Romo and Retirement

I'm pro-winning. Romo gives dallas the best chance to win now and next year. I do think dallas should look into finding a qb of the future though.
I'm not sure how I feel about the coming quarterback class. They seem to be sliding some. So let me suggest that a trade for a certain Cleveland backup (a second with a fifth) might be a good idea. I think however long Tony plays, it probably won't be 16 games per year. A Montana-Young situation would not be a bad thing.
It can't come soon enough. I want our team to move on and don't want Romo to hurt himself anymore than he already has. I don't think he has what it takes to lead the team through the playoffs anyway. You see what happens when teams blitz us or get any pressure on him. Time to move on...
It can't come soon enough. I want our team to move on and don't want Romo to hurt himself anymore than he already has. I don't think he has what it takes to lead the team through the playoffs anyway. You see what happens when teams blitz us or get any pressure on him. Time to move on...

Impeccable timing as always.
I'm not sure how I feel about the coming quarterback class. They seem to be sliding some. So let me suggest that a trade for a certain Cleveland backup (a second with a fifth) might be a good idea. I think however long Tony plays, it probably won't be 16 games per year. A Montana-Young situation would not be a bad thing.

2nd and 5th you say...Where do I sign?
I've said since the start of the season that my biggest concern with our QB situation is that we have a guy who is early-to-mid 30s and coming off back surgery. Prior to the injury on Monday, Romo certainly returned to his pre-surgery form, but it took a few weeks into the year to get there. As long as he can play like he has from Week 2-Week 7, he can be my quarterback with no questions asked.

But I do think we need to start developing a replacement plan. Because at some stage, the odds are he takes a hit that sidelines him permanently. We have a young roster, and we'd be doing ourselves a disservice if we don't have a prospect to develop behind him.
Romo's got 2-3 more seasons left as a starter...definitely won't last until the end of his contract. His injury history is just too much. Hopefully we'll also be grooming his successor at the same time so he'll be ready to take over in 2018 like Rodgers after waiting behind Favre
Romo has proven he is a great player and a top 10 QB. Somewhere on the back half of that 10 but he's really good. I'm concerned about the back and how soon and abruptly it could all end for him. It would be wise to strongly consider the his replacement to groom early in next year's draft.

that depends on how the season ends but you know the OF knows and is monitoring that critical situation
First of all, statistics show that the word "realist" or any likeness actually encompasses a complete lack of objectivity.

Romo isn't retiring for 2-3 years and he shouldn't. We should, however, be drafting a QB with some talent every year in the hopes that we hit at least one that can pan out long term.
The term realist is a misnomer in and of itself. We as humans read and absorb information with a bias, even if its subtle. Most realists on this board, and most others as well, are working with partial information to flat out disinformation.

Romo got a deep bruise on his back, that's all we know to this point. I'm sure it hurts like the devil and is probably tight today. If there was something structural wrong that showed on x-ray they wouldn't have let him go back into the game Monday night. Anything beyond that is pretty much speculation, from us, or dependance on unnamed sources for reporters. I think there's a legitimate chance we don't find out if Romo is playing until the pregame is going on Sunday.
UFC I bet you are checking out your quarterback tree right now getting ready to pick the next Roger.

Please...please make that happen. - Really. How hard can it be.
If he does, there will be weeping and nashing of teeth as people begin to realize how good he was & how devoid of talent they've become in the QB dept as a result of his departure

I hope he plays at least another 3 years, but I'm not with the crowd that thinks it all ends when Romo is gone. For one, its not like we have had a glorious decade (talking wins and losses, division championships, conference championships, Super Bowls). For another, I'm old enough to remember when it was all over if Roger retired... Danny White did ok. And I'm sure there were many who thought it would all be over if Montana ever left, and the Whiners got at least 1 SB with the overrated Steve Young. What I DO believe is that they better get serious about a transition plan, and I'm afraid that delusional Jerry will be the very last person to see that. That is, unless another Johnny Manziel (flashy personality) comes out.

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