RIP Kobe Bryant ** respectful posts only! **

Sikorsky S-76B

Two pilots (or a pilot and a passenger) sit side by side in the cockpit, situated ahead of the cabin, which can accommodate a further 12 passengers in three rows of four, or four to eight passengers in more luxurious executive seating
14 min ago
LA Sheriff: 9 people on board helicopter that crashed in Calabasas

Los Angeles Sheriff Alex Villanueva says that nine people — the pilot and eight others — were aboard the helicopter that crashed earlier today in Calabasas, California.

The Sheriff did not identify anyone on the flight, saying it was "entirely inappropriate" to do so at this time until the coroner made the identification to the next of kin.

"It'd be extremely disrespectful to understand that your loved one was perished and you learned about it from TMZ," Villanueva said. "That is just wholly inappropriate, so we're not gonna be going there. We're gonna wait until the coroner does their job.
For private trips, do they not log the number of passengers and their names with the departing airport? To keep these families in suspense of what happened to their loved ones seems cruel.
I was just told by my ex wife, she seen it was Kobe, his 13 year old daughter, a friend and the friends daughter, and the pilot.
They were going to the kids basketball game.
Where did you hear that?

EDIT: Dude, Kobe wasn’t the pilot.

Well the report was 5 at first. That would have been his daughter, her teammate and the teammate’s parents (again this was being reported). That would have left Kobe as the pilot. Now 9 is being reported so idk.
For private trips, do they not log the number of passengers and their names with the departing airport? To keep these families in suspense of what happened to their loved ones seems cruel.
CNN just reported the manifest had 9 passengers
For private trips, do they not log the number of passengers and their names with the departing airport? To keep these families in suspense of what happened to their loved ones seems cruel.
They wait until they are sure b4 they notify family. My daughter was missing a week before they found her, after they found her they did not inform me until almost 5 hours later
C’mon man. They’re obviously trying confirm identities and contact the family before releasing the names.

They don’t do that through the media.

I agree. I was wondering why the different numbers and the families being identified regarding them. Never said anything about the media. I should have worded it better. Sorry.

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