Romo leaving really crippled us. Garrett has to change or leave


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
If we had Aaron Rodgers instead of Tony Romo we'd have at least a ring or two buy now


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C'mon Willie. Can you at least acknowledge that Dak is indeed publicly aware of his accuracy opportunity and is going to work on it this off-season?

It's not all black and white. There is some gray area you know.
Yea ill admit that he is aware that it needs to improve.

I just want him to get back to 2016 level of play. Last years play really has me down on this guy and it isnt just cus of the o-line, no zeke, and the wrs.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Yea ill admit that he is aware that it needs to improve.

I just want him to get back to 2016 level of play. Last years play really has me down on this guy and it isnt just cus of the o-line, no zeke, and the wrs.
I feel you on that. Hopefully it will be a fruitful off-season for him and us. Lots of opportunity there.


Taco Engineer
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A lot of other things need to go back to 2016 as well.


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Yea ill admit that he is aware that it needs to improve.

I just want him to get back to 2016 level of play. Last years play really has me down on this guy and it isnt just cus of the o-line, no zeke, and the wrs.
Pretty much what I came away with this season. Daks play this year was a tremendous letdown to me after year 1. As far as I'm concerned he started game 1 vs the Giants shaky as all hell and he never seemed to find his groove on any consistent basis. Year 2 has left me with serious doubts regarding our QB play. I have said many times before that yr 3 will tell us everything we need to know, if it matches yr 2 then I hope that this team is able to move on quickly and make a move for a throughbred QB, I have no interest in any bus drivers.


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You're a joke. You couldn't wait to get rid of Romo. Even advocated that we go out and get RGIII, instead. But now, all of a sudden it's :

"Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season".
But who can forget this gem (other than you, of course).

And here's your tidbit of wisdom when it was speculated that we would go out and get RGIII

Just proof that you're a complete joke that talks in circles with all of it flowing directly from your ***.

Sue me

When he was beat up, who didn't want him gone? Go back to when he was actually healthy, pull up my posts then. Of course I wanted him gone when the franchise already used up all his talent.

I'd be an idiot to still want him, does not change the fact he was still a rare talent that we did not take advantage of. If you're looking for me to deny the fact that wanted him gone, you're dead *** wrong. I've been admitted a long time ago Risen was right about Dak and we were all wrong.

This thread isn't a thread that is dedicated to missing Romo, or wanting him back if you read it right. It's me basically saying we are stuck trying to use a formula that only he could make work. We think Dak could do the same thing and he can't. We also, did not take advantage of Romo while he was in his prime.


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Please break down "Romo's level" to me sir historian sir.

I'm mostly interested in playoff wins, Super Bowl wins, MVPs. You know. Things that matter.

I got all day.... :popcorn:

Oh & since you're so able to predict the career of a 2 year NFL vet, I would appreciate a down low slide of Wednesday's winning Powerball numbers in my DMs as well.

Thank you! :thumbup:

Hey I too was blinded by Daks rookie season, but this season was so ugly, that it woke me up. You will see the light, trust me. He's not the guy you think he is


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You're a joke. You couldn't wait to get rid of Romo. Even advocated that we go out and get RGIII, instead. But now, all of a sudden it's :

"Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season".
But who can forget this gem (other than you, of course).

And here's your tidbit of wisdom when it was speculated that we would go out and get RGIII

Just proof that you're a complete joke that talks in circles with all of it flowing directly from your ***.

I understand, you are mad that I jumped off the Dak wagon, but he's not that good. He fooled you, just like he fooled me.

I don't bandwagon teams, but I will bandwagon players until they prove me wrong. Dak proved to me he's not on Romo's level when healthy. Maybe I jumped the gun on wanting him gone so quick, because let's face it, crippled or not hes ten times better than Dak.

Like I said Sue me...keep digging up my past posts, you'll see a bunch or flip flop from me, so what? Block me, Sue me, do what you want internet warrior .... nothing will ever change, I'll keep flipping as long a player proves me wrong


Chuck 54

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Yes.....all those playoff wins and hope for every season walked out the door with him.....very sad.


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Sue me

When he was beat up, who didn't want him gone? Go back to when he was actually healthy, pull up my posts then. Of course I wanted him gone when the franchise already used up all his talent.

I'd be an idiot to still want him, does not change the fact he was still a rare talent that we did not take advantage of. If you're looking for me to deny the fact that wanted him gone, you're dead *** wrong. I've been admitted a long time ago Risen was right about Dak and we were all wrong.

This thread isn't a thread that is dedicated to missing Romo, or wanting him back if you read it right. It's me basically saying we are stuck trying to use a formula that only he could make work. We think Dak could do the same thing and he can't. We also, did not take advantage of Romo while he was in his prime.

You're a joke, sport. Own it.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Keeping Garrett is crippling the team far worse than Romo leaving.


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With Romo gone it really crippled us, game play wise and mentally.

Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season.

With that being said, Garrett probably believes somewhere in his naive mind that it was him and his offense that looked so good, so tries and uses the same formula with Prescott hoping for the same results.

With Prescott we need to install gimmicky plays, rub routes, and wr friendly formations. Even the great Brady uses these type of plays, and I'm sure he doesn't need it.

Not comparing Romo to Brady, but he's not way out of the circle.

It just sucks, we abused Romo for so many years and never got him the help, and completely sold out for him, to at least try and win one. The only time we somewhat got aggressive was with TO, and Roy Williams. But he always had a bad Defense, and Bad O-Line until it was to late.

We will probably never Run into another talent and master of the game like Romo for another maybe 20 years, so we need to help Prescott and make things easy for him. He's not Romo, and this starts with Garrett, because Jerry isn't going anywhere

I'm sorry but Jerry and Garrett have crippled us not Romo leaving


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A little olive branch for all you teary nostalgic historians... Isn't it lovely? Super Bowl ready!

Romo was a 13-3 quarterback on 3-13 teams. He was a magician.