No kidding. I was dating a girl in college who was extremely jealous of everything and everyone. She had gotten upset because she saw me outside my physics class talking to my lab partner (who was a hottie!) and she had thrown a fit.
As I was driving home, the argument escelated and she became extremely agitated. She started screaming at the top of her lungs, slid down in the seat and started kicking my windshield over and over (trying to break it out I suppose).
Well, her window was open and a police officer waiting for speeders heard her screaming and pulled me over. He took her to the back of the car and started asking her questions.
He asked her if I had hit her. She knew damn well that I hadn't laid a figer on her (never have any woman) but she still looked up at me when he asked the question and shook her head no... but she did it in such a way as to make the cop think she was lying because she was scared of me.
I couldn't believe it. He started treating me like I was some rapist or something and I hadn't done one thing except talk to my lab partner about our project.
I was eventually let go and I very quickly let my girlfriend go too... although it took about two months of her freakin' stalking me and my dates before I was finally free of her. She attacked a girl at my job and on a different occasion pulled wads of her own hair out and told other's that it was me who did it.
A real piece of work, that girl.
Anyway, I agree... get the whole story before jumping to conclusions about any domestic violence case. $0.02