Twitter: Roger Goodell wants to permanently ban the tush push

Then it would be a penalty also. Teams would simply need to stop doing it. That a recipe for injuries anyway, especially to the RB. He’s being held up by multiple defenders and some 300+ lb OL just barrels into the pile for and extra few yards. It used to be illegal, just bring back the rule and enforce it. No assisting the ball carrier by either pushing or pulling.
Yup. Eventually this butt shovin' is going to lead to injuries.
I hate them more than anything but they’re just incredibly good at it honestly lol
I think that defensive players should be able to do a running start, and then be launched by other players to go over the offensive line to disrupt offensive plays. Call is player assisted pass rush plays. Better yet, use it to block field goal attempts. If you can get the timing down, no kicker will be able to make a kick. I don't know why assisting a player to launch up higher should be banned just because one team gets really good at it. It can be like the Chinese acrobat show on the football field. So entertaining!! Have you ever been to one of those shows? Pure entertainment.
Honestly I am very surprised nobody has been hurt yet. They snap the ball and go right at the knees.
Lol. If we were the ones to perfect this, Goodell saying this would be PROOF the league has it in for the Cowboys and the posts in here would be VERY different.
Honest question, and this is for everyone in favor of banning it, if we were the ones who came up with this play and were having the kind of success the Eagles are, would you be in favor of banning it?
Hell to the NO. They'd turn full victim and it would be Goodell openly displaying his Dallas hate.
Does Roger has the ability to add game rules? Ultimately it is what the owners want and not Roger.
Not on his own, but he is the one that chooses the NFL Competition Committee that is responsible for making rule changes, so one would have to assume he has some influence.
What he wants? You mean what the owners want. Gooddell is the crash test dummy for the owners. He is under their strict control. He does what he is asked to do.
lol, sesriously? He’s been been leading them around like puppy’s following a pork chop for 20 years!
Honestly I'm in the camp of let them keep doing it - they found a silver bullet and they have earned it.

I hate Philly but I don't want to see them lose a play bc of parity...
yeah, I feel the same. Hate Philly, but it should not be outlawed.
..if Gordy is saying it. Consider it gone. lol.. .
lol, sesriously? He’s been been leading them around like puppy’s following a pork chop for 20 years!
Nope. He's been doing their dirty work for them and taking the credit, both good and bad. He's hired to take the hate so they don't have to.

Seriously, do you know how corporations work?
What he wants? You mean what the owners want. Gooddell is the crash test dummy for the owners. He is under their strict control. He does what he is asked to do.
Right, he can't make unilateral decisions, but he can express his personal opinions, apparently.

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