Romo on playing the QB position


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Then not winning should be eating him up, and it's not.

What difference does it make? Romo worked hard to improve the things he was responsible for doing on the field. That's what he was supposed to do. Wishing he spent more time in emotional pain when it would just lead him to doing the same things anyway is nakedly sadistic. The Cowboys didn't win a title, and you wish the person you hold responsible suffered more for it, but since Romo doesn't own a time machine he decided not to wallow in self-pity over it like a *****, so that makes you mad?

Little Jr

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in before excuses of Dak is the only QB to overcome holding penalties, OL fault, WR aren't open enough, JG, Linehan, etc. and was rookie of the year ohemgod!!!!
That's sounds awfully familiar to what I use to hear people say about Romo. Hell, that's what I still hear about Romo. You would think listening to the guys who can't accept Romo being gone that he played with the worst OL, no running game, and no wr help his whole career.


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Just wanting things more doesn't mean you get them. Life isn't a fairy tale and there's a reason it's called the Just World FALLACY.

Romo crying like a baby back beeeyotch to make you feel better wouldn't have actually made any difference or won the Cowboys a single extra game. Life isn't a movie.


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Hate to sound dumb but can anyone break down EXACTLY what he's saying

He doesnt even know either.

Cant we just ask someone who actually was successfull playing the position and knows what he is talking about ?!


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Come on bud do you not remeber that scene of him after the Packers game in the parking lot with his wife and family, he looked pretty busted up to me about the loss
Yes, that one time compared to now 3 times him stating it's not a big deal.


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We've all been around people who handled things in different ways.

Just because he didn't go on a tirade in front of the media doesn't mean it wasn't eating him up.

When was the last time anyone ever talked about Staubach going off on teh press after a loss? yet no one questions his desire to compete.

No, I'm not saying Romo is = or better than Roger. I'm merely noting some similarities in their personalities. Quiet and humble, yet fiercely competitive and not at all comfortable with losing.

It doesn't take a leader to go off after a loss. Especially if that's not who a person really is.
It's not a tirade I'm looking for. It's for him to specifically not say things like "if this is the worst that's ever happened to me then I've led a pretty good life" and "I'm the luckiest guy in the world" when speaking about not winning.


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That's sounds awfully familiar to what I use to hear people say about Romo. Hell, that's what I still hear about Romo. You would think listening to the guys who can't accept Romo being gone that he played with the worst OL, no running game, and no wr help his whole career.
Thing is romo did play on teams where they're bottom 5 in overall penalties and a 50/50 line. Current team is top 8 in penalties but the players are so inep on offense you'd think we're last.

And when you have a line that consists of rookie T. Smith, Holland, Costa, Kosier, Free and a rookie RB and you're getting sacked 35% less per pass despite passing a lot more compared to the line today you can understand why I hate hearing excuses now for certain players. This team has a better line and run game but you would never guess.


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What difference does it make? Romo worked hard to improve the things he was responsible for doing on the field. That's what he was supposed to do. Wishing he spent more time in emotional pain when it would just lead him to doing the same things anyway is nakedly sadistic. The Cowboys didn't win a title, and you wish the person you hold responsible suffered more for it, but since Romo doesn't own a time machine he decided not to wallow in self-pity over it like a *****, so that makes you mad?
No, it doesn't make me mad at all.

America's Cowboy

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Because it has been 2 years since that rookie season and he has been nowhere close to that since, besides you also cherry picked 4 years for Romo. We could go back to say 2009 to 2015 and you know what Romo's TD to INT ratio actually is higher at 2.35 TD's for every INT. You like a dog who keeps chasing his tail round a round you go. One more thing Dak had a phenomonal rookie season no doubt but it has been 24 games since and he is nowhere close to the guy we saw that season and has shown no ability to be that guy again, funny in the NFL teams catch up to what you do and then it becomes on you to up your game. Dak is still the same panicy inacurate QB he actually was in 2016 it's just teams have generally taken away that short easy pass from him (that they gave him all of 2016) and he can't adjust. he is going on 3 full seasons in the league and he is regressing not getting better and those are the facts, Cooper may help him for a game or 2 then teams will adjust to that and it will be back on Dak again
You've got it all figured out, don't you? Wow, I will pay you to pick my next lotto numbers. lol


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It's not a tirade I'm looking for. It's for him to specifically not say things like "if this is the worst that's ever happened to me then I've led a pretty good life" and "I'm the luckiest guy in the world" when speaking about not winning.
You're reaching. Understand how he said it, not what was said.


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As I said, less intelligent and not funny.
Even if you don't agree with Pappydog, at least he is good for a laugh. There's some genuine wit to some of his posts. That's true of some of the other pro Dak/Anti Romo posters. Some of them, I laugh at what they post even when I disagree. Because there's some genuine good humor or intelligence behind it.

You're clearly different. Every time I read your posts, I realize just how bitter, angry, and depressed about life you are. Here's a thread where Romo said absolutely nothing about Dak. Didn't even hint at him. And yet, you had to come in and offer some video of picks he threw, rather than have an intelligent conversation about the merits of his comments.

With you I never laugh. I read your posts, I feel pity. "Blah Blah Blah, I was a two time all state offensive lineman. I know what I'm talking about. Blah Blah Blah"

I genuinely pity you. I hope whatever has destroyed your life and made you who you are, eases up. I mean that. It would be awful to go through life as you do. How the hell do you find the strength to get out of bed in the morning? I'm being serious. How do you do it?

I pity people who try to project misery, doom and gloom, onto internet randoms as a last ditch effort to "win" some argument. It's more wishful thinking than reality, and speaks alot more about the person wielding such language then the one on the receiving end of the low hanging fruit you just picked.


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