Video: Refs Taunting calls overboard?


Go Seahawks!!!
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Huh? The quality of NFL officiating is, at best, subpar.

Subjective and arbitrary calls are ruining games and potentially altering their outcomes. And it’s not just in Cowboys games; it’s everywhere, in every game.

Power 5 collegiate officials call a much cleaner and clearer game.
Amazing, I hear complaints about them all the time, too. As a matter of fact, I don't know of any sport where fans don't constantly complain about officiating, even down to the YMCA level of sports.


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These refs are sociopaths who think everyone tunes in to see them. Do not give them any more power and absolutely put the hammer down when they start to decide games. Nobody watches to see that crap.

I've seen several videos on YouTube about the game last night. People are sick of it. The NFL is turning into professional wrestling. They better get it fixed.


Since 1971
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The Officiating in the NFL has long been a substandard joke. You would think that the integrity of the games would be of utmost importance for NFL Execs. Instead, the NFL's officiating has completely devolved into a boondoggle.

When is a person too old to call a game played by 22 elite athletes on a 57,600 square foot field officiated by 7 people?



You Have an Axe to Grind
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Exactly, and it's a GAME!!! A game with COMPETITIVE people. When players don't show emotion, they don't care. They show emotion, they're taunting. Ridiculous!!!!!

Roger Goodell was asked about all the taunting calls a couple of weeks ago. He said he was fine with the rule because it’s about showing good sportsmanship. Is it good sportsmanship for players to gather together in the endzone acting like idiots celebrating a TD?


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I get being excited. But be excited in a way that doesn't make you look like you're taunting. It's like high schoolers who want to push the line to see just how much they can get away with and then whine when someone decides to create a dividing line. Put up your fist to signal 4th Down if you want to make a display and then run to your bench. Just dumb.

I think that's ridiculous though. I get that it's the rule, but it is ridiculous. The players get excited. We're watching a league with among the highest competitive people in the world along with Euro football. In Euro, WC, and the Premier League, you're allowed to taunt to an extent. As an example, what he did would be allowed in the Premier League. You just can't take too long with it or remove articles o clothing. That'd get you a yellow card. Basically, use common sense. I think this league should adopt the PL (which, admittedly, I like more than this one....but it's longer) rules on this. As long as it the player maintains common sense, he's allowed to show boat a bit. I think that's really what it boils down to. Common sense with the official.


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The Officiating in the NFL has long been a substandard joke. You would think that the integrity of the games would be of utmost importance for NFL Execs. Instead, the NFL's officiating has completely devolved into a boondoggle.

When is a person too old to call a game played by 22 elite athletes on a 57,600 square foot field officiated by 7 people?


These refs are affecting people's livelihoods. If I'm an owner, all options are on the table to put a stop to it. This is completely unacceptable.


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Roger Goodell was asked about all the taunting calls a couple of weeks ago. He said he was fine with the rule because it’s about showing good sportsmanship. Is it good sportsmanship for players to gather together in the endzone acting like idiots celebrating a TD?

I get that, but I think common sense should apply. I don't mind a group o players crowding to celebrate a TD or, in the PL, a goal. I think it's good team morale. It's things like what the Bears player got called on that makes the PL look better.


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Roger Goodell was asked about all the taunting calls a couple of weeks ago. He said he was fine with the rule because it’s about showing good sportsmanship. Is it good sportsmanship for players to gather together in the endzone acting like idiots celebrating a TD?

The last thing the NFL needs to do is add more rules that these scumbags can use to call penalties. They are about three times more active than they need to be. We need to start taking rules away. That or fine the crap out of them. They have to be punished for this.


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I know it's a different sport, but here are celebrations allowed in the Premier League that would be penalised in an instant in this league.

Tell me, should these be penalised? Are these poor sportsmanship? Would you want a penalty in this League resulting with this?


Go Seahawks!!!
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I get that, but again, I just think the officials should use common sense. And sticking his arse out like he did was ridiculous.
Last thing I want to do is help the NFL. If I had my choice, everyone would hate it so much they would quit watching.Cancel the NFL I say, but I've never understood the desire for fans to hate the refs because they aren't perfect. Most fans tolerate imperfection in their favorite players and defend those mistakes, but won't allow any grace to officials whatsoever.


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Last thing I want to do is help the NFL. If I had my choice, everyone would hate it so much they would quit watching.Cancel the NFL I say, but I've never understood the desire for fans to hate the refs because they aren't perfect. Most fans tolerate imperfection in their favorite players and defend those mistakes, but won't allow any grace to officials whatsoever.

Oh, no doubt. Though, Corrente is one I normally take issue with, but that's another story. The point is, I partly like the Premier League more because the refs there tend to be a bit more common sense compared to this leagues refs.


Go Seahawks!!!
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Oh, no doubt. Though, Corrente is one I normally take issue with, but that's another story. The point is, I partly like the Premier League more because the refs there tend to be a bit more common sense compared to this leagues refs.
Italy plays Switzerland on Friday. I need to come up with an excuse to work from home so I can watch.


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Not sure if any of you watched Monday Night Football, but Ref Tony Corrente called a flag for taunting to pretty much giving the Steelers the game. Also to add, Corrente called a flag on stating the player bumped into him when in fact Corrente leaned into him as he passed.

Dallas has been hit with a bunch of bogus calls, Touchdowns that should have been, even non calls. Officials are getting overboard. What are your thoughts?

The sad part is Roger Goodfella doesn’t seem to give a bleep because I’ve seen not one official fired


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He's exactly right! The one thing the National football League lacks is common sense.

I like Ryan Clark too . Unfortunately ESPN has sunk its budget to that blow hard Stephen A and Skippy peanut brittle. They’ve had massive layoffs not getting enough eye balls watching contrived arguments on ESPN

Louis Riddick knows what he’s talking about too