contrary and blunt nature would be to ask...why is it so hard to click a mouse once or twice to switch? This point coming from the guy (talking about myself so there is no mistake or misunderstanding) that will walk around the living room looking for the remote for 10 minutes instead of just walking to the tv and switching the channel.
Point is sometimes we become a little too spoiled IMO where a simple idea of clicking a button once or twice seems like an unachievable goal or terrible inconvenience that should never be considered. Almost offending that one would be required to make a click here or there.
Or one could say...the other zone with the good news STILL allows users to post comments in the threads, they just can not start individual threads.
So, you may wish to talk about TO, if one of the existing articles or threads are in that zone, you can go into that particular thread and bring up various points in a post.
The lessening the quality of one zone or the other is a point that could be viewed in different ways IMO.
One person may find the opinionated threads people start as lessening the site and they only want to see cowboys news or good thought provoking threads. Another person may be the opposite and want to only dive into debates and love a good argument. Some like both.
Why should someone who only has limited time to view one or the other have to wade through those threads they don't want to read about just trying to find cowboys news? Would that inconvenience be as important to you or less important to you than just clicking a mouse?
It is not like one view is being completely outlawed. They both are still there, just in different sections.
The problem as I see it is the idea of the change itself, and also the idea that having to click a mouse one or twice is such a burden in todays simplistic approach to some things.
You suggest creating a zone where only Quality threads are accessed...but you fail to realize that in many ways that is exactly what is being done. The problem you may have understanding is what may be quality to you, may not be to others.
As I said, some may view the quality threads as being Cowboys Related articles and Recaps...they may believe that all the other threads about peoples opinions or troll like threads are just pure drivel.
Others may view those opinionated threads the best thing since sliced bread, they would rather jump in an debate or argue points instead of reading articles by some writers they never liked anyways.
It is subjective..but by splitting this up we hope to give each person the ability to chose which they like or in which order they want to view them.
If a person likes both they can start in one zone, look and see if there is any new articles or breaking through and comment on some. When they feel they have got the gist of the days news they can move into the other section and jump into a debate about TO lovers/haters or the anti-zimmer thread and so on.
There are choices there for each. Don't let a little change and a mouse click or two be change you refuse or just don't want to give a try.
Ok...I am rambling too much, really getting sleepy.