brace come the season. It is what it is.

Oh and where is the AFO you insist he will wear until fully recovered, Cal?
I addressed your assertion that I do not consider that he is not fully recovered before. You ignored it before and I am not going to waste my time again.

The intellectually dishonest part is your bait and switch deflecting attention away from your contradictory statements as well as the statements in and of themselves.

Stephen Jones said he may or may not need the brace come the season. It is what it is.

Oh and where is the AFO you insist he will wear until fully recovered, Cal?

Lol, smh.

Let's see, so somehow, someway, you've managed to conclude Jaylon doesn't wear an AFO despite the fact Stephen Jones, Albert Breer, Mike Fisher, Rapaport (et cetera) AND Jaylon Smith himself have all acknowledged/reported/alluded to the fact he'll play with an AFO.

And you've done that (despite statements to the contrary) based off a couple of photos of Jaylon taken in the past 2-3 months.


Let's try this a different way. Here's a video of Jaylon working out in February. Are you claiming he is doing that without an AFO on?

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I have certified myself as correct.

I got my rubber stamp that allows me to declare when something I myself said is correct.

I just sent 25 cents (known as 2 bits in old days) to the FuzzyLumpkins School of Self Certification and I received the stamp.

Fuzzy' accepting applications to his School of Self-Authentication, Photo Deduction and Circular Reasoning.

*Please note, most course credits are not transferable.
Lol, smh.

Let's see, so somehow, someway, you've managed to conclude Jaylon doesn't wear an AFO despite the fact Stephen Jones, Albert Breer, Mike Fisher, Rapaport (et cetera) AND Jaylon Smith himself have all acknowledged/reported/alluded to the fact he'll play with an AFO.

And you've done that (despite statements to the contrary) based off a couple of photos of Jaylon taken in the past 2-3 months.


Let's try this a different way. Here's a video of Jaylon working out in February. Are you claiming he is doing that without an AFO on?

Still deflecting from your deceit I see. You have gone back and forth on whether the nerve has been firing as it has been convenient to troll for months now.

Stephen Jones said he may need one. Fisher and Rappaport have as much credibility as you do. Breer cited Jerry Jones without an actual quote stating that he could play with one however Stephen spoke after that and clearly pointed out it was not a necessity.

So where is the AFO, Cal? I can show all kinds of pics without him wearing on since November. Just one pic and you cannot do it.
Well, then there shouldn't be any talk from the cowboys brass talking about him playing with the afo or not.

Just because he can actuate his foot does not mean he is at full strength or that there are not other complications.
Again, where are the pics of Jaylon wearing an AFO since November. I can show you all kinds of them clear as day from the Summer.
Still deflecting from your deceit I see. You have gone back and forth on whether the nerve has been firing as it has been convenient to troll for months now.

Yes, I can see the titanic shift in my takes (below) on Jaylon that you're speaking of, smh.

My post from Feb. 17: "I believe his nerve has regrown and the innervation into the muscle is taking place, strength and function are returning, but there is still progress to be made."

My post from March 2: "His nerve pathway is regenerating down the leg and hopefully will restore full function of his foot. That said, there is no evidence that he can lift his foot."

Stephen Jones said he may need one. Fisher and Rappaport have as much credibility as you do. Breer cited Jerry Jones without an actual quote stating that he could play with one however Stephen spoke after that and clearly pointed out it was not a necessity.

Folks, in just five three-hour courses you too can be trained to dismissively respond to any form of evidence forwarded to you in an argument (just like above) in fuzzylumpkin's School of Self-Authentication, Photo Deduction and Circular Reasoning!

So where is the AFO, Cal? I can show all kinds of pics without him wearing on since November. Just one pic and you cannot do it.

This is fun. Let's seeeeee. Can you provide me a photo of Jaylon driving to the Star from sometime in the past two weeks? If you can't that means he takes a hovercraft to Frisco unless you can produce a photo that shows otherwise. I mean, that is the ONLY alternative explanation, right? smh.
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Yes, I can see the titanic shift in my takes (below) on Jaylon that you're speaking of, smh.

Folks, in just five three-hour courses you too can be trained to dismissively respond to any form of evidence forwarded to you in an argument (just like above) in fuzzylumpkin's School of Self-Authentication, Photo Deduction and Circular Reasoning!

This is fun. Let's seeeeee. Can you provide me a photo of Jaylon driving to the Star from sometime in the past two weeks? If you can't that means he takes a hovercraft to Frisco unless you can produce a photo that shows otherwise. I mean, that is the ONLY alternative explanation, right? smh.

I posted several examples and you ignore all but one. Not surprising from you. Perhaps you can reference more articles from Fisher stating the nerve has not fired for us?

Albert Breer alluding to an unquoted statement, the credibility of Fisher and Rappoport, and the quoted and explicit statements of Stephen Jones are not circular nor self assuming. You don't seem to even know what a circular argument nor self authentication actually is.

And when I start making claims that he drives to the Star and care then maybe you will have a point. You like X don't back up your claims. You claimed he would have to wear it until he was fully healed. I don't know why I should expect your word to have any meaning whatsoever.

We have all kinds of stills and videos of him without one but not one shows an AFO strapped halfway up his calf like we see from last Summer. Then of course there is Todd Archer from January stating that he had been running without a brace for months.

Looooool, again, a text book case of you being dishonest and playing yourself.

You purposely ignored Archer's subsequent tweets (see date/time stamps below) and just posted tweets you knew Archer corrected himself on shortly thereafter simply for the purpose of twisting the evidence until it fits the narrative you want it to; truth and reality be damned.

/you're done
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Doh, there's those pesky things called dates again. Sheesh, I hate them too but they provide us an indication of the point in time when certain events happen. In this case, Archer correcting himself after making those tweets you referenced a minute ago.

Sorry not sorry.

/you're done

You make a point and act like that invalidates everything else? Typical.

Still waiting for the pics with the AFO on. They sure were easy to find last year. So far we have a video where parts of it he has his feet taped up. No AFO to be seen.
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