I guess I was hoping that his shoulder was not going to be a problem. There is just no way that we can count on this guy for a full season. Its a shame, but there it is. Probably not a lot we can do this year, but get Pettiti up to speed and see if he can do the job. If not, draft one next year. This is probably BP's one real mistake drafting.
Had to happen sooner or later, just wish it had not happened to us.
One cautionary note - the sensitivity of MRI for labral tears (if that is what people are worried about) is not high. I have seen many false negatives. The gold standard is probably exploration under arthroscopy.

Hopefully the kid is feeling better within a couple of days.
Something tells me that by the end of this month, Torrin Tucker will be wearing another uniform. I'm sure that when the other teams have to cut down their roster, the Cowboys will be looking for offensive tackles.

If I remember correctly, Dallas only paid the rookie minimum for Tucker, so they didn't lose too too much.

Now, if Rogers cannot get over his nagging shoulders, then that is a different story.
While this is good news, we better keep Petitti practicing over there just in case. Rogers sounds a little fragile and might need spelled throughout the season.

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