Video: Refs Taunting calls overboard?


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The NFL needs to take a hard look at many of the subjective penalties called and the impact they are having on games.

Correct, if these subjective penalties were called on a consistent basis, there would be a penalty on every other play. That would make it obvious how ridiculous some of these penalties are. And talk about having a game as slow as molasses.


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Not sure if any of you watched Monday Night Football, but Ref Tony Corrente called a flag for taunting to pretty much giving the Steelers the game. Also to add, Corrente called a flag on stating the player bumped into him when in fact Corrente leaned into him as he passed.

Dallas has been hit with a bunch of bogus calls, Touchdowns that should have been, even non calls. Officials are getting overboard. What are your thoughts?

Patriots, packers, and steelers will always get calls no matter what. It's obvious at times that the refs favor certain teams or players. Honestly it's so blatant that I feel like the NFL needs to step in.


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NFL officials are garbage. Most people that perform as poorly as they consistently do get fired. Not these guys though. Some now seem to be like some of the MLB plate umpires and want camera time and to be part of the game. It’s a very bad look. The best officials (in any sport) are the ones you don’t notice. They don’t seem to understand this simple fact.


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The Bears player was walking toward the Steelers sideline and his body language made it appear he was jawing or taunting. The tainting calls have clearly gotten out of hand. It’s something that needs to be addressed at the league meetings.

It will...once it happens in a playoff game or SB and it negatively impacts the outcome.


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As I said, I didn't see the game but since the Steelers were playing, I know what the narrative was in the game thread here, and it's that Pittsburgh gets all the breaks and no-calls, every foul called on Chicago was bogus to help Pittsburgh, and the refs are cheating so Pittsburgh won no matter what. Same for New England (or whatever team Brady plays for), same for Green Bay, same for any opponent of the Cowboys. I get it. That Goodell-Mara Syndicate is a powerful thing.
I dont believe in a league wide conspiracy at all. Sometimes you sit there and wonder how a paid ref can make such big mistakes though. And that's league wide. I don't think the idea of having full time referees is a bad idea. Having them study the game the same way players do and putting that kind of time into it. Also. I do really believe that repercussions for bad calls (PI in NO) should be met with accountability. That's just me though.


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Nope. Dude taunted the entire PITT bench. Obvious penalty, easy call.

And cheap act by the player. Cut your crapp and play ball.


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Tired of hearing about refs. They make some mistakes too but overall do a pretty solid job considering the speed of the game.
In this case, ref Tony Corrente went out of his way to hip check a player and create the penalty that eventually cost the Bears the game. Yes, refs do a good job most of the time. This ain't that, this is a dirty ref that intentionally creates penalties that decide outcomes. He has got to go.


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Not sure if any of you watched Monday Night Football, but Ref Tony Corrente called a flag for taunting to pretty much giving the Steelers the game. Also to add, Corrente called a flag on stating the player bumped into him when in fact Corrente leaned into him as he passed.

Dallas has been hit with a bunch of bogus calls, Touchdowns that should have been, even non calls. Officials are getting overboard. What are your thoughts?

he was allowed to celebrate ie the kick it was the extra slow walk to the side line then the stare down of the players coming off the pb bench to the field, thats taunting. I dont like the rule but its been a focus and payers would know it..if he turned to the fans behind the goal posts or his bench, no flag..

a rule is a rule, dont have to agree with it but dont whine when it happens.


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FACT it was subtle vbut its what rthe flag was for not the celebration kick..know the rule agree or not its what got the flag..

.if he turned to the fans behind the goal posts or his bench, no flag..


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Nope. Dude taunted the entire PITT bench. Obvious penalty, easy call.

And cheap act by the player. Cut your crapp and play ball.
Not even close to taunting, he said nothing, just kept his distance in the middle third of the field while bouncing. If looking at someone the wrong way is a penalty now then the wussification of football has just gone too far. And the ref going out of his way to hip check the player is just further proof how the ref was overzealous and out of control with his power.


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Not even close to taunting, he said nothing, just kept his distance in the middle third of the field while bouncing. If looking at someone the wrong way is a penalty now then the wussification of football has just gone too far. And the ref going out of his way to hip check the player is just further proof how the ref was overzealous and out of control with his power.
Obvious taunting. Unless you just don't want to see it!!!