Romo leaving really crippled us. Garrett has to change or leave


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Garrett and the Jones FO is what is crippling this organization. We never got out of the 2nd round with Romo. We wouldn't get out of the 2nd round with most qbs in the league here. The two most important elements in the salary cap era, we are lacking. HC and FO.


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Here is Romo's injury history starting in 2013 I think it is good to know your right
April 2013 -- Back surgery

Romo's back troubles surfaced when he had surgery to remove a cyst. He did not participate in the offseason program but returned for training camp.
Dec. 22, 2013 -- Herniated disk

Romo suffered the injury in the fourth quarter of a 24-23 win at Washington. He had surgery the following week and did not return until training camp.

Missed games: 1 (0-1)

Oct. 27, 2014 -- Back

Romo fractured the transverse process in his back in two places against Washington. He returned two weeks later to beat Jacksonville in London.

Missed games: 1 (0-1)

Nov. 26, 2015 -- Left clavicle

Romo again fractured his left clavicle on a sack by the Panthers' Thomas Davis.

Missed games: five (1-4)

Aug. 25, 2016 -- L1 Vertebra

Romo suffered a compression fracture in his L1 vertebra after taking an awkward hit in a preseason game in Seattle.
U left out the wk 2 clavicle inj
In Philadelphia game.
People post here that Romo was fragile, broken, etc. Yet none are doctors, or have any real info
On romo's health.
I think he was healthy and rested, ready to go, when Jones boys gave job to dak.
That was a mistake, dak wasn't ready yet.

waving monkey

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U left out the wk 2 clavicle inj
In Philadelphia game.
People post here that Romo was fragile, broken, etc. Yet none are doctors, or have any real info
On romo's health.
I think he was healthy and rested, ready to go, when Jones boys gave job to dak.
That was a mistake, dak wasn't ready yet.
Of course Dak wasn't ready but Tony was at that stage of career where he was getting injured frequently
Dak was winning games. He won was it eleven in a row. Do you sit down a 11 in a row winner?
I dont


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Loved Romo, but funny that the OP uses the word "crippled"

Fwiw, I do think that 2016 could've been leathal with a healthy Romo...especially come playoff time.
Just didn't work out that way.


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Yea ill admit that he is aware that it needs to improve.

I just want him to get back to 2016 level of play. Last years play really has me down on this guy and it isnt just cus of the o-line, no zeke, and the wrs.
Dak does need to improve...but he's only a 2nd yr QB. And you say it's not because of the o-line, zeke, and wrs....isn't that everyone on offense? Dak can't do it alone.

waving monkey

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Loved Romo, but funny that the OP uses the word "crippled"

Fwiw, I do think that 2016 could've been leathal with a healthy Romo...especially come playoff time.
Just didn't work out that way.
A healthy
Dak does need to improve...but he's only a 2nd yr QB. And you say it's not because of the o-line, zeke, and wrs....isn't that everyone on offense? Dak can't do it alone.
It is absolutely the oline play. Zeek and WR's are hugh but the Oline is the barricade all QB's depend upon.


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Won't. change a thing until Jerry dies. I'm done watching this team under Jerry. Far as I am concerned we are a .500 team as long as that idiot is the GM. 22 years of mediocrity and terrible football and the lightbulb has still not gone off.


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Won't. change a thing until Jerry dies. I'm done watching this team under Jerry. Far as I am concerned we are a .500 team as long as that idiot is the GM. 22 years of mediocrity and terrible football and the lightbulb has still not gone off.

I've been saying the same thing for 22 years.


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so this "game" is so important you would wish someone dead to win some games... sad...I hope he gets a pig heart and live 50 more years..


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so this "game" is so important you would wish someone dead to win some games... sad...I hope he gets a pig heart and live 50 more years..

Do you know how to read or were you out sick on that day? I'm not wishing anyone dead, i am mereme making the observation thattifthat 22 tears of medoocre to terrible football isn't goinggto change Jerry's mind that he needs to hire a competent GM then nothing is and at that point deathdis about the only thing thattis going to bring about change at the top of the organization. You think in 22 yearsyallye the coaches we went through and how many were fired because the message got stale and it wasn't working out. In that same span we had one constant at thr GM spot and hey apparently that is one guy whose process never got stale.
I hope Jerry does live anoanot 50 years if I only to see the point driven home that he really is a horrible GM. Who wants to wager that the NY Giants will be rebuilt in the next couple of seasonss


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I would like to know why Romo wasn't granted a fair competition for the QB position in 2017? I understand going with the hot hand and not bringing Romo in after 11 straight wins, but give the man a chance to win his gig back, he earned that much by carrying this sorry team for all those years. I honestly believe that Dak benefited from having Romo in his ear during his first season


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I would like to know why Romo wasn't granted a fair competition for the QB position in 2017? I understand going with the hot hand and not bringing Romo in after 11 straight wins, but give the man a chance to win his gig back, he earned that much by carrying this sorry team for all those years. I honestly believe that Dak benefited from having Romo in his ear during his first season

Chalk it up to more head scratching decisions made by the brain trust at valley ranch.


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U left out the wk 2 clavicle inj
In Philadelphia game.
People post here that Romo was fragile, broken, etc. Yet none are doctors, or have any real info
On romo's health.
I think he was healthy and rested, ready to go, when Jones boys gave job to dak.
That was a mistake, dak wasn't ready yet.

You're right, people who claim Romo was fragile, broken, etc are probably not doctors. Nor are the people who believe he was healthy and ready to go.

What we can do is take all the information available to use and try to come to a logical conclusion. I'll make the case for thinking he was fragile and broken and try to make a case for being healthy and ready to go. This is based upon information we know of.

Fragile and broken:
  • Parcells would tell Romo he needed to get rid of the ball. He said Romo would be a snack back there with his frail body. Called him "liverwurst of rye"
  • Romo's injury history from neck to waist - 3 broken collar bones, cyst removal, 3x broken ribs, bruised ribs, collapsed lung, compression fracture, transverse fracture, herniated disc
  • In 2014, he began taking self sacks to protect himself and still suffered the transverse fracture. He later admitted he played with broken ribs while not being disclosed on the injury report. In the 3rd to last drive of the GB playoff game, Romo was thrown to the ground and could barely get back up. He struggled just handing the ball off to Murray the next 2 drives (thankfully Murray scored a TD). He was able to complete the next 2 series.
  • Beginning in 2015 he was only able to take ~5-7 hits before another injury forced him out for half a season.
  • After his last injury, he had an MRI and was deemed "healthy". Took him 4 weeks to get into shape to be able to practice
  • While being healthy but undressed for a game, the sideline reporter indicated they had just spoken with Romo who claimed he was healthy enough to play, but the doctors are unsure if he could actually sustain a hit. I believe this was before the Eagles game coming off the bye week.
  • When he was healthy he remained the back up.
  • When the #1 seed was wrapped up and Dallas could have used the time to knock off any rust from the injury in the final 2 games, they only used him 1 series. Granted he looked great that 1 series, but he looked rusty coming off the injury in 2015 so he is not immune to rust.
  • He decided to retire instead of play for another team.
Healthy and ready:
  • He said he wanted to play
  • He was cleared to play
  • He looked great in his 1 drive when he did play

I'm not a doctor but based upon the available information I would say it is highly likely that Romo could still have been a great QB if QBs could wear red jerseys. Unfortunately, they are able to get hit and I think it is logical to believe Romo was injury prone. Factoring in his injury history with his base salary, I didn't want the Cowboys to gamble anymore that Romo could remain healthy and available to play. Whether Dak can be the next QB, whether we had to endure a 1-15 season with a scrub QB, it was time for the Cowboys to move on from Romo with this injury history and salary. If he took a big pay cut to where him being in street clothes wouldn't cripple the salary cap then I wouldn't mind him still being on the team.


Taco Engineer
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Romo was injury prone. Its why a 3rd string rookie even got looked at. The FO doesn't do a great job at evaluating QB talent but got lucky with Dak. I know it still hurts for many fans that Romo got replaced, so you'll need to move on. He won 13 games his rookie season, how anyone can speculate that Romo would do better is beyond me. He's never in his entire career done more in a season. And there's absolutely no certainty Romo could even make it through a season.
If Romo was the better choice, he should have stayed the course and they would have put him in last season when the offense struggled. But he retired. That's on him


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Romo was injury prone. Its why a 3rd string rookie even got looked at. The FO doesn't do a great job at evaluating QB talent but got lucky with Dak. I know it still hurts for many fans that Romo got replaced, so you'll need to move on. He won 13 games his rookie season, how anyone can speculate that Romo would do better is beyond me. He's never in his entire career done more in a season. And there's absolutely no certainty Romo could even make it through a season.
If Romo was the better choice, he should have stayed the course and they would have put him in last season when the offense struggled. But he retired. That's on him
He retired because they wouldn't let him compete for his starting spot again. I'm sure he would know better than anyone if Dak was the hands down better choice to lead the team and just seeing how Romo carried himself all these years, if Dak truly was, Romo would have stepped down without even asking for a chance to win his spot back. Why would he backup someone that he knows he's more talented than? That makes no sense from the standpoint of a true competitor.


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Romo was crippled. He had to leave.

Good observation. Tony was 1 more hit away from probably permanent damage. At least to me he wasn't going to last a full season, and didn't deserve to end his career a cripple.

PA Cowboy Fan

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If it wasn't for Dak we would have had 2 wasted seasons in a row waiting for Romo to get better. He was one hit away from another one. Why would anyone want to waste another season on a QB that can't stay on the field? I don't care what doctors say. They said Romo was healthy going into 2016. It was time to move on.