A quick Google search debunked most of this and dismissed it as latent racist propaganda.
and why would they do that? if a site is there for facts, they won't tell you how to feel about THEIR interpretation of "facts" now will they? news should not tell you how to feel nor draw conclusions for you. if the site or article is doing that then i throw up a flag - either way - because it is emotionally based, not factual.
"news" these days tells me what happened, reiterates their talking points, interprets things for me and in the end, is littered with opinion pieces dancing in and out of real news stories.
now tell me - if all you could find within yourself was to do a "quick google search" - did you find what you wanted and stopped or did you actually research this? given your reply, i'm guessing you found what you wanted, giggled cause it was online, and declared victory cause a biased site told you what you wanted to hear.