Video: Refs Taunting calls overboard?


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No, they really don’t.
Yeah, the really do. They aren't watching the game on high def TV. They are on the field. Have you ever sat close to an NFL game and witnessed the incredible speed the game is played at? We nitpick every single call and complain about a few per game, but the they get the overwhelming majority correct. Most of the complaints are BS anyway so even then the refs mostly got it right. Occasionally they screw the pooch. If ref whiners would concentrate on those they would have more legitimacy to their claims.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Refs handed that game to the Steelers. And if anyone else says otherwise they need mental help. And should have their fan card revoked.

I know the usuals will get on me for this and they have no recourse so will go with their standard insults.
But so be it. They will just show how dumb they can be, still.


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Well, he hardly stopped to stare at the bench. He went towards the bench as Corrente said. I think it's a dumb call but you can't straddle the line between "will they or won't they?" in a game if you're a player.

What I want to know is, why does Goodell hate the Bears? Lol.

Dumb call. It falls in line with "is it penalized consistently?" I doubt it. Refs taking over the game and deciding outcomes. Not a good look. It does not straddle the line, especially late in the 4th quarter on what came to be the winning drive. I've seen worse during the game when players shout at the sidelines and nothing is done.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Don't worry, they'll address it when the season ends. It'll culminate with an "apology" to a team that gets screwed in the postseason with it. An apology that they can stick up their *** with the good it does that team's season.

It’s a ridiculous penalty that’s hurting the game. Football is a game of emotion.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The Bears player was walking toward the Steelers sideline and his body language made it appear he was jawing or taunting. The tainting calls have clearly gotten out of hand. It’s something that needs to be addressed at the league meetings.

it has already been addressed.
They determined…anything to help the Steelers, Packers, Brady’s, and in some instances a few other teams.
And ALWAYS screw the Cowboys.


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That call turned the game. Pittsburgh was about to punt. Instead, they kept the ball and scored, extending their lead

Fans don't want refs deciding games. That was a critical call

Didn't see the game so I can't comment on the other penalties and while this one is ticky-tack, why is it so hard to just celebrate with your teammates and get back to your bench? I get that players talk smack all game and want to show up the other team when you get one on them but in a close game you can't give a ref a shot at a judgement call like this. This is why I love Parsons. Dude makes a play and just gets pumped for himself and slaps five with his teammates. No signature move, no barking at the other team. Just ball out and revel in that.


Go Seahawks!!!
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Not rude, it is just the truth.
No, it's not the truth. It's your perception and opinion, which is typically heavily biased. Most of the calls we complain about are questionable but any perceived mistakes have a spotlight shined on it. They do a great job. They make a few mistakes. You expect perfection from them and it's not possible just like we can't realistically expect perfection from players on the field who drop passes. I think they do an incredible job, despite the overwhelming negative perception they have. Fans have put them in a no win situation.


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It’s a ridiculous penalty that’s hurting the game. Football is a game of emotion.

Exactly, and it's a GAME!!! A game with COMPETITIVE people. When players don't show emotion, they don't care. They show emotion, they're taunting. Ridiculous!!!!!


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Didn't see the game so I can't comment on the other penalties and while this one is ticky-tack, why is it so hard to just celebrate with your teammates and get back to your bench? I get that players talk smack all game and want to show up the other team when you get one on them but in a close game you can't give a ref a shot at a judgement call like this. This is why I love Parsons. Dude makes a play and just gets pumped for himself and slaps five with his teammates. No signature move, no barking at the other team. Just ball out and revel in that.

This one is understandable. The player called had played with the Steelers, and they cut him. He just got called up though the Practice squad. He's probably excited to make a play against his prior team. More reason the call was ridiculous.


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I'm no fan of either, but Bears got hit with phantom calls and their QB got lit up well after the ball was gone and no call was made.

As I said, I didn't see the game but since the Steelers were playing, I know what the narrative was in the game thread here, and it's that Pittsburgh gets all the breaks and no-calls, every foul called on Chicago was bogus to help Pittsburgh, and the refs are cheating so Pittsburgh won no matter what. Same for New England (or whatever team Brady plays for), same for Green Bay, same for any opponent of the Cowboys. I get it. That Goodell-Mara Syndicate is a powerful thing.


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.....the Bear player is an idiot. He gets big sack, gets up does spinning Kung ** kick, few Hi-5s.......................IF THAT'S NOT enough, walks to Steelers side of field and stares them down.

....I was laughing hard. Coach was ripping him a new one.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
No, it's not the truth. It's your perception and opinion, which is typically heavily biased. Most of the calls we complain about are questionable but any perceived mistakes have a spotlight shined on it. They do a great job. They make a few mistakes. You expect perfection from them and it's not possible just like we can't realistically expect perfection from players on the field who drop passes. I think they do an incredible job, despite the overwhelming negative perception they have. Fans have put them in a no win situation.

I do not expect perfection from them, that is impossible. However, does it not seem odd that way too many calls go in favor of certain teams and against others. And often determines the outcomes of games.
Yes, yes it does is the correct answer.

If they were honest mistakes, then ALL teams would be in the same boat. But instead some of these same teams and players always get the life raft, and other get the sinking boat.

And you as well as others know this to be true.


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As I said, I didn't see the game but since the Steelers were playing, I know what the narrative was in the game thread here, and it's that Pittsburgh gets all the breaks and no-calls, every foul called on Chicago was bogus to help Pittsburgh, and the refs are cheating so Pittsburgh won no matter what. Same for New England (or whatever team Brady plays for), same for Green Bay, same for any opponent of the Cowboys. I get it. That Goodell-Mara Syndicate is a powerful thing.

You may want to watch the game and see it with your own eyes.


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I think verbal jabbing should not be considered taunting. Part of the game. Now making physical contact, or going up to another player or team on the sideline should be considered, but just calling someone out on the field and the ref overhearing this is certainly not taunting in my opinion. but that is what its come down to. Refs using their discretion to call it or not call it is the problem. They are not consistent and that is what pisses players off.
the real question is why is taunting even a penalty ?? why would owners make it a penalty, and then a point of emphasis ??
I think it is for situations like this, when they want a particular team to win. It is like holding, they can call it just about whenever they want.

I dont think it should even be a penalty.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Tired of hearing about refs. They make some mistakes too but overall do a pretty solid job considering the speed of the game.
Huh? The quality of NFL officiating is, at best, subpar.

Subjective and arbitrary calls are ruining games and potentially altering their outcomes. And it’s not just in Cowboys games; it’s everywhere, in every game.

Power 5 collegiate officials call a much cleaner and clearer game.


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This one is understandable. The player called had played with the Steelers, and they cut him. He just got called up though the Practice squad. He's probably excited to make a play against his prior team. More reason the call was ridiculous.

I get being excited. But be excited in a way that doesn't make you look like you're taunting. It's like high schoolers who want to push the line to see just how much they can get away with and then whine when someone decides to create a dividing line. Put up your fist to signal 4th Down if you want to make a display and then run to your bench. Just dumb.


Well-Known Member
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Huh? The quality of NFL officiating is, at best, subpar.

Subjective and arbitrary calls are ruining games and potentially altering their outcomes. And it’s not just in Cowboys games; it’s everywhere.

Power 5 collegiate officials call a much cleaner and clearer game.

Exactly! The officials throughout the league are rubbish. In fairness, the one in our game did a good job. He's usually a good one. That said, Corrente is the one official that I question often. The game last night was complete and utter rubbish officiating.