Report: Terry Glenn to Sign with Dolphins

bbgun;2165393 said:
Even though time is running out, the prospect of winning a championship meant nothing to him. A few extra shillings and suddenly he's a Dolphin. I just love your priorities, Terry.

Its funny you would bash him for putting money over winning when he supposedly agreed to sign the split contract.
"Oh daddy, nobody understands me or loves me like you.", a crying Terry Glenn said while leaning in for a warm embrace from Bill Parcells. Parcells replies lovingly, "Don't worry my child, Drew Bledsoe is coming to Miami and we'll fix the relationship that Jerry Jones destroyed!" Suddenly Glenn and Parcells look into each others eyes, and both suddenly knew that while they may be old and broken in the physical sense, they were very young and able in spirit to rekindle the loving devotion they had lost. "Daddy?", asked Glenn, "does this mean that we are a family again?" Nodding his head, and with a slight jiggle of his belly, Parcells responded, "Yes my dear son, never again shall we be torn apart".
Tovya;2165416 said:
"Oh daddy, nobody understands me or loves me like you.", a crying Terry Glenn said while leaning in for a warm embrace from Bill Parcells. Parcells replies lovingly, "Don't worry my child, Drew Bledsoe is coming to Miami and we'll fix the relationship that Jerry Jones destroyed!" Suddenly Glenn and Parcells look into each others eyes, and both suddenly knew that while they may be old and broken in the physical sense, they were very young and able in spirit to rekindle the loving devotion they had lost. "Daddy?", asked Glenn, "does this mean that we are a family again?" Nodding his head, and with a slight jiggle of his belly, Parcells responded, "Yes my dear son, never again shall we be torn apart".
I hope you found that entertaining
Some people think it's money that's drving Glenn, but he must really want to play the game if he signed with lowly Miami. Even if the knee is OK, what can he achieve with that bunch? That's akin to torture.
He's prolly better than any of their WRs currrently on their roster...and more than likely, none of the real contenders wanted him.

So sniff around the contenders and wait for one of their injured WRs to go down or go where you know you can steal another mil or two?
Whats amazing is he probably will pass a physical that otherwise he wouldnt have passed with any other team. Im anxious to see how much Parcells will pay him and would it be more than the 1.7 mill he would have made with Dallas. Miami has ALOT of cap room and can afford to pay him more than Dallas would have.

Overall, good move by Miami. Thats a pretty solid division with the Pats, Bill, Jets, and Dolphins but Miami will struggle will so many rookies. Better than 1-15 but not much better. Glenn cant get them to the playoffs!

I guess Glenn chose money over winning. Family first right?
She won't play in as many as 6 games. I just hope no permanent damage results from this comeback attempt...knee replacements at 40 are foreseeable.
im still bummed we let him go...i just got his dang jersey a couple months ago:banghead: oh well
God, im going to have to listen to these clowns on the radio down here proclaim glenn the savior. The dolphins have no QB anyways. I hope you have fun going 4-12 terry.
newlander;2165383 said:
"she" must feel better.....that midol works wonders I hear..........

bbgun;2165393 said:
Even though time is running out, the prospect of winning a championship meant nothing to him. A few extra shillings and suddenly he's a Dolphin. I just love your priorities, Terry.

Tovya;2165416 said:
"Oh daddy, nobody understands me or loves me like you.", a crying Terry Glenn said while leaning in for a warm embrace from Bill Parcells. Parcells replies lovingly, "Don't worry my child, Drew Bledsoe is coming to Miami and we'll fix the relationship that Jerry Jones destroyed!" Suddenly Glenn and Parcells look into each others eyes, and both suddenly knew that while they may be old and broken in the physical sense, they were very young and able in spirit to rekindle the loving devotion they had lost. "Daddy?", asked Glenn, "does this mean that we are a family again?" Nodding his head, and with a slight jiggle of his belly, Parcells responded, "Yes my dear son, never again shall we be torn apart".

CrazyCowboy;2165435 said:
guess money wins out over trophy....just like 99 percent of all players.

Anyone else ever embarrassed by the Cowboy fan base?
If he wouldn't have been so un-agreeable on his contract he would still be here. I hope we win the Super Bowl this year just to teach him a lesson!

bigE79;2165445 said:
im still bummed we let him go...i just got his dang jersey a couple months ago:banghead: oh well

OOh, bad investment.

Although it'll probably look good hanging in the closet next to your, "Titanic; The Unsinkable Ship" and "I Voted for President Dewey" t-shirts.


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