RIP Kobe Bryant ** respectful posts only! **

I tried Facebook last May out of a desire to keep up with friends from my old job I had retired from 7 months earlier. It lasted a week before I was trying to get it and all of its tentacles removed from my phone. The constant, non stop notifications from people saying the dumbest things was the most annoying thing I had ever experienced.

I'm back to the way I have always been - if I want to talk to you I'll pick up the phone and call.
AMEN BROTHER! Same here. Tech is our own worst enemy at times and more tech isn't always a better thing. FB,TWITTER are prime examples. Only time I ever go onto them is if there is a death in the family, an event like my kid graduating from military/school etc..stuff like that. My sister will go on there daily and tell everyone what she is doing from the time she wakes up til bed time...its actually something I am worried about with her. She had a terrible marriage, events in her life, and sadly, is dealing with her own addiction to alcohol. So while she is a good mom, she has MANY personal issues and demons she deals with...shes FB offers her an outlet.What she doesn't understand is, its a platform for some very unstable and bad people to attack you, and even prey on your vulnerabilities. I don't have the time in my life for that crap. Glad I made the choice to stay away. Best decision I ever made. They need to leave KOBE and his loved ones be.
Excellent message. I'm no fan of basketball, as I can barely take all the ticky tack calls in the NFL so the NBA doesn't work for me. I didn't follow Kobe's career, but any sports fan should know the mark hes left on his sport. As for his personal life, all I know is his entrepreneurship and the teaching of it to the younger players is something I have heard of and admire

I'm sure there are many other contributions, but the bottom line is that this moment should be bereft of personal attacks for anybody who's not a despot or scourge to society. Mourn the person, the family and the void the left behind
well said and Thanks man. JUST SPEAKING FROM THE HEART OUT OF LOVE. Older I get, I am a softy lol..Like I teach my kids, take it 1 day at a time and be the best version of yourself that you can be, THAT DAY. Not perfect...but always looking to be better. I think the world would be a much better place if we all did that. MSM and sports in general needs a heavy dose of that.
I have a fave NBA team..the Celtics....but haven't followed the NBA for about 6 years. They lost me. Players like Kobe, Magic,bird,jordan, Shaq, and others were the last of the Mohicans lol.. Kobe represented the last of a dying breed if you will and when he retired, it changed things. Last thing he was, WAS SELFISH. He was a team guy,period. Players now are mostly about THEM. Nature of the beast I guess.
Was it Chris Kattan or Mike Honcho?
Don’t you guys ever tweet once in awhile in a celebs post? I think it’s fun...”I don’t give 2 craps what U say...grab grass is grab grass and lemon peels is a joke. #roundup “
Kevin Corke responded to one of my tweets about 2 months ago. That was cool. Hes a good reporter and once worked in sports for espn. Good dude. I haven't been on twatter since...NO TIME. My son graduated boot camp and so I was traveling and planning...then with head was spinning lol.
I grew up idolizing Magic then MJ.
All about era so Kobe wasn't my idol.
All that said his legendary work ethic is a lesson for us all in all walks of life.

What made this far more personal for me was I, like Kobe, had only daughters.
I coached my girls sports teams and it was a way we bonded.
I had .00001% of Kobe's actual insight but spent plenty of days, weeks, months of life traveling to tourneys all over Texas and even out of state coaching them in AAU/Club.
Tons of time training and practicing.
And that time is so meaningful.
So Kobe is a monster shock but Gianna hit me harder.
She was 13 with everything in front of her. Just a baby really.

RIP to them both and all the lives lost.
Make each day as fruitful as you can.

Very sad news made even worse knowing one of his daughters was on board. May all 9 passengers rest in peace. I'm 34 years old and there is not a basketball fan my age that growing up didn't pretend they were Kobe Bryant. I remember trying for hours to put the basketball underneath my legs and do a lay up (I couldn't dunk) like he did during the dunk contest. Terrible tragedy. This will be one of those do you remember where you were moments that stays with me.
Don’t you guys ever tweet once in awhile in a celebs post? I think it’s fun...”I don’t give 2 craps what U say...grab grass is grab grass and lemon peels is a joke. #roundup “

Well, I guess Kattan isn't everybody's cup of tea......
Wish the best for close friends and family that were affected. Hope it wasn't due to pilot neglect/incompetence.
Local Los Angeles stations were reporting it, which is unforgivable for a supposed news agency. But we live in the fake news world now. Just throw it at the wall and see what sticks.
It’s about money. Everybody trying to break the news first and don’t care about the families or people effected.

RIP Kobe. They are all in a better place.
It’s about money. Everybody trying to break the news first and don’t care about the families or people effected.

RIP Kobe. They are all in a better place.

I know a lot about that industry, and I've never understood this. What money? How do you make money off reporting a story 20 minutes before another reporter? I don't understand the financial component of that.

I go to who's generally correct before I go to who's first. Yes, I do understand that if you're on a story that nobody else is, there's value to that. THAT is what the journalism game is about.

However, reporting "first" on a story that is unfolding before everybody's eyes by the minute carries no value. Just get it right.
Every time I see a picture of his daughter, I tear much life unlived, it doesnt seem fair. I hope Kobe gave her comfort in her last moments, RIP
The only good fortune in any of this for all of them is that, apparently, they were in thick fog. It was almost certainly over before any of them knew what what happened.

The real question remaining is, why was that helicopter given "special clearance" to take off? Conditions weren't good.
I've already offered my condolences I just want to say shame on a select few of you guys that had the mods put up a reminder to be respectful, shame on you.
I think it was just one in particular...and I took someone's advice and put him on ignore. His track record, combined with this ill conceived vitriol makes me think a lot of people would be better off doing the same thing.
I know a lot about that industry, and I've never understood this. What money? How do you make money off reporting a story 20 minutes before another reporter? I don't understand the financial component of that.

I go to who's generally correct before I go to who's first. Yes, I do understand that if you're on a story that nobody else is, there's value to that. THAT is what the journalism game is about.

However, reporting "first" on a story that is unfolding before everybody's eyes by the minute carries no value. Just get it right.
I am not sure about how the money works. Guessing a place that’s reporting stories first gets more listeners and brings more advertising money.
I tried Facebook last May out of a desire to keep up with friends from my old job I had retired from 7 months earlier. It lasted a week before I was trying to get it and all of its tentacles removed from my phone. The constant, non stop notifications from people saying the dumbest things was the most annoying thing I had ever experienced.

I'm back to the way I have always been - if I want to talk to you I'll pick up the phone and call.
I can't believe you didn't see that coming! Lol
Every time I see a picture of his daughter, I tear much life unlived, it doesnt seem fair. I hope Kobe gave her comfort in her last moments, RIP
I was thinking about how helpless he and the other parents must have felt, not being able to protect their babies. What a horrible thing to go through.

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