Twitter: Rob Ryan on E:60 says Jerry and Stephen trust the wrong people *vid Post #13*

i think its obvious that jerry gets lots of peoples opinions. as to who's opinion he trusts the most that seems to have changed over the years. i think over the last 3 or 4 years the people he listens too are much smarter than the ones he was listening to before. out last few years we've done a very good job of bringing in the right guys and drafting well.
i think if you look at jerry's history he has evolved as most people do. i also think some of jerry's worst mistakes came on draft day. and i'm not talking about the picks but the trades.hopefully who ever advised him on the roy williams deal is no longer allowed on the property
ryan may have a point but he was alos one of those who when he was here. jerry listened to and that was'nt the best move to me.
Bart Hubbuch‏@BartHubbuch 4m4 minutes ago
Wow, Rob Ryan tells ESPN the Cowboys are mediocre because Jerry Jones "surrounds himself with some people he trusts who aren't trustworthy."
Rob Ryan tells ESPN's E:60 that there are "people [within the Cowboys] that are in power that shouldn't be" advising Jerry & Stephen Jones.
Rob Ryan tells ESPN Jerry/Stephen Jones "want to do what's right -- they actually do -- but they don't ... they're just not getting it yet."


I don't know they got rid of your sorry ars, that was a step in the right direction.
Nice post. Lacewell and Ciskowski are a disaster. Lacewell in particular put together some of their worst drafts in NFL history and Ciskowski hasn't been much better. The fact those 2 guys have been Jerry's closest advisors on draft day for the past 18 years of futility explains a lot.

I don't think we've had issues with putting talent on this team under Ciskowski. The main difference is that for all of Garrett's faults, he understands how to keep players under his thumb instead of them buying into the hype and regressing as a player because they lack focus and dedication. Mike Jenkins was probably the greatest example of this. He had the talent. His coaches at USF specifically stated that he was a good kid and would work hard if the coaching staff stays on him constantly. But, if you let off him he will develop bad habits (in other words, become lazy). Wade was very lax outside of the 2009 season which was Jenkins best year and he looked like a Pro Bowler. From a talent perspective, he was a good pick, the coaching staff just needs to do their part as well.

I also saw this with Anthony Spencer. Spencer would lose his gap control in 2010 and try to jump around the block in order to make a big play. Teams started to notice this and ran right at Spencer knowing he would jump around the block instead of maintaining his gap and they would gain big yards. Once Garrett took over, Spencer stopped jumping around the gap and maintained his gap control. It was pretty obvious what happened...Spencer knew that Garrett wasn't playing around. And then Spencer's best seasons came under Garrett.

If there was something I had an issue with Ciskowski was in last year's draft when there was some strife between some of the scouts and Jerry because we passed on Sharrif Floyd because he didn't fit Kiffin's scheme. To me, not understanding that Floyd didn't fit Kiffin's scheme is inexcusable. That's a massive problem with communication and it makes me wonder how smart the scouts are since it is rather elementary when it comes to football. Kiffin/Marinelli's scheme isn't complicated and has been around for decades and we know what type of DT they are looking for. How the scouts didn't get that is beyond me. And I think to Jerry's credit he saw this as inexcusable and that is how McClay moved up the chain past Ciskowski.

Bart Hubbuch‏@BartHubbuch 4m4 minutes ago
Wow, Rob Ryan tells ESPN the Cowboys are mediocre because Jerry Jones "surrounds himself with some people he trusts who aren't trustworthy."
Rob Ryan tells ESPN's E:60 that there are "people [within the Cowboys] that are in power that shouldn't be" advising Jerry & Stephen Jones.
Rob Ryan tells ESPN Jerry/Stephen Jones "want to do what's right -- they actually do -- but they don't ... they're just not getting it yet."


There are a bunch of people that the Joneses, particularly Jerry, seem to bounce ideas off ... and that's not likely to change. However, they do seem to primarily be leaning on their coaching staff and scouting department (ever since Parcells was here) for their player personnel decisions.

Now, as far as picking coaches go, I'm sure the Joneses give more value to those outside voices since most of them are former coaches/GMs, and that's probably what Ryan is referring to since he wasn't exactly happy about being fired.
Rob and Rex Ryan together again as ....Wait for it.....

Co Coaches of the Oakland Raiders
Rob Ryan doesn't seem to understand that he's not qualified for any job that he's ever gotten, and that his last name is the only reason he's in the league.

The last person that told him that, he ate him.
A GM and VP of Personnel shouldn't be so reliant on advisors.

They are because they're frauds.

This is why I like Garrett so much. I don't know where Garrett ranks among coaches, but I do know that it takes one helluva special person to navigate through the machinations of Jerry and the dysfunctional structure of the organization altogether.

Simply put, I don't know of anyone else who could.
He seemed complimentary of Jerry and Stephen in the interview. I dunno. He's obviously not fond of someone that's in their front office though.
I got the feeling that he was simply stating something that he believed to be fact and I don't doubt what he's saying at all. I could easily see the two of them listening to people they shouldn't be. It wouldn't shock me in the least.
Who to pay more attention to?

A. Rob Ryan
B. Bill Parcells

Parcells on Jones the general manager: “Jerry doesn’t have a football philosophy, but I like what he does. He tries to get all the information he can. He’s not a talent evaluator. Now, some days he thinks he is. Some days I think I’m an oilman, but I’m not. He’s an oilman.”

Aka Larry Lacewell

Thank Jimmy for Lacewell

DAVIE — The first real college coaching job for Miami Dolphins coach Jimmy Johnson came with Larry Lacewell's help. He needed guidance in 1984 about whether to take the University of Miami job and sought Lacewell's advice.
Johnson was the best man at Lacewell's wedding. He hired Lacewell to run the scouting and personnel department when he took over as coach of the Dallas Cowboys.
Did they mention the part about Switzer having an affair with Lacewell's wife? There was also a story about Jerry wrecking somebody's car (I think is was Switzer's) back in the day.

No. They interviewed them together and they seamed like old buddies laughing it up. I guess Lacewell must be ok with Switzer about the affair.
This is why I like Garrett so much. I don't know where Garrett ranks among coaches, but I do know that it takes one helluva special person to navigate through the machinations of Jerry and the dysfunctional structure of the organization altogether.

Simply put, I don't know of anyone else who could.

Somehow that is a qualification not previous coaching success?

Stephen can probably "navigate" even better, maybe he should be the next HC

Amazing the lengths people will go to to scrape up some justification for Garrett
You gotta love the Ryan's, 4-6 on a team soundly beaten by Dallas and still running his mouth. Rex at least has learned a little humility. This could be your last year of relevance, get those shots in!

Next September they may be the stars of their own podcast. Good times.
Who to pay more attention to?

A. Rob Ryan
B. Bill Parcells

Parcells on Jones the general manager: “Jerry doesn’t have a football philosophy, but I like what he does. He tries to get all the information he can. He’s not a talent evaluator. Now, some days he thinks he is. Some days I think I’m an oilman, but I’m not. He’s an oilman.”


That Parcells quote on JJ doesn't really give me much comfort. It basically says he tries hard.
Hey, Fat Boy, your hair is sooooo 1970s and yo belly is almost touching the ground.

So how is that Saints team working out for yo, huh?

As to yo brother Rex, how is that team working out for him?

As for your papa, big mouth Buddy, what's he doing these days besides drooling on his pabulum?

If it is Ryan, flush it.
Who to pay more attention to?

A. Rob Ryan
B. Bill Parcells

Parcells on Jones the general manager: “Jerry doesn’t have a football philosophy, but I like what he does. He tries to get all the information he can. He’s not a talent evaluator. Now, some days he thinks he is. Some days I think I’m an oilman, but I’m not. He’s an oilman.”


That's a pretty good quote. Forgot that one was out there. I particularly like the 'some days I think I'm an oilman' part.
Hold on. Since when is Rob Ryan the last word on who is trustworthy and who is not and why are so many of you seemingly ceeding that status to him? What he stated is merely his opinion, it isn't a verifiable fact. It may be true but it also may not.
It's called "confirmation bias." When you hear somebody say something that is consistent with the views you already have, you tend to assign that person more credibility than someone who challenges those views. You see it all the time around here.

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