Rumor about Tom Brady destroying cell phone

The NFL lies directly to your face, but you enjoy it because it attacks a team you don't like. So you'll just conveniently ignore the FACT that the only proven liars in this whole affair reside in the league office.

I couldn't give a rip about the Patriots. I'm a Cowboys fan. The Patriots were irrelevant most of my life. I don't like the Eagles, Commanders, Giants, 49ers, and Steelers. I want to hate the Packers, but I can't.

The Patriots are the Browns to me.

The league didn't lie. You just look at Tom Brady like he's Jesus Christ in shoulder pads.
The MOUNTAIN of evidence exists only in your mind. THe Patriots have the law of physics on their side. The NFL lied and lied and lied, and for some reason you keep believing them.

But what about the Ideal Gas Law?

"Boston University professor Martin Schmaltz, who was one of the first scientists to invoke the law in this dispute. His original calculations seemed to suggest the deflated footballs could be explained by the physics. Now he thinks the physics proved the Patriots deflated the balls."

You mean that law of physics that many experts believe actually proves the Patriots were guilty? It is hardly as you put it "on their side". Click a link or two and read a study, see the data. I know you won't.

So your angle on this is if you put your head in the sand long enough and it will go away? That's your strategy on this? Or maybe more its more like...


Actually it is kind of fitting given the way you handled this whole situation.
I couldn't give a rip about the Patriots. I'm a Cowboys fan. The Patriots were irrelevant most of my life. I don't like the Eagles, Commanders, Giants, 49ers, and Steelers. I want to hate the Packers, but I can't.

The Patriots are the Browns to me.

The league didn't lie. You just look at Tom Brady like he's Jesus Christ in shoulder pads.
The league has been caught telling multiple lies. That's a fact and is not in dispute.
The league has been caught telling multiple lies. That's a fact and is not in dispute.

No, Patriot nation has taken procedural and anecdotal happenstance and twisted it into some *******ized version of legalized miscommunications, and convinced themselves that the league is lying.

Simple question, Rog. Do you honestly think Roger Goodell and the NFL has some internal plan or desire to take down Tom Brady and the Patriots? Seriously?

Trust me, they don't. They don't want their poster boy and Super Bowl MVP trudged through the mud like this any more than you do. But other teams complained, and Brady got busted for cheating the game, and here we are. What do you expect Goodell to do?

This is Brady's doing. He's a rich, pretty boy that hasn't heard the word "no" in a long time, and he acting like a petulant child. He did it. Period.
so all the times the Pats have been caught in a scandal not once did they cheat or were in the wrong? sure! Denial is all it is. Its so transparent to anyone outside of being a pats fan that they are cheaters. i find it funny that pats fans always site that website that talks about how your team cheats too and than on the other hand says the pats don't cheat.
No, Patriot nation has taken procedural and anecdotal happenstance and twisted it into some *******ized version of legalized miscommunications, and convinced themselves that the league is lying.
Um, a letter was written to the Patriots saying one ball was as low as 10.1. That isn't procedural or anecdotal. That's official and its on the record.
Simple question, Rog. Do you honestly think Roger Goodell and the NFL has some internal plan or desire to take down Tom Brady and the Patriots? Seriously?
I absolutely believe there are forces working in high positions in the NFL Office, as well as other ownership groups, interested in doing precisely that and have pressured the Commissioner thusly.

Before you fly off the handle talking about how absurd of an idea that is, you should be aware an awful lot of people in this forum believe the exact same thing happens to the Cowboys from a league office run by Mara and Rooney. So while the Patriots certainly don't get much sympathy, the concept of the league office being out to get someone is a very common one in this forum.
Um, a letter was written to the Patriots saying one ball was as low as 10.1. That isn't procedural or anecdotal. That's official and its on the record.
I absolutely believe there are forces working in high positions in the NFL Office, as well as other ownership groups, interested in doing precisely that and have pressured the Commissioner thusly.

Before you fly off the handle talking about how absurd of an idea that is, you should be aware an awful lot of people in this forum believe the exact same thing happens to the Cowboys from a league office run by Mara and Rooney. So while the Patriots certainly don't get much sympathy, the concept of the league office being out to get someone is a very common one in this forum.

No doubt there are jealousies at work. Mara hates that 2/3 of his local fan base are Cowboys and Jets fans. No doubt that there's a northeastern hatred that a Podunk team from Texas carries the "Yankees" banner in the NFL. No doubt the AFC is tired of getting beaten by Brady and his changing band of gypsies, tramps, and thieves.

But do I think the NFL would go so far as to trump up a controversy to take down the Cowboys or Patriots over a lie? No, that I don't believe. That's silly.

And there is ZERO reason for the league to go after Brady, who has been nothing but a boon for NFL pocketbooks from the get-go.
Right after you acknowledge the Hardy out of counrt settlement. :rolleyes:

The reason the DA gave for dropping charges was the lack of availability of the GF. That's a lawyer giving an excuse to cover up the fact that the evidence was too weak. How do murderers get convicted if having the alleged victim at trial is so important? If the original conviction was so strong then why not just use that evidence to convict him a second time before a jury of his peers. No sir, the DA knew he could not do that. It was not going to turnout good for him or the alleged victim. She would have most likely end up with charges filed against her had this case moved forward. No doubt there was a settlement but it's pure speculation that settlement involved money. It's more likely it involve Ms. Holder keeping her freedom and sympathy from the public as an alleged DV victim in exchange for going away.
The reason the DA gave for dropping charges was the lack of availability of the GF. That's a lawyer giving an excuse to cover up the fact that the evidence was too weak. How do murderers get convicted if having the alleged victim at trial is so important? If the original conviction was so strong then why not just use that evidence to convict him a second time before a jury of his peers. No sir, the DA knew he could not do that. It was not going to turnout good for him or the alleged victim. She would have most likely end up with charges filed against her had this case moved forward. No doubt there was a settlement but it's pure speculation that settlement involved money. It's more likely it involve Ms. Holder keeping her freedom and sympathy from the public as an alleged DV victim in exchange for going away.

Bottom line on the Hardy case: the only real evidence anything serious happened was the word of a crack head. NO DA is going to court with that only- any halfway competent shyster would tear her apart on the witness stand- something not allowed at the preliminary.
Does anyone think that Tom will spring for a lawyer to get his 2 buddies their jobs back?

They were fired and he is innocent so you would think he would be fighting for them

They worked there over 20 years and only did what Brady asked them to do within the rules

Maybe they got one of those settlements that people talk about it all the time with Hardy, in fact I'm just going to assume Brady paid them off and that is why they stopped cooperating and haven't been heard from since.
Doesn't Brady know that with today's technology that destroying a phone won't make his messages disappear into thin air? :D

Exactly. People think because you "delete" something off your cpu, too, that it's gone forever. Your computer leaves behind a huge footprint of your activity. Same as your phone. Calls/texts are stored in gigantic databases by your network. Destroying the device you sent them from means nothing. Now it's not easy to get those records but they are there.

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