Roethlisberger injured in accident - No helmet.

Dangerous Dave said:
The article did say he severely injured both knees...

Does that mean road rash or blown ACL(s)?

The broken jaw and missing teeth alone will cost him at least
3 months.

If he were a Commander, I'm sure ES would only be debating whether
he'd be back in time for their 2006 training camp...

The Steeler board says its road rash, coming from an inside source over there.
RiggoForever said:
I'm wondering if the NFL and Steelers pay for his medical and dental bills, are they obligated to do so under these circumstances?

It would be the classy and smart thing for the Steelers to do, but to what extent is the NFL financially responsible in terms of health insurance for decisions made by its players in the offseason and off the field.

Whenever life hits Commanders with tough decisions, you must ask yourself:

WWJD, ...What Would Joe Do? :laugh1:
RiggoForever said:
Not necessarily...I think it depends on how badly his knees were hurt. The rest of what was mentioned wouldn't keep him out more then a couple months.

Well considering it is a head injury there could be other damage. I mean Troy had to retire do to multiple head injuries and I bet this is a hell of a lot worse than anything Troy ever expereinced. He might not be able to take a hit in the NFL without risking serious injury.
VACowboy said:
I'm definitely not to be pitied. Sure, I wish I could do all the physical things I used to do, but my life is good. I have a degree in English from UVA and a certificate in computer science from VCU. I design online computer games. I have season tickets to UVA football and hoops. I travel extensively with my beautiful red-headed live-in girlfriend of seven years -- cruises, California, Florida, NYC, Vegas at least once a year, wherever we wanna go. I've been to a Cowboys training camp, in Austin, and am thinking about spending a month in San Antonio next year. And, hell, I lost my virginity to a French Canadien girl I met playing spades on Yahoo. My motto is, no matter how bad off you are, there's always someone worse. What am I gonna do, lie in bed and mope?

Anyway, I type on an on-screen keyboard. I wear a headset whose movement is tracked by a box sitting atop my monitor; It replaces the mouse. I click by puffing on a straw attached to the headset. Having used the thing for the past 20 years, I've gotten pretty good. I'd guess that I type near 30 words a minute.

So that's probably more than you wanted to know, but I'm proud of what I've overcome, what I've achieved, where my life is and where it's going. I know too many guys in my situation who give up on life, and if reading what I write or hearing that there can be life after catastrophe causes someone to ask questions or gives him/her hope, then my day is made.
You damn well should be. Can I read this post to my cousin? Not sure if you saw it or not, but he's in the same condition as you from a recent wreck in Arkansas. Two big differences, he has some movement but no control yet, and he's acting like his life is over. I want him to learn something from you.
Dangerous Dave said:
Whenever life hits Commanders with tough decisions, you must ask yourself:

WWJD, ...What Would Joe Do? :laugh1:

Joe would convince Snyder to foot all the medical bills even if the NFL didn't mandate it, if something similar happened to Brunell.
VACowboy said:
I'm definitely not to be pitied. Sure, I wish I could do all the physical things I used to do, but my life is good. I have a degree in English from UVA and a certificate in computer science from VCU. I design online computer games. I have season tickets to UVA football and hoops. I travel extensively with my beautiful red-headed live-in girlfriend of seven years -- cruises, California, Florida, NYC, Vegas at least once a year, wherever we wanna go. I've been to a Cowboys training camp, in Austin, and am thinking about spending a month in San Antonio next year. And, hell, I lost my virginity to a French Canadien girl I met playing spades on Yahoo. My motto is, no matter how bad off you are, there's always someone worse. What am I gonna do, lie in bed and mope?

Anyway, I type on an on-screen keyboard. I wear a headset whose movement is tracked by a box sitting atop my monitor; It replaces the mouse. I click by puffing on a straw attached to the headset. Having used the thing for the past 20 years, I've gotten pretty good. I'd guess that I type near 30 words a minute.

So that's probably more than you wanted to know, but I'm proud of what I've overcome, what I've achieved, where my life is and where it's going. I know too many guys in my situation who give up on life, and if reading what I write or hearing that there can be life after catastrophe causes someone to ask questions or gives him/her hope, then my day is made.

There are very few times I am rendered speechless....or at least have some smart*** comment to add.

This would be one of them.

Not really sure what to say to this.
There's enough tradedy and pain in this world without having to egg it on. Whether you decide its appropriate to label him a "moron" or not, he decided to play with fire (against repeated warnings) with high risk behavour, and now he's going to suffer the consequences. Just another guy who thought he was invincible and that it would never happen to him.
Hostile said:
My daughters don't ride and if they did they'd listen to their Mom. I'm the guilty one.

Mine have to wear one when they ride with me....I'm such a hypocrit...
The broken jaw and missing teeth alone will cost him at least
3 months.

That is going to hurt like a mother. I knew a guy who did that. They wired his mouth shut to let it heal but did not fix his teeth until after the wires came off. All those broken teeth hurt like hell with the nerves exposed.
VACowboy said:
I'm definitely not to be pitied. Sure, I wish I could do all the physical things I used to do, but my life is good. I have a degree in English from UVA and a certificate in computer science from VCU. I design online computer games. I have season tickets to UVA football and hoops. I travel extensively with my beautiful red-headed live-in girlfriend of seven years -- cruises, California, Florida, NYC, Vegas at least once a year, wherever we wanna go. I've been to a Cowboys training camp, in Austin, and am thinking about spending a month in San Antonio next year. And, hell, I lost my virginity to a French Canadien girl I met playing spades on Yahoo. My motto is, no matter how bad off you are, there's always someone worse. What am I gonna do, lie in bed and mope?

Anyway, I type on an on-screen keyboard. I wear a headset whose movement is tracked by a box sitting atop my monitor; It replaces the mouse. I click by puffing on a straw attached to the headset. Having used the thing for the past 20 years, I've gotten pretty good. I'd guess that I type near 30 words a minute.

So that's probably more than you wanted to know, but I'm proud of what I've overcome, what I've achieved, where my life is and where it's going. I know too many guys in my situation who give up on life, and if reading what I write or hearing that there can be life after catastrophe causes someone to ask questions or gives him/her hope, then my day is made.

I am in awe :worthy:
Vintage said:
The Steeler board says its road rash, coming from an inside source over there.

More like wishful thinking. The last thing you do is mess with head injuries. He will never be the same and I would be scared to death on the first helmet collision.
VACowboy said:
I'm definitely not to be pitied. Sure, I wish I could do all the physical things I used to do, but my life is good. I have a degree in English from UVA and a certificate in computer science from VCU. I design online computer games. I have season tickets to UVA football and hoops. I travel extensively with my beautiful red-headed live-in girlfriend of seven years -- cruises, California, Florida, NYC, Vegas at least once a year, wherever we wanna go. I've been to a Cowboys training camp, in Austin, and am thinking about spending a month in San Antonio next year. And, hell, I lost my virginity to a French Canadien girl I met playing spades on Yahoo. My motto is, no matter how bad off you are, there's always someone worse. What am I gonna do, lie in bed and mope?

Anyway, I type on an on-screen keyboard. I wear a headset whose movement is tracked by a box sitting atop my monitor; It replaces the mouse. I click by puffing on a straw attached to the headset. Having used the thing for the past 20 years, I've gotten pretty good. I'd guess that I type near 30 words a minute.

So that's probably more than you wanted to know, but I'm proud of what I've overcome, what I've achieved, where my life is and where it's going. I know too many guys in my situation who give up on life, and if reading what I write or hearing that there can be life after catastrophe causes someone to ask questions or gives him/her hope, then my day is made.

Thats great motto to live by man. Thats what I tell my wife when she starts to complain about the things we don't have etc :) Seriously, no matter what bad situation you are in, you can always find someone else thats worse off than you.

But having said that, you have to be proud of what you have done dude. My Kudos to you.
VACowboy said:
So that's probably more than you wanted to know, but I'm proud of what I've overcome, what I've achieved, where my life is and where it's going. I know too many guys in my situation who give up on life, and if reading what I write or hearing that there can be life after catastrophe causes someone to ask questions or gives him/her hope, then my day is made.

That’s awesome man.
The front wheel was broken in half. The handle bars were broken. The left pedal was shattered.

I saw an accident much like this on I-40 (well off of I-40 on the turnpike) going through OKC last year. Guy on the bike was coming up a hill, a Cavalier was turning left into a gas station, sun low in the sky, right in the riders face, guy on the bike never saw the car at all, guy in the car never saw the bike. Hit the car in the same place as Roeth did, right around the wheel well and he slammed into windshield, the guy got up and walked over to the side of the road and sat down with a broken ankle. His helmet was cracked in half. Personnaly I am glad he wore the helmet as I was the first one on the scene. Imagine...

A co-worker on a bike spent months in the hospital after broadsiding a mini-van that pulled out in front of him, dead without a helmet.

I don't necessarily think your an idiot if you dont wear a helmet, but I do think that you significantly reduce your chances of dying. Helmets and Seatbelts both have saved significantly more lives than they are to blame for loosing.
So Ben goes from Harley's to freebie Hayabusa's? Not a smart move. 'busa's are like going from a Chevy Celebrity to Ferrari Enzo. The sheer power is amazing. I had a 05' Kawasaki 636 then rode my buddies Hayabusa for fun, could be fun but got a little too crazy for me. I put it up for sale and sold it to some 16 year old. Then I sold my Camaro and bought my '03 Cobra convertible. Bikes can be fun, but insurance and possibly my life is worth way too much to even consider owning a bike again.