Romo leaving really crippled us. Garrett has to change or leave


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Romo's 3rd season : 61.7% completion. 3,448 yards, 7.7 Y/A 26 TD and 14 int's.

Dak this season : 62.8%, 3,324 yards, 6.8 Y/A 22TD 13 INTs

Some times, a QB just has a bad year. It happens. Dak showed accuracy in his rookie year (Took Romo 5 seasons to surpass dak's rookie completion %), that just doesn't disappear forever.

I was disappointed in Dak's season, and it does worry me a little bit. But i'm willing to let him prove himself in his 3rd year before panicking.

And no, i'm not a dak fanboy or a romo hater. Romo was my favorite player the entire time he was with us, it has absolutely nothing to do with one side or the other.
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With Romo gone it really crippled us, game play wise and mentally.

Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season.

With that being said, Garrett probably believes somewhere in his naive mind that it was him and his offense that looked so good, so tries and uses the same formula with Prescott hoping for the same results.

With Prescott we need to install gimmicky plays, rub routes, and wr friendly formations. Even the great Brady uses these type of plays, and I'm sure he doesn't need it.

Not comparing Romo to Brady, but he's not way out of the circle.

It just sucks, we abused Romo for so many years and never got him the help, and completely sold out for him, to at least try and win one. The only time we somewhat got aggressive was with TO, and Roy Williams. But he always had a bad Defense, and Bad O-Line until it was to late.

We will probably never Run into another talent and master of the game like Romo for another maybe 20 years, so we need to help Prescott and make things easy for him. He's not Romo, and this starts with Garrett, because Jerry isn't going anywhere
Lol you say Brady doesnt need rub routes and gimmick plays. And this basically tells me you have no idea what ur talking about and just threw Brady in there to add what you thought might be a substance to another Dak isnt Romo thread which are getting lame.
And i say this because all you have to do is wait until the 2nd play and sometimes even the first play to see NE use the 3 WR bunch set to the right and you will see Edelman run one of these rub routes lol.


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Romo's 3rd season : 61.7% completion. 3,448 yards, 7.7 Y/A 26 TD and 14 int's.

Dak this season : 62.8%, 3,324 yards, 6.8 Y/A 22TD 13 INTs

Some times, a QB just has a bad year. It happens. Dak showed accuracy in his rookie year (Took Romo 5 seasons to surpass dak's rookie completion %), that just doesn't disappear forever.

I was disappointed in Dak's season, and it does worry me a little bit. But i'm willing to let him prove himself in his 3rd year before panicking.

And no, i'm not a dak fanboy or a romo hater. Romo was my favorite player the entire time he was with us, it has absolutely nothing to do with one side or the other.
Romo missed 3 games that season. If he plays the whole season, he finishes with over 4k passing and 30 Tds


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With Romo gone it really crippled us, game play wise and mentally.

Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season.

With that being said, Garrett probably believes somewhere in his naive mind that it was him and his offense that looked so good, so tries and uses the same formula with Prescott hoping for the same results.

With Prescott we need to install gimmicky plays, rub routes, and wr friendly formations. Even the great Brady uses these type of plays, and I'm sure he doesn't need it.

Not comparing Romo to Brady, but he's not way out of the circle.

It just sucks, we abused Romo for so many years and never got him the help, and completely sold out for him, to at least try and win one. The only time we somewhat got aggressive was with TO, and Roy Williams. But he always had a bad Defense, and Bad O-Line until it was to late.

We will probably never Run into another talent and master of the game like Romo for another maybe 20 years, so we need to help Prescott and make things easy for him. He's not Romo, and this starts with Garrett, because Jerry isn't going anywhere
Jerry and Garrett failed surrounding Romo with enough talent and support but you expect them to with Dak? The best way to over overcome Jerry and Jason is more elite talent .. not less. We’re stuck with a coach like Garrett because of Jerry. If we’re expecting either of them to overcome lesser talent... We’re in trouble.

We’ve seen how we lose with Garrett when we’re missing our best talent. We’re dependant on our elite talent to carry us. If we’re weak in a key position area like QB it’s going to cost us. We should know this by now. How many times have we witnessed it with Garrett?

It’s why I’m so concerned with Dak. Our remarkable Rookies carried us on our winning wave in 2016. Without them and that level of performance we saw what we are reduced to.

I was very supportive of Dak because I thought he was going to be greater than Romo but if he’s not we’re going to need to find another way to win and why I was more critical of Dak this year.

Maybe we can build a great defense that with a dominating running game Dak can drive the bus because we appear dug in on him regardless of his passing ability . Dak has other strengths though with his play making ability and game savvy. Maybe it will be enough . We’ll see but I’m certainly not feeling it like I was last year.
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With Romo gone it really crippled us, game play wise and mentally.
There was a story recently, maybe with Butler, where he was shocked with how much input Romo had in the weekly game plan.

I wonder if that was still true in 2016.
Butler: Tony Romo was the guy that installed the plays during the meetings during the week. He talked about all that stuff. When I first got there, I had never seen nothing like that. When I left Oakland, Derek Carr was a second-year quarterback. He was a kid. And my rookie year was Terrelle Pryor, so you know he wasn’t calling the plays. So when I first got to Dallas, when I saw all the input that Tony was telling us, I was like, ‘Dang, this is crazy. The coach ain’t really really coaching.’


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With Romo gone it really crippled us, game play wise and mentally.

Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season.

With that being said, Garrett probably believes somewhere in his naive mind that it was him and his offense that looked so good, so tries and uses the same formula with Prescott hoping for the same results.

With Prescott we need to install gimmicky plays, rub routes, and wr friendly formations. Even the great Brady uses these type of plays, and I'm sure he doesn't need it.

Not comparing Romo to Brady, but he's not way out of the circle.

It just sucks, we abused Romo for so many years and never got him the help, and completely sold out for him, to at least try and win one. The only time we somewhat got aggressive was with TO, and Roy Williams. But he always had a bad Defense, and Bad O-Line until it was to late.

We will probably never Run into another talent and master of the game like Romo for another maybe 20 years, so we need to help Prescott and make things easy for him. He's not Romo, and this starts with Garrett, because Jerry isn't going anywhere

Romo hid a lot of Garrett's warts. They will be on full display now until Jerry puts down the Johnie Walker long enough to see how bad Garrett is and corrects that huge mistake that has already wasted the career of a franchise QB and HOF tight end.


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It's almost like Pro Bowls are useless in evaluating players. Romo had a talented team in 2007, 2009, and 2014 and that's pretty much it, the rest of the years the team was poor at best. All 3 years they ran into better teams, all 3 years the defense was a big disappointment, and in all 3 years there was a part of the offensive supporting cast that vastly underperformed. (Oline and receivers in 2007, oline in 2009, and running back and to a lesser extent oline in 2014).

Pro-bowl players are supposedly the best at their position. In that respect Romo had some of the best at their respective positions. Romo had lots of strong position players around him in 2007, 2008 and 2009. IMO, those were wasted years. It is a team sport though so I don't put all the waste on #9. Romo started to take football seriously after the first broken clavicle IMO. I suppose not being able to play the game he loved did that. 2011 and 2012 were ugly offensive lines around him, not much of a running game and poor pass protection. By 2013 all the pieces were there on the O-line, very good run and pass blocking. Murray was showing something as a RB then went down to injury. I laugh out loud when I hear fans saying Dak is nothing without Zeke, but laud Romo. In fact Romo's best years were with a solid running game when he didn't have to force everything and play Houdini. Fans forget the three headed running attack with Crash, Flash and Dash in Romo's early years and minimize the impact of Murray in 2013 and 2014 in order to build the myth of Romo. I suppose the need to mythesize a player comes from putting all of ones hopes in something and when it doesn't happen, the myth grows to support the expectation that never came to fruition. It's hard to admit being wrong
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Star Power
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It's more like the organization left Romo crippled due to organizational mismanagement and lack of coaching for so many years, both on the field in providing him with the best of things outside of his control and the ramifications of this getting him injured on the field, thus shortening his career.


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Ironic how people say Romo was the “brains” behind the offense and give him so much credit for making the offense succeed under JG. If that was truly the case then perhaps he wasn’t as good as some believe otherwise he would have won more playoff games and had more winning seasons. Romo had plenty of chances to win and blew it. How easy people forget how many threads there used to be about Romo never being able to get it done and even last year when a lot of you were begging for the Cowboys to trade him after only a few games with Dak at qb.

Speaking of Dak and JG “crippling” Romo...yeah, sure. I guess that’s why JG was 13-3 with a rookie QB. Romo was very good but let’s be realistic, he made horrible decisions at some of the worst possible times. His decision making was consistently inconsistent.


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Bingo.... I've never seen so many teary nostalgic historians.

Until we get a great Qb, nostalgia is all we have.

We will go nowhere with this current mediocrity. He scares not a single defensive coordinator and that’s a fact


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Romo left because he was crippled. 8-8 is the most consistency we got from his as well.


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Romo missed 3 games that season. If he plays the whole season, he finishes with over 4k passing and 30 Tds
Sure, and his completion % may go down even more. He had a worse completion %, but continue ignoring that and saying Dak has no accuracy.

Took Romo 5 years to even get near Dak's rookie year completion %. But sure, Dak is innaccurate and Romo never misses.