Roethlisberger injured in accident - No helmet.

5Stars said:
"The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported that Roethlisberger wasn't wearing a helmet. In previous interviews, Roethlisberger has said that he does not like wearing a helmet while wearing a motorcycle." :eek:

I hate when that happens! I tried to wear a motorcycle once, and I could not fit the helmet on, so I had to leave the helmet home. But, man, wearing a motorcycle is some hard stuff! :cool:

I don't wear a helmet either when I ride....

I wish Ben a speedy recovery...


Don't worry. I will take good care of Gibbs when you bust your skull, bro.
rusteezcuz said:
I understand we may not agree with his lack of a helmet; however, can we please not degrade him by calling him a moron? We don't know the details, but for all we know a man's life and future could be in question. Let's just try to be respectful of a human life.
sorry but he is a MORON.

might be a nice, standup guy but he is a MORON.

VAC i know you don't want to have a pity parade but as much as i'm sorry to hear i'm glad you shared that because maybe it will make someone - especially someone older perhaps w/ a family - rethink their self-indulgence of riding and prevent a needless injury.

ps - i did alot of dirt biking (& on/off riding) age 7 thru college (bike stolen switched to mountain bike and pedal power) & was very fortunate to only suffer a fractured foot (3 metatarsals)
Bungarian said:
What is that white stuff on the windsheild? Bird poop?
Cranial fluid is a clear liquid. If there is blood in the cranial fluid and a bandage is held to the wound it appears to look like a target. Clear or white with a red ring.

It could be drool from his mouth. It could be bird poop althought it seldom runs like that.
A lot of riders don't wear helmets because of increased risk of neck injury and paralysis. I have a family member who is paralyzed from the chest down (not from a motorcycle wreck). While he was at the Sheppard Center in Atlanta, his family said there were multiple instances there of guys riding motorcycles who were injured from the weight of the helmet. His brother - a former avid motorcycle rider - said that he'd never wear a helmet again.

I don't know Big Ben's reasons, but everyone who's calling him an idiot for not wearing a helmet should reserve judgement. The reality is that unless you're in an extremely low traffic area, riding is just too risky. There are just too many bad and discourteous drivers these days.
chinch said:
sorry but he is a MORON.

might be a nice, standup guy but he is a MORON.

VAC i know you don't want to have a pity parade but as much as i'm sorry to hear i'm glad you shared that because maybe it will make someone - especially someone older perhaps w/ a family - rethink their self-indulgence of riding and prevent a needless injury.

ps - i did alot of dirt biking (& on/off riding) age 7 thru college (bike stolen switched to mountain bike and pedal power) & was very fortunate to only suffer a fractured foot (3 metatarsals)

I rode a Sportbike for about three years while stationed in Hawaii a few years back. I absolutely enjoyed every minute of it. Thinking back on it now, it was still a blast and absolutely enjoyable, but considering I had a wife and two kids probably not the smartest thing I have done.

Not knocking anyone who does ride, I did. I had to make a decision and for me the right thing to do was to give it up.

I have been involved in about 4-5 wrecks (not my fault) in a vehicle since I began driving about 17 years ago. Came out unscathed in every single one. Any one of those wrecks would have probably been fatal had I been on a motorcycle. It is just not a risk that is right for me and my family right now.
My dad used to have a bike.

My mom made him get rid of it when they started having kids.

I am glad. My dad has been in a couple of serious accidents since then. Fortunately, my dad listened to my mom and got rid of it.

Sure beats having my mom explain to me why dad is dead. Or growing up without a father....
That is sad news. Hope is recovers. I though he had a harley.. That looks like a hayabusa in those pictures.
Vintage said:
My dad used to have a bike.

My mom made him get rid of it when they started having kids.

I am glad. My dad has been in a couple of serious accidents since then. Fortunately, my dad listened to my mom and got rid of it.

Sure beats having my mom explain to me why dad is dead. Or growing up without a father....
And your dad deserves credit for thinking selflessly. it's sorta hard to explain to a kid...

"daddy cared more about riding his motorcycle than he did you and the rest of us".

of course you could insert any wreckless hobby/addiction into this but since we're on the motorcycle topic...
chinch said:
And your dad deserves credit for thinking selflessly. it's sorta hard to explain to a kid...

"daddy cared more about riding his motorcycle than he did you and the rest of us".

of course you could insert any wreckless hobby/addiction into this but since we're on the motorcycle topic...

OUCH!!! :eek:
Just posted by a Pitt native on another site (link doesnt work)

Roethlisberger lost most of his teeth, fractured his left sinus cavity bone, suffered a nine-inch laceration to the back of his head and a broken jaw, and severely injured both of his knees when he hit the ground, police said.
superpunk said:
Just posted by a Pitt native on another site (link doesnt work)

Roethlisberger lost most of his teeth, fractured his left sinus cavity bone, suffered a nine-inch laceration to the back of his head and a broken jaw, and severely injured both of his knees when he hit the ground, police said.

Looking at the pictures he is lucky not to be dead.
Doomsday101 said:
Looking at the pictures he is lucky not to be dead.

I agree. I have seen similar motorcycle accident pictures with dead bodies included.
superpunk said:
Just posted by a Pitt native on another site (link doesnt work)

Roethlisberger lost most of his teeth, fractured his left sinus cavity bone, suffered a nine-inch laceration to the back of his head and a broken jaw, and severely injured both of his knees when he hit the ground, police said.

I think his NFL career is about done. So sad.....So much Talent.
Doomsday101 said:
Looking at the pictures he is lucky not to be dead.


People don't walk away from that too often. I can't believe he was able to answer his name.
Double Trouble said:
A lot of riders don't wear helmets because of increased risk of neck injury and paralysis. I have a family member who is paralyzed from the chest down (not from a motorcycle wreck). While he was at the Sheppard Center in Atlanta, his family said there were multiple instances there of guys riding motorcycles who were injured from the weight of the helmet. His brother - a former avid motorcycle rider - said that he'd never wear a helmet again.

I don't know Big Ben's reasons, but everyone who's calling him an idiot for not wearing a helmet should reserve judgement. The reality is that unless you're in an extremely low traffic area, riding is just too risky. There are just too many bad and discourteous drivers these days.

Evidence presented at the Texas Legislature's re-examination of the Helmet Law pretty much backs this up. When you where a helmet you have fewer deaths and brain injuries, but more neck and spinal injuries. I personally would not ride without a helmet, but it is a choice people should have.

Me, I decided early that motorcycles, while a blast, were too dangerous for me. Decided on a dune buggy instead. With a helmet....
tnfan said:
I agree. I have seen similar motorcycle accident pictures with dead bodies included.

Does not take much on a motorcycle. I'm not opposed to bikes and have ridden in the past but there is a risk to them especially in a big city.
Doomsday101 said:
Looking at the pictures he is lucky not to be dead.

Well sometimes, pictures look worse than it is. Like when I flipped my car on Highway, the car looked like, it had dead people in it or seriously injured people in it. All I got was really, minor scratch on my forehead and a neck strain for couple of days. The cop who came asked me "How the heck did you not get any serious injuries?". Considering, my car was on opposite lane, sideway or shoulder, on a National Highway. Heck, I would have thought myself if I had seen the car passing by, that someone must have died or nearly died. I guess it all depends on how it happened and what position that the guy was in etc.
Last season ESPN did a story on motorcyle riders in the NFL. They focusedon Winslow and another guy from the Jest that had a wreck. They interviewed Big Ben and Bledsoe. Both QBs sounded the same. They don't ride during the season, but no one is going to stop them from riding and doing so without a helmet in the off season.

I just recently obtained my motorcycle license. I am shopping for my own bike, but am in no rush. I tooled around on a friends Hond Shadow 750 yesterday without a helmet. Felt great. I didn't get on any highways or open rodes. Just stuck to a neighborhood. I plan on getting a helmet before I ever start hitting the main roads of traffic or the country. It feel good having the wind go over my bald head, but I will get a helmet and wear it once I get my own ride.
What is really needed is a type of shoulder harness/neck brace in addition to the helmet; but of course that would be bulky as hell. Its a trade off: brain injury vs spinal injury. You are better off with the one clearly more then the other, but it ain't no picnic. Bottom line is that overall you are still better off with helmet then without it.