Rookie James Hardy allegedly pulls gun on his father - cites mix-up

Wimbo;2080239 said:

Posted by Mike Florio on May 13, 2008, 9:49 a.m.
In response to the news that Bills receiver James Hardy, a second-round pick in last month’s draft, allegedly pulled a gun on his father on Mother’s Day (his mom would be wise to avoid Hardy on Father’s Day), a league source has alerted us to the fact that this wasn’t the first domestic incident involving the former Indiana standout.
Two years ago, Hardy spent three nights in jail after allegedly committing battery against his girlfriend. He was charged with domestic battery and interfering with the reporting of a crime. Hardy eventually was released on bond.
When his girlfriend called 911, an operator heard the woman say that Hardy had “hit her and her baby.” The line then disconnected, apparently because Hardy had yanked the phone out of the wall.
The source described Hardy to us as a “scary dude,” and said that the reports of Hardy striking a baby scared many teams away from him.
But not the Bills.

in all fairness this is the first i've heard of character issues for hardy. maybe he's had them all along and maybe he is a massive thug or maybe it's time to dogpile now cause we can.

i just don't really care anymore about initial judgements. i got time. i wait and watch the whole show. some people wanna predict the ending to the movie as the initial credits are rolling up.
DaBoys4Life;2080259 said:
IDK sometimes they be asking for it. I don't advocate hitting females I don't do it myself. However, I've seen females push males beyond their limit and I have been pushed beyond my limit by females. I just do not believe the females are always as innocent as they attempt to be. They like make you mad on purpose but then when you get mad they want to be like why are you mad.
Surely you didn't mean this rant, did you? It's a two-way street. Both parties get mad. He's pushing buttons just like she is. Neither person has the right to become violent. Case closed.
DaBoys4Life;2080259 said:
IDK sometimes they be asking for it. I don't advocate hitting females I don't do it myself. However, I've seen females push males beyond their limit and I have been pushed beyond my limit by females. I just do not believe the females are always as innocent as they attempt to be. They like make you mad on purpose but then when you get mad they want to be like why are you mad.

The above couldn't be more idiotic. Men, and I use the term loosely, who think it's acceptable to abuse women for any reason should be horsewhipped.
Boyzmamacita;2080318 said:
Surely you didn't mean this rant, did you? It's a two-way street. Both parties get mad. He's pushing buttons just like she is. Neither person has the right to become violent. Case closed.

Yea however in the case of James Hardy 6'6 why would his g/f do anything to provoke him which would lead to him hitting her. Maybe he just got drunk and beat the living crap out of her. Who knows however you have think the average height of a female is 5'2 she prob 5'9 or something like that since she got a tall guy like Hardy still when you come up to someone's chest you really think someone should be provoking that person male or female.

Tractor1;2080340 said:
The above couldn't be more idiotic. Men, and I use the term loosely, who think it's acceptable to abuse women for any reason should be horsewhipped.

I already stated I don't advocate the hitting of females. However i'll leave you this my professor who is a feminist tells her son if a female puts her hands on you hit her back. So to each they own i like to say.
Tractor1;2080340 said:
The above couldn't be more idiotic. Men, and I use the term loosely, who think it's acceptable to abuse women for any reason should be horsewhipped.

is it?

i wasn't going to relay this story - but what the heck.

in college i was at an apartment complex outside at a keg party. things were happening and i could hear some arguing inside between a guy and a girl. a few minutes later this girl comes busting out to the front of the complex right outside the door crying for someone to help her.

me, being the knight in beer encrusted armor, offered to help cause she said she was very afraid of this guy inside the apartment she was just arguing with who threatened her (never heard that). so she stands next to me for a minute and then this guy comes out i knew from gym/health class and while i didn't know him i just recognized him from class. he gave the girl a dirty look but went to move around her to i suppose leave. no threats or talk at all just mad it seemed.

as he went to move around her she hauled off and kicked him in the kids pretty damn hard and the guy of course dropped to his knees. she then looked at me with some messed up smile on her face and i just said "after that you're on your own"

some other people helped the guy back up (male and female) and most were not happy with the upset kid kicking girl. the ones i talked to who were in the apartment said she started it and was actually threatening HIM and he blew her off to NOT start anything with her. he just eventually went back to his car and i never saw the girl again.

unless you know the whole story, making ultimate decisions can be very...misleading. there's a distinct difference between abuse and self-defense and until you know all the details, saying it's one or the other is premature. but hey, that's how our world rolls.
DaBoys4Life;2080259 said:
IDK sometimes they be asking for it. I don't advocate hitting females I don't do it myself. However, I've seen females push males beyond their limit and I have been pushed beyond my limit by females. I just do not believe the females are always as innocent as they attempt to be. They like make you mad on purpose but then when you get mad they want to be like why are you mad.

You can't speak in absolutes such as "its never ok to hit a girl."

I am sorry, but if a girl is coming after me with a knife, yeah, I'm dropping her first chance I get.

Generally speaking, yeah, you should never hit ANYONE. But situations do arise where hitting someone is justified.
iceberg;2080359 said:
is it?

i wasn't going to relay this story - but what the heck.

in college i was at... <snip>

</snip>...that's how our world rolls.

No kidding. I was dating a girl in college who was extremely jealous of everything and everyone. She had gotten upset because she saw me outside my physics class talking to my lab partner (who was a hottie!) and she had thrown a fit.

As I was driving home, the argument escelated and she became extremely agitated. She started screaming at the top of her lungs, slid down in the seat and started kicking my windshield over and over (trying to break it out I suppose).

Well, her window was open and a police officer waiting for speeders heard her screaming and pulled me over. He took her to the back of the car and started asking her questions.

He asked her if I had hit her. She knew damn well that I hadn't laid a figer on her (never have any woman) but she still looked up at me when he asked the question and shook her head no... but she did it in such a way as to make the cop think she was lying because she was scared of me.

I couldn't believe it. He started treating me like I was some rapist or something and I hadn't done one thing except talk to my lab partner about our project.

I was eventually let go and I very quickly let my girlfriend go too... although it took about two months of her freakin' stalking me and my dates before I was finally free of her. She attacked a girl at my job and on a different occasion pulled wads of her own hair out and told other's that it was me who did it.

A real piece of work, that girl.

Anyway, I agree... get the whole story before jumping to conclusions about any domestic violence case. $0.02
I'm kinda glad we passed on him as well. I didn't realize he had some baggage...wait til' he gets a wallet fulla cash and see what he turns into.
iceberg;2080359 said:
is it?

i wasn't going to relay this story - but what the heck.

in college i was at an apartment complex outside at a keg party. things were happening and i could hear some arguing inside between a guy and a girl. a few minutes later this girl comes busting out to the front of the complex right outside the door crying for someone to help her.

me, being the knight in beer encrusted armor, offered to help cause she said she was very afraid of this guy inside the apartment she was just arguing with who threatened her (never heard that). so she stands next to me for a minute and then this guy comes out i knew from gym/health class and while i didn't know him i just recognized him from class. he gave the girl a dirty look but went to move around her to i suppose leave. no threats or talk at all just mad it seemed.

as he went to move around her she hauled off and kicked him in the kids pretty damn hard and the guy of course dropped to his knees. she then looked at me with some messed up smile on her face and i just said "after that you're on your own"

some other people helped the guy back up (male and female) and most were not happy with the upset kid kicking girl. the ones i talked to who were in the apartment said she started it and was actually threatening HIM and he blew her off to NOT start anything with her. he just eventually went back to his car and i never saw the girl again.

unless you know the whole story, making ultimate decisions can be very...misleading. there's a distinct difference between abuse and self-defense and until you know all the details, saying it's one or the other is premature. but hey, that's how our world rolls.

AsthmaField;2080391 said:
No kidding. I was dating a girl in college who was extremely jealous of everything and everyone. She had gotten upset because she saw me outside my physics class talking to my lab partner (who was a hottie!) and she had thrown a fit.

As I was driving home, the argument escelated and she became extremely agitated. She started screaming at the top of her lungs, slid down in the seat and started kicking my windshield over and over (trying to break it out I suppose).

Well, her window was open and a police officer waiting for speeders heard her screaming and pulled me over. He took her to the back of the car and started asking her questions.

He asked her if I had hit her. She knew damn well that I hadn't laid a figer on her (never have any woman) but she still looked up at me when he asked the question and shook her head no... but she did it in such a way as to make the cop think she was lying because she was scared of me.

I couldn't believe it. He started treating me like I was some rapist or something and I hadn't done one thing except talk to my lab partner about our project.

I was eventually let go and I very quickly let my girlfriend go too... although it took about two months of her freakin' stalking me and my dates before I was finally free of her. She attacked a girl at my job and on a different occasion pulled wads of her own hair out and told other's that it was me who did it.

A real piece of work, that girl.

Anyway, I agree... get the whole story before jumping to conclusions about any domestic violence case. $0.02

wow those stories are crazy and it is like they always take the side of the female no matter what in these situations so it is like lose lose for the dude whether do you it or you don't. Who wants to go throught that hassle
DaBoys4Life;2080406 said:
wow those stories are crazy and it is like they always take the side of the female no matter what in these situations so it is like lose lose for the dude whether do you it or you don't. Who wants to go throught that hassle

I can understand why police do automatically side with the women... too many times they are the victims. They are smaller and not as physically strong as the male, so in any given situation, I'd protect the woman first too out of gut reaction.

However, that particular girl that I was dating was a mean one. She weighed 97 pounds, soaking wet and I was a big guy working at a gym... but she came very close to abusing me, while I never laid a finger on her. I weighed more than twice her 97 pounds but she would hit/scratch/whatever. I think they sometimes feel like they can't hurt you, so they go to town when they're angry.

I finally had to get a restraining order.

Authority figures should protect the female immediately... but then find out the whole story before taking action, IMO.
AsthmaField;2080391 said:
He asked her if I had hit her. She knew damn well that I hadn't laid a figer on her (never have any woman) but she still looked up at me when he asked the question and shook her head no... but she did it in such a way as to make the cop think she was lying because she was scared of me.
Wow. She must really be wicked to even come up with that one.
AsthmaField;2080434 said:
I can understand why police do automatically side with the women... too many times they are the victims. They are smaller and not as physically strong as the male, so in any given situation, I'd protect the woman first too out of gut reaction.

However, that particular girl that I was dating was a mean one. She weighed 97 pounds, soaking wet and I was a big guy working at a gym... but she came very close to abusing me, while I never laid a finger on her. I weighed more than twice her 97 pounds but she would hit/scratch/whatever. I think they sometimes feel like they can't hurt you, so they go to town when they're angry.

I finally had to get a restraining order.

Authority figures should protect the female immediately... but then find out the whole story before taking action, IMO.

I know what you are saying you want to put your foot down but it is so easy to cross that line by mistake. It is like walking on egg shell and as soon as the police gets involved it's normally your in trouble. However they are changing the policy now so that both parties get locked up in the situation if they feel the need for an arrest.
There was a charge of child abuse. Having been on four juries, this stuff is not always easy to figure out.

Will cbs try to get under Hardy's skin with trash talk based on beating up women, kids, and parents?
Boyzmamacita;2080452 said:
Wow. She must really be wicked to even come up with that one.

She was wack, for sure. She had a lot of positives... but she was simply crazy.
Must admit I was one of those who wanted us to draft Hardy. Was aware of the domestic violency charge/allegation against him but believe it happened 2 years ago, that he had participated in anger management and that there had been no problems since then. Still think Hardy has the talen to become an top WR but his off field problems may do him in. Glad that we didn't move up and draft him; suspect Jerry is always glad he allowed the coaches in the war room to vote against him.
iceberg;2080359 said:
unless you know the whole story, making ultimate decisions can be very...misleading. there's a distinct difference between abuse and self-defense and until you know all the details, saying it's one or the other is premature. but hey, that's how our world rolls.

More idiocy. Evidently the man in your story possessed enough character to know that striking a woman, for whatever reason, isn't acceptable. There are ways of defending one's self other than abusing women, and that's exactly what it becomes when men choose to get physical.
TheCount;2080234 said:
I thought we learned our lesson from the Benson situation? People already rushing to judgement? I guess we never learn.

Don't ever expect them to. People think its fun to bust out the stake and tinder.

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