FaithInWade01;2160903 said:
Why would you even say that?
Your getting paid so much f^^^^^^ money, why would you even have those thoughts in your mind??
Just for him to be content with his average/below average play tells me he really doesn't care.
He is a headache, and we are just better off cutting all our loses. He will never be the player he once was
Again you are letting you hate for Roy make you irrational
Who said he was content with average or below average play? Thats all in your head
This is nothing but him saying he will do whatever he is asked. Thats a good thing to find in a player
To recap If Roy says he wants to start we bash him for not being a team player
If Roy says whatever it takes to win, we bash him for not wanting to start
If Roy says no comment we bash him for being thin skinned and avoiding the media
Oh yeah, Roy has a chance with you guys lol