Report: Some Cowboys planning protest tonight

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This is America's team, and nothing is more American than exercising your rights, as long as they dont infringe upon others.

They are infringing on my rights as an NFL fan.. not to have the every day BS of politics mixed with my entertainment. I watch the game because I enjoy it, it entertains me.. not to watch over paid, over entitled millionaires disrespecting the flag and the people that died to give them the opportunity to play a kids game for millions of dollars. Like I said, there are ways to protest, to show unity, but to kneel during the anthem to me is just disrespectful and if that happens, I will have to make a decision.. I haven't missed a Cowboy's game that was televised in 40 years.. tonight might be the first of many though.
I am not going to give up my season tickets or stop watching Dallas football but I will say this: I watched less football (and football related programming) yesterday than I have in years because I am just sick and tired of all the attention paid to this issue.

I wasn't mad, I wasn't angry, I wasn't yelling and screaming.... I just said to myself "man, I'm sick of this crap" and simply did something equally unproductive with my Sunday afternoon.

I watched last night. That was it.

I've been front-and-center all day Sunday my whole life. Wouldn't miss it ever. But yesterday, I just couldn't get interested. Didn't want to watch and hear about this fabricated crap all day.

I really didn't think about it much at all. Caught the scores later, and that was plenty good enough for me.

Weird for such a lifelong football crazy fan like myself.
Oh, if I were so powerful. We would win Every Game. And there would be NO politics of any kind posed with sports. Can I not find somewhere to go for 3 hrs and not see politics?

I agree w this. Believe me I do.
Meh, whatever. I don't like it, but if firing Tom Landry, pushing Jimmy out the door and signing TO didn't make me stop watching Jerry's team, neither will this.
Lance Rentzel and Rapheal Septien I watched too.

With very mixed emotions.
So, I'm a racist because I dislike people showing no respect to my flag, country, and veterans. Then sign my *** up!!!!
I didn't call you a racist. I haven't read the whole thread, but I haven't seen you say anything racist. I think your position on this is silly, but that's a different debate.

But, "you know you're winning when they start calling you a racist (etc.)" is a really awful argument, one that racists (etc.) like to use to justify themselves. If people say and do racist things, they should be called out on it, forcefully and without moderation.
How many times did Obama tread where he shouldn't but white America didn't lose their minds over it the way black America is doing now.
President Obama was the most divisive President of my lifetime and now President Trump is carrying on with that work....just in a more direct manner than Obama. The difference is Obama was lauded by the press and the left and Trump is excoriated.
The president called out the NFL and the NBA champions over the weekend. Maybe he should stick to politics.

Yea no crap. And the players should stick to playing football. They want to express outrage on their off time? Fine. But they brought politics into their place of business before Trump took office. They don't get a pass just because he called them out.

My company is pretty clear about politics. Leave it out of the workplace because it doesn't belong there.
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