Report: Manziel was highest rated player on Cowboys board at time of pick

So if the BPA is a QB in every round when you pick, you go with the BPA? So you are willing to draft 7 QBs in one draft because you believe going with the BPA is the best way to draft?

That is ridiculous.

Not talking about 7 guys. Franchise QBs are the most important piece. If you dont have to play one with ?marks immediately all the better. No way there are 7 much less 2 consensus franchise QBs in a draft. If so, you get trade value (RGIII), or other teams jump to get them.

Dallas had Aikman and drafted Walsh. Wash drafted RGIII and Cousins in the same draft and other examples. Every draft is different and every opportunity is different
Yes. He sure did.

I guess Dallas didn't actually take the BPA on their board at #16. I know that makes quite a few brains explode.

That's funny, because all I heard last night was how Jerry had learned his lesson and was taking BPA and we were taking steak over sizzle and substance over style. Apparently not.
Yea, franchise QB's are just so easy to find. Not to say there is any guarantee Manziel will be a franchise QB but there are no guarantees any player at any position will pan out.

All you guys who are still in love with our old Romo are gonna have to deal with reality sooner than later. I say he gives us 4-5 games this year.. All of you are going it have be ok with Weeden and Orton as well. They will play more games than Tony sues this year.....2 back surgeries on a 34 year old is NOT good, and it's not hard to understand that. The Tony love fest should be over now, I was on it forever and defended him as much as anyone. But it's time to move on....
No one does BPA absolutely. You will find that most teams do not go strictly by their board EVER.

NEED always matters, just like cap considerations always matter.

And the JF Homers (WHO ARE COINCIDENTALLY (not) MOSTLYH ROMO HATERS) refuse to admit just how much of a circus that bringing him here now would create. THAT Also HAD TO BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION.

the boys thought it over and decided it was overall best for the club that they go with Martin.

sturm and many in this thread refuse to admit there were a LOT of factors around a JF pick that would not be there with just about any other pick that they could have made.
Its also a news article that does not ask the question of where Martin was rated. If he was rated right behind Manziel than this entire discussion is moot.
Yea, but Im opining on the factual elements/assertions of the article and not personal supposition or strawman. This may very well come out.
All you guys who are still in love with our old Romo are gonna have to deal with reality sooner than later. I say he gives us 4-5 games this year.. All of you are going it have be ok with Weeden and Orton as well. They will play more games than Tony sues this year.....2 back surgeries on a 34 year old is NOT good, and it's not hard to understand that. The Tony love fest should be over now, I was on it forever and defended him as much as anyone. But it's time to move on....

I say Romo gives us 16 games this year. See? I can make up numbers, too.
we know you hate romo. We know you love the thought of what might happen We get it.
You are getting boring saying it again and again

Me and you usually agree. I even agreed with you on Romo up until about five choke jobs ago. How much more failure are you willing to defend. Liking or disliking Romo has nothing to do with his age and health. It has everything to do with the future. Does it hurt to be prepared?
We have a ton of money tied to our starting QB who also happens to be a terrific player.

On top of that, we have far greater needs elsewhere that must be addressed if we want any chance at making noise in the immediate future.

What part of that is difficult to understand? It's not rocket science.

So did Green Bay
Why don't you ask Troy Aikman?

BTW-My surgery was done by one of the best nuerosurgeons in Houston

Aikman led the Cowboys to two Superbowls after he had his back surgery, so I assume he worked with some top notch guys. Although from what I recall, he had to seek a second opinion before he had his surgery. The Cowboys doctors didn't think he had a serious problem. Once he got that second opinion, those docs told him he needed surgery.
Me and you usually agree. I even agreed with you on Romo up until about five choke jobs ago. How much more failure are you willing to defend. Liking or disliking Romo has nothing to do with his age and health. It has everything to do with the future. Does it hurt to be prepared?

I'll say it. Age and injuries are real and pressing concerns. But the first reason we should be drafting a quarterback is that Romo isn't good enough.
Yes. He sure did.

I guess Dallas didn't actually take the BPA on their board at #16. I know that makes quite a few brains explode.

I think that would depend on how they had Manziel graded vis a vis Martin and/or Shazier. If it was close (which seems likely), passing on a qb with huge question marks due to a lack of size in favor of a player who will contribute immediately was unquestionably the right call.
All you guys who are still in love with our old Romo are gonna have to deal with reality sooner than later. I say he gives us 4-5 games this year.. All of you are going it have be ok with Weeden and Orton as well. They will play more games than Tony sues this year.....2 back surgeries on a 34 year old is NOT good, and it's not hard to understand that. The Tony love fest should be over now, I was on it forever and defended him as much as anyone. But it's time to move on....

While I have in the past been firmly in the Romo supporter camp(and still am), I agree with you 100% it is time to find a replacement. His back scare me to death and I have little doubt he will not make it a full season again and has a real good chance of being a shell of his former self. We should have jumped on Manziel when we had the chance. We will regret it.
I'll take McCarron or Murray and end the weekend with a smile on my face. This is less about JF and more about the need to groom NOW.

Im glad someone is listening. There are some winners on the board still and being smart could land us a great groomer. Weeden and a rook with some upside like McCarron or Murray would be nice to have.
I'll say it. Age and injuries are real and pressing concerns. But the first reason we should be drafting a quarterback is that Romo isn't good enough.

It is possible and I think likely that the QBs rated the highest in this years draft aren't good enough. For Dallas or any team.
Me and you usually agree. I even agreed with you on Romo up until about five choke jobs ago. How much more failure are you willing to defend. Liking or disliking Romo has nothing to do with his age and health. It has everything to do with the future. Does it hurt to be prepared?

I think some people just want to put off the inevitable as long as possible. I don't know how long Rono's got. Maybe 2 or 3 years. I doubt he's going to be as great as he was. I'm thinking more of Aikman at the end.
I think that would depend on how they had Manziel graded vis a vis Martin and/or Shazier. If it was close (which seems likely), passing on a qb with huge question marks due to a lack of size in favor of a player who will contribute immediately was unquestionably the right call.

You're mincing words. Jerry said JF was the BPA on his board when they were on the clock at 16.
Aikman led the Cowboys to two Superbowls after he had his back surgery, so I assume he worked with some top notch guys. Although from what I recall, he had to seek a second opinion before he had his surgery. The Cowboys doctors didn't think he had a serious problem. Once he got that second opinion, those docs told him he needed surgery.

He was also a lot younger. Of course Romo's a young 34..
Sturm doesn't sound pleased.

Questioning coziness of Cowboys FO with Romo.
Not sure why. Right now, Romo > JF. Giving Romo a formidable OL will theoretically keep him running for his life every 7 plays or so and suffer as many big hits that he has taken over the years. The bonus for me? The pick of Martin could also give Romo something I'm not sure he ever had before: a reliable running game in December.

This OL has the potential to be our best one since the '90s. We already have plenty of playmakers. Now Romo will have a little more time to find them downfield.

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