Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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" law enforcement tends to adopt the thinking that minorities all do the same thing and will shoot first even in scenarios where it really wasn't necessary."

Yes this? Does it apply just to white cops or do minority cops act in such a manner as well? If so why?

it is not media hype. it doesn't matter if its white cops or black cops, the unlawful killings are a problem, not the color of the cop, at least to me
And away I will go. When stands begin to empty and the TV contracts dry up, we will have the last laugh.

The Stands can empty but the fans already gave their money to the Cowboys/NFL by paying for the tickets. What Network is going to cut off the TV contracts of the entire NFL since a lot of teams protested?
The NFL has stated that it does not require players to stand during the anthem. Owners were down on the sideline with them yesterday.

Deal with it.

I am aware of what they can do. Standing during the National anthem is a way of ackwowledging that the right to choose was earned by the blood of patriots.

It doesn't ruin my day, there is nothing to deal with.
Give me a break. The whole racism argument when it comes to law enforcement is a bunch of bull****. If you don't want to get shot, don't commit crimes. White people get shot by cops too, but I haven't seen any protests. Are there some accidents and even bad shootings? Of course there are, but the same thing applies to white people that get shot. You just never hear about it because no one cares and no one can make any money off of it. The Michael Brown farce started all of this and it was proven to be total bull****. The "hands up, don't shoot" cry was proven to be a complete lie. The guy went for the officer's gun. You do that, you get shot. Every damn time.

I'm not blind. I know racism still exists. But, it exists on a two way street. In general, you will be treated in the manner you treat others. It seems that today if a black person gets shot by the Police, it's automatically a racist act. Maybe, just maybe black people commit crimes just like white people. Imagine that.

I have seen protests when white people have been wrongly shot by cops.
Nice of you to only quote half of what I said, lol. Protests are never at your convenience, that would make them ****ty protests.
The rest of what you said was quoted with the "...", way to show your sensitivity. Protest that steps on something I care about is not going to win me over. Are you trying to create unity or division? If you want unity then find a better way.
You lost me there, CCF.

The link seems natural. Jmo

iirc, the players were not on the field for the anthem prior to 2009 or so. It was only after the Army etc started advertising that the anthem at NFL games became some huge military support thing
You have no clue what you're talking about. Kaepernick opted out of his contract himself. He still stands for injustice today as he did last year. Hear what you want to
Why did he opt out? because he was not going to have a job. He has backtracked this year saying he would not kneel. He needs money fortunately most of the owners see that and see through his hollow promises.
it is not media hype. it doesn't matter if its white cops or black cops, the unlawful killings are a problem, not the color of the cop, at least to me

So cops are going around committing unlawful killings? And this happens disproportionately to law abiding minority folks? And there is something about the job that makes both white and minority cops commit these unlawful killings?
The rest of what you said was quoted with the "...", way to show how your sensitivity. Protest that steps on something I care about is not going to win me over. Are you trying to create unity or division? If you want unity then find a better way.

They aren't trying to win you over, they are trying to start a discussion. Which they did, so with every reply you are feeding into what they want. I call that a successful protest.

Also what is your fixation with calling people sensitive? You took something I said partially out of context and replied only to the part you felt like addressing. u dont spek 2 gud dew u?
So cops are going around committing unlawful killings? And this happens disproportionately to law abiding minority folks? And there is something about the job that makes both white and minority cops commit these unlawful killings?

yes they are. every cop? no. 50% of cops? likely not, but enough of them. You can dispute it if it you want. I have seen these killings. I have seen the stereotyping. Gonna take a wild guess and say your not a minority and haven't experienced this. So if you haven't gotten the point of what i've been saying by now. There isn't much else to be said
I have a question for you guys, no matter what your opinion. Why would you be surprised if some of the Cowboys protest? Our 53 is probably within a standard deviation of the cross section of any other 53 in the league. After all, the draft is pretty random, and there is no way that our FO asks any questions about personal political views during the draft process. I don't think it's any different for free agents, though that could be slightly more skewed due to Dallas' location in the country.

So there were generally guys in the league (maybe even former Cowboys?) who did something yesterday besides stand during the anthem. I don't see how that would be different because of the uniform they have put on this year.
I am aware of what they can do. Standing during the National anthem is a way of ackwowledging that the right to choose was earned by the blood of patriots.

It doesn't ruin my day, there is nothing to deal with.

You don't get to claim what every vet fought for. You certainly do not get to speak for the armed services who have taken no stance. If you fought as a vet then thank you for your service but you do not get to speak for anyone but yourself. I can introduce you to several vets who support the protest. Doesn't make anyone right.

Nevermind that the players have specifically said they are not protesting the armed services and it's the national anthem not the military anthem. They play taps to honor the fallen at every military service I have been to not the SSB.
Are some really going to give up the whole football seasons if the Cowboys protest. Even if they end up making a deep run in the playoffs?

If a large number of the team protest's by kneeling or sitting, I will not watch until they stop protesting. I know my protest doesn't matter to them, but it's my right. I'll figure out something to do with my time.
They aren't trying to win you over, they are trying to start a discussion. Which they did, so with every reply you are feeding into what they want. I call that a successful protest.

Also what is your fixation with calling people sensitive? You took something I said partially out of context and replied only to the part you felt like addressing. u dont spek 2 gud dew u?
I'll discuss all they want and it will do them no good. Win me over and we can all win.

You being sensitive about being sensitive? I'm sorry. I took nothing you said out of context, I just quoted half of it word for word then included the rest with an ellipsis. Not my fault you don't comprehend too well.
yes they are. every cop? no. 50% of cops? likely not, but enough of them. You can dispute it if it you want. I have seen these killings. I have seen the stereotyping. Gonna take a wild guess and say your not a minority and haven't experienced this. So if you haven't gotten the point of what i've been saying by now. There isn't much else to be said

They didn't kill you? I am surprised since cops run around killing minorities for no reason.
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