Romo Speaks

As I've said before every team is going to be gunning for Romo will take the extra step and hit him not caring about a flag.

I don't like it but it's football and one of the objects of every defensive line is to knock the quarterback out of the game, nobody's trying to permanently injure him just knock him out of the game
I'm nervously awaiting the Tony Romo needs season ending back surgery that'll be announced tomorrow.
All we can do is hope for the best, no one will ever questions his toughness. Hopefully his body cooperates a couple more years, but that wasn't a particularly bad hit last night that knocked him out of the game so there's reason for concern
All we can do is hope for the best, no one will ever questions his toughness. Hopefully his body cooperates a couple more years, but that wasn't a particularly bad hit last night that knocked him out of the game so there's reason for concern

I actually thought it looked like a pretty bad hit. He didn't know the guy was there (because Free just let him run free) and he was starting his slide when the guy pounced on him. So he landed on his coccyx with a 275 lbs man on him when he didn't know it was coming. It folded him over and clearly stretched/strained his back muscles.

It was a bad hit, not in terms of impact, but it terms of the way it was a blindside hit exactly as he was about to slide.
ok I don't know foot ball but when out starter sits out every WEDS because of back problems - look out

but he says I am fine as long as no one hits me

and DAK is not out savior

please tell you don't think so

other wise you don't know football
Glad that the early signs are good, but I'd be more interested in hearing how he's feeling after the long flight back to Dallas and a nights sleep.

Looks like he jammed his back on the snap down when he was hit. I hope he's OK - the guy deserves some good luck at this point.
It was just fluke way to land on Romo that probably would have hurt in some manner any QB. It was more the way his back muscles were compressed in a vertically twisting motion that caused the pain and not anything structural. Romo wasn't trying to make much of a play. He was simply trying to escape pressure and before the defender in front of him was anywhere near him he took the slide. It was the guy from behind that he no doubt felt but he couldn't see that didn't allow him to protect his body in a more apt way if he could see him.
I just cant see a scenario where Romo is not gonna miss some games. I don't know how hard that hit was, but getting hurt after 3 plays at 36 is not good.
It was just fluke way to land on Romo that probably would have hurt in some manner any QB.

I understand, however, every time Romo has been knocked out in recent years the common refrain here on CZ that it was a 'fluke' hit.

I dunno...

He really isn't being hit that much -- he typically enjoys superb pass protection. The ratio of him actually being hit and him hitting the carpet seems high.

I used to chuckle when a couple of years ago he was just drop the ground when he knew a sack was imminent in the pocket... now it's was I want him to do EVERY time. Manning did it for years -- there is no shame in it.
I understand, however, every time Romo has been knocked out in recent years the common refrain here on CZ that it was a 'fluke' hit.

I dunno...

He really isn't being hit that much -- he typically enjoys superb pass protection. The ratio of him actually being hit and him hitting the carpet seems high.

I used to chuckle when a couple of years ago he was just drop the ground when he knew a sack was imminent in the pocket... now it's was I want him to do EVERY time. Manning did it for years -- there is no shame in it.

He needs to drink more milk. It does the body good.
Nothing about the Seattle defense was vanilla. They were stunting, blitzing, dropping linemen into zones...if you thought they were vanilla you don't know footballl. They may not have "game planned" but they definitely weren't vanilla.

He's disliked Prescott from day the Cowboys drafted him.

He has an agenda.
That was a really awkward and unusual hit, the way his body was a bit twisted and while he was going down, getting hit from behind, but from above, to compress things.

I think almost anyone would've been hurt from that.

I know he's had a lot of great thinks happen in his life overall, but man, Romo really seems cursed at times.
I'm surprised that (and thrilled if it hold up) it's not worse than they're saying. Assume they'll give him 2-3 days off.

Has to be driving him nuts not getting play much with this killer offense.
Yes, it's upsetting. There is a real hatred for him and this franchise around the league. I just wish we had a few more Michael Irvins and Erik Williams on the team to fight back. The team looked pretty soulless tonight for a dress rehearsal game.

Besides of Zeke. He played lights out and took it to the Seattle defense.
Am I the only one actually encouraged by this? That hit was, as far as his back is concerned, about the worst kind of hit he could have sustained (and one that definitely could have caused back issues in someone who didn't already have them). The fact that he came out of it seemingly fine and likely could have played more, indicates the back is capable of holding up.
All we can do is hope for the best, no one will ever questions his toughness. Hopefully his body cooperates a couple more years, but that wasn't a particularly bad hit last night that knocked him out of the game so there's reason for concern

a) most professionals have already said it was a particularly bad hit, so you're wrong
b) If it wasnt pre-season, tony would have continued playing, so it didnt knock anyone out.
Yes, it's upsetting. There is a real hatred for him and this franchise around the league. I just wish we had a few more Michael Irvins and Erik Williams on the team to fight back. The team looked pretty soulless tonight for a dress rehearsal game.
Hopefully we get one in Zeke..

Romo seems to get hurt more on plays where he does not take a normal hit. The hit he took against Seattle was not hard in comparison to shots QBs take in the pocket. (In fact, I think I remember Romo getting hit harder than that last week.) However, because he was going to the ground the defender ended up increasing his momentum and he received a jolt to his back when his butt slammed down.

Football players are taught how to roll with hits to keep from getting hurt, but are unprepared for unexpected hits like that one. Hopefully that means that normal hits won't have the same effect on him. I'm not sure because it's clear that his back is going to be iffy for however much longer his career is, but his back wasn't an issue last year and he played through it in 2014, so maybe he'll be able to hold up.

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