Romo is no saint...

Bleu Star;2593085 said:
I don't expect you to admit it or shall I say "agree"... but the "anti" pendulum has been pegged in the other guy's corner while Romo has gotten off mostly scott free up until that monumental tank job against the beagles.

Yeah. I know the other guy has more of a history... That still doesn't make it right. People do change.

Its not zero sum, not that I expect you to understand what that means. They are both getting hammered. Thinking that if Romo gets hammered that means less whipping for TO is just plain dumb.
DallasEast;2593504 said:
I read this Then I thought about Terrell Owens.

For some reason, I went back and read this ...and my mind drifted back to Terrell Owens.

After a few minutes, I finally realized that I had gotten myself caught up in vicious cycle and knew that if I would simply type a very obvious question as a reply that the torture would stop, but nooooo. Not me.

I went back and read this

Just frakking shoot me already and get it over with it. Damn.

I appreciate your heartfelt reply.
FuzzyLumpkins;2593506 said:
Its not zero sum, not that I expect you to understand what that means. They are both getting hammered. Thinking that if Romo gets hammered that means less whipping for TO is just plain dumb.

Thinking that Romo is somehow immune from constructive criticism is slightly dumber.
Bleu Star;2593511 said:
Thinking that Romo is somehow immune from constructive criticism is slightly dumber.

that is just ignorant. Cabo, his post game comments, Tony turnover, his practice habits. the list goes on.
Bleu Star;2593507 said:

I appreciate your heartfelt reply.
Oh, what the heck.

If Tony Romo is no saint, just what the **** is Terrell Owens?
DallasEast;2593514 said:
Oh, what the heck.

If Tony Romo is no saint, just what the **** is Terrell Owens?

He's no saint either. I missed the part where this thread was about him though.
EPL0c0;2592927 said:
Don't tell me this started when Bill left and Wade came in... if Romo had any sense of professionalism in him, he, as QB and leader, would not have allowed it. Instead, he jump onboard the "Whatever" train...

It's about time fingers are pointed at him and people take their lips off his butt. He is the g'd*** quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. If he wants to fool around during meetings and such, then he needs to get the heck out.

It's always easy to turn and say "Well Terrell Owens..." Face it...Romo has A LOT of maturing to do both on the field and off. He's got the skills, I have no doubt about that, but his attitude may not be worth it.

Romo's attitude is just not worth putting up with him???

Whatever.......we win 3 games next year without Romo, I am stating to think that would actually be ok with some of you guys on here.

Please........I will take Romo over any other player on the roster.
Beast_from_East;2593527 said:
Please........I will take Romo over any other player on the roster.

That might be pushing it, but I agree with the sentiment. However, I don't think anyone would argue there are areas Romo can and should improve upon.
Bleu Star;2593517 said:
He's no saint either. I missed the part where this thread was about him though.
Oh come on, are you kidding us? Of course it was. We're not that naive. We can read between the lines. Why do you think I asked you that hypothetical question?
Romo can not grow or become a leader as long as TO is in that locker room. Dude TO has proven over and over that he can not and will not be lead by anyone other than himself. And by the way I chose Romo to give me a kidney; no way would TO want the scar that would be involved
dallasfaniac;2593541 said:
That might be pushing it, but I agree with the sentiment. However, I don't think anyone would argue there are areas Romo can and should improve upon.

I agree 100% that Romo needs to improve his game, especially taking care of the ball.
Suann;2593591 said:
Romo can not grow or become a leader as long as TO is in that locker room. Dude TO has proven over and over that he can not and will not be lead by anyone other than himself. And by the way I chose Romo to give me a kidney; no way would TO want the scar that would be involved


TO is responsible for the ball getting slapped from Romo's hands for yet another fumble or Romo deciding to chuck it up in the air instead of going the Roethlisburger route and throwing it away to preserve a drive.
Bleu Star;2593605 said:

TO is responsible for the ball getting slapped from Romo's hands for yet another fumble or Romo deciding to chuck it up in the air instead of going the Roethlisburger route and throwing it away to preserve a drive.

I didn't see his post say that at all. What he said was owens can't be lead.
What does that have to do with Romo getting the ball slapped from his hand?

Do you ever sleep?:)

Owens will be gone soon.:bow:
Hostile;2593322 said:
"Jerry, I won't let you down." --Terrell Owens at his welcome Press Conference where he promised not to become a distraction to the Dallas Cowboys.

I didn't watch his PC, but if said that, he definately lied.

gbrittain;2592661 said:
Romo definitely needs to be more of a leader IMO.

However the "Body Count" (credit for that term should go to a poster on this board, not sure who it was though) for TO continues to rise:

1. Steve Marriucci
2. Jeff Garcia
3. San Fran 49ers
4. Donovan McNabb
5. Andy Reid
6. Philly Eagles
7. Bill Parcells
8. Jason Garrett
9. Todd Haley
10. Soon to be Tony Romo???

This guy's history is undeniable. I am not sure what it takes for someone to see the fire in the past and the smoke of today.

I agree 100%.

But I am told by members of Team T.O. that you are not suppose look at his past, only what he has done with the Cowboys.
theogt;2592649 said:
I think I may just stop visiting the site altogether this offseason.

I'd really prefer you didn't stop visiting here. You'll be letting them win if you do. :p

Bleu Star;2593058 said:
Both have faults. That is my contention here. I'm just pointing at the one that, up until recently, was wearing a cloak of invisible protection. I think it was made out of latex.

Yep.. lol.. The banjo man likes to appear in repetitive threads.

Really? Seriously?

Where the heck have you been the last year plus? There is not a single player on this team, ever, who takes more crap, or blame, or BS from the fans around here for every single loss than Romo.

The team blows it against the Giants in the playoffs, that's Romo's fault.

The defense gives up 2 70+ yard TD runs to close out Texas Stadium that's all Romo's fault.

Witten, Romo, and company went to Cabo on vacation last year and who gets the blame for not caring and being a prick? Romo. But that Jason Witten guy that was there? Nah, he's cool. He cares. Romo doesn't.

Brad Johnson not being able to play well, Romos fault for getting hurt. Never mind that his O-Line sucks when it comes to pass protection that's all on Romo.

Either you're blind or selectively stupid.

Hostile;2593079 said:
No, he wasn't. That's a load of crap.

Where were you reading last year when he and 2 other players took their wives and girlfriends to Mexico but he was the only one who by doing so did not care?

Where have you been reading during all the speculation that his having sex causes him to lose?

Where have you been reading when people here are discussing INTs and Fumbles?

No one has said the guy doesn't have flaws. You're just so TO blind that you need to amplify him to non Saint to justify your own tired damned agenda.

Damn right :banjo:

Playing just for you. Remember your answer because you were honest. Stick with the honesty over this spin control crap. It suits you so much better.

This says it nicely.

FuzzyLumpkins;2593513 said:
that is just ignorant. Cabo, his post game comments, Tony turnover, his practice habits. the list goes on.

As does this.
Bleu Star;2593517 said:
He's no saint either.
Of course, Terrell Owens isn't. That's been painfully obvious to almost everyone who has followed the NFL for freaking years. What's going to be the next badly presented comparison, eh? "At noon, it's mighty darn bright outside, but it's pitch black at midnight"? I mean, COME ON DUDE!

Tony Romo should improve his game and attitude. He's far from perfect, but for pete's sake, let's continue to at least be real. In the so-called "comparison game", Owens is doing 60 in a 35 all the while laughing at Romo thumbing for a ride in his rearview mirror. In other words, he ain't never gonna catch Owens. Heck, he could adopt all of Owens quirks and still lag behind him big time. Good grief man.
Bleu Star;2593517 said:
I missed the part where this thread was about him though.

Yoshimitsu;2592664 said:
What can Wade do when Jerry wont let him take 100% control??? Wade isn't immune from criticism but its hard to put most of it on the guy when clearly Jerry is the ringmaster of this circus.

Why??!!! would we give Wade Phillips 100% control??! :eek: :eek: :eek:

If he can't do the job he can't do the job. I can only imagine the shambles this team would be in with Wade having complete power. He can't even get it in his head that himself calling defense is a good thing, let alone a million other standpoints in which he fails miserably everyday. So, yea, let's give him complete control. That sounds like an idea if you're a Giant, Eagle or Commander fan, not a Cowboy fan.
Seriously, when does Garrett get any blame? When Brian Stewart was coaching this defense, most reports said Wade was hands off and didn't attend the defensive meetings. Now, everybody is blaming wade for the collpase of this offense. If Wade wasn't attending meetings around defense, then why would he interfere with Garrett and the offense? Garret was made Assitant Head Coach and paid the big bucks. How much game-planning do you think Wade had, when it came to the offense? Why would Wade interfere and step on the toes of the "Golden Boy"? Now, all of the sudden, he is to be blamed for Romo? Wasn't the last job Garrett in, that of a QB coach? Oh yeah, that's right. He coached at Miami, where they ahd a revolving door at QB..
You said "I told you so!" stating further that "Romo is no saint." While I wouldn't dub him a saint either, in the post you did not really site anything that would suggest he's not one. Please explain.

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