RIP Kobe Bryant ** respectful posts only! **

It would be interesting to hear what that former 19 year old girl deems respectful ...
Condolences to the other (seemingly not as important to some) people who lost their lives in that crash.
I would respond to this ignorance but this thread deserves more respect so i wont. RIP all of them and my condolences to those affected
Kobe and his daughter's death as well as the others that perished in the copter had nothing to do with a creator, karma, fate etc. It likely is collective decision making, poor visibility, pilot error or something mechanical or electrical with the copter. Millions of people die everyday. If there is a god I think he has better and less vicious things to do then find ways to "take" people. Instead of focusing on the how and why's let's ruminate how precious life is and that we can cease to exist any given moment. It's a short ride even if you die of natural causes folks so let's strive to appreciate that and be a little bit kinder.
Huh? I’m replying to him. Saying in my own life I’m being kept around ...nothing about yes it’s a grand design in that incident and all this stuff you’re injecting into my post. I really couldn’t say either way though...I’m not management. But kindness?. A whole post of a condescending insult at me....ok...I’m not doing this. I’m happy...happy I get to fight while others won’t. Happy I know Jeanie has been at his house this whole time with his family,and that Kobe’s kids are probably the ones helping her grieve instead,because his kids stronger than her right now. Y’all need to check yourselves no idea.
Huh? I’m replying to him. Saying in my own life I’m being kept around ...nothing about yes it’s a grand design in that incident and all this stuff you’re injecting into my post. I really couldn’t say either way though...I’m not management. But kindness?. A whole post of a condescending insult at me....ok...I’m not doing this. I’m happy...happy I get to fight while others won’t. Happy I know Jeanie has been at his house this whole time with his family,and that Kobe’s kids are probably the ones helping her grieve instead,because his kids stronger than her right now. Y’all need to check yourselves no idea.

Chrispierce, I am not rebutting you on your post. Just adding to it. Everyone has right to believe in what they believe or what they don't believe. Just giving you my perspective on this unexpected tragedy.
Why would you have to put “respectful posts only”?

Are people that sick? The man has a family mourning. The accident was a tragedy. Other people died. Just a sad story all around.

because of asshats like this

It would be interesting to hear what that former 19 year old girl deems respectful ...
Condolences to the other (seemingly not as important to some) people who lost their lives in that crash.
These are the 2 weather observations around the time they crashed at Van Nuys Airport:

METAR KVNY 261851Z 00000KT 2 1/2SM HZ OVC014 13/09 A3018
RMK AO2 SLP218 T01280089=
METAR KVNY 261751Z 00000KT 2 1/2SM HZ OVC013 12/09 A3016
RMK AO2 SLP212 T01220089 10122 20111 51010=

2.5 miles of visibility, haze, and overcast at 1300 feet. Visual conditions are 3 miles. He requested a special VFR clearance, which allows you to fly down to 1 mile visibility, which isn't smart in mountainous terrain. If he just flew on an instrument flight plan, they would be alive.

It sounded like SoCal tower was telling him 1500 feet, but he never acknowledged them. I’m wondering when he went down to 1200 feet if that caused some type of radio interference?
I don’t think this is accurate myself, after listening to the pilot communicate with Van Nuys/Socal air traffic control towers up until the moment when it disappeared, My thinking is this happened so quick they didn’t realize it was happening.

I hope so. As a father the thought of listening to my daughter scream in terror is unbearable to think about.
Don’t search up #girldad if you want a dry eye. Tons of fathers posting after Kobe’s passing.
This is just horrible and sad, and by the looks of it will be probably be blamed on pilot error/weather conditions than anything else.
It just goes to show how life is and can be short and very unfair, regardless of any social/financial standing one might have in life.

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