RUMOR: Dallas wants to draft a Qb


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
I guess we can say Chang has won to games, too, but with a lesser QB rating. Doesn't Henson play the first and third quarters and Chang plays the second and fourth? If that's the case, Chang technically led them to victory as the final QB to play for the team during the games.

Henson doesn't control a games, he controls two quarters. When he takes the ball from beginning to end, then I'll concede that point.

You never answered my question: what has he done to prove to you that he's the future.

1) Chang plays the 2nd quarter only. Henson plays the 1st, 3rd and 4th.

2) Never said he was the future, just that he was doing well.

I may hope he's the future, sure would be nice to have the future on the squad already...vs...the cost of a FA aquisition or draft pick. But I can't guarantee anything.



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What will it take for Dallas to move up to the 18th pick to draft Vince Young? An 8th round pick? Does anyone have the draft trade chart handy?


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
I'm just answering your questions... pal. Don't ask them if you don't want an answer.

But, I'm still trying to figure out how 229 yards in two games is "doing well."

given the overall state of NFLE and the fact that ALL Qb's MUST play (very bad news bears of 'em, i must say) it's a mistake to compare 229 yards in 2 games to what an NFL qb would do because he's played maybe 1 to 1 1/2 games.

in all, he's doing fine - why you gotta rail on him i dunno, but have fun. the rest of us will be over here in reality.


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Eddie said:
Why is it a dumb move? When should we draft a QB? When Bledsoe retires? We wanna go through the QC/Hutch nonsense again?

If there's a time to draft a QB, NOW is the time ... while Bledsoe can still give us a year. QB's need time to adjust and learn. A first rounder would have the luxury of learning.

Hey, maybe we can snag Losman for cheap. ha ha

Maybe its because there aren't many QBs worth drafting to groom as your next starter in this years draft. Croyle? Whitehurt? Sure, if you need a backup. But your future starter? I'll take my chances in round 1 and 2, thanks. And this year, none of the top QBs will be available to us. So we wait. Drafting a QB that doesn't have a top grade is what got us guys like Hutch and QC in the first place....trying to find a steal at the most important position on your team. No thanks. Let's wait and see what the crop looks like next year. Because this year, outside of Leinart, i want no part of this batch of QBs unless we draft them in round 4 or 5 and dont bring them in with the assumption that they are future starters.


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lkelly said:
What will it take for Dallas to move up to the 18th pick to draft Vince Young? An 8th round pick? Does anyone have the draft trade chart handy?

Maybe in 1993 when they had 12 draft rounds. But now it ends at 7 rounds so there is no 8th round pick.


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Jarv said:
Maybe in 1993 when they had 12 draft rounds. But now it ends at 7 rounds so there is no 8th round pick.

To move up anywhere in the teens of the 1st round, it would take at LEAST a 3rd round pick. Given that Vince Young is as raw a passer as Mike Vick, and might possibly be the most ******** player in football history, ill freakin' pass on Vince Young. Give me a QB to play QB, not a freakin' runningback with a strong arm, please.:bang2:

Thick 'N Hearty

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trueblue1687 said:
I agree. He is doing well, and it is relevant to what he may be able to do in the NFL. No offense donkey punch, but you're not keeping the Henson comparison in context. Compare apples to apples here. Henson isn't Bledsoe and to think that anyone can go from a back-up to "not missing a beat" with regards to performance is a pipedream!! Bledsoe has 13 years in the NFL...Henson has a couple of starts, only one of whcih was in regular season.
That's my point with Jarv... you can't compare Henson to Bledsoe, which is what he did.

He IS the leader of NFLE, regardless of how little value you want to place on it, that's a fact. Additionally, I think several teams would disagree with your assessment that NFLE only proves if a guy CAN'T play. The best example at the position is playing QB for Carolina now. Time will tell if Henson can play, but wholesale discounting of his accomplishments makes no sense at all.
When did I say the Cowboys sent him over ot prove he can't play. I agree 100% with what the league is about. And the "wholesale discounting of his accomplishments," what accomplishments? He has a high QB rating? Did that win the World Bowl?

Keep it in context when evaluating play, Henson's physical skills (throws, mobility, etc.) have never been a question, it's his lack of pro-level experience that hamstrings him.
Were his physical skills so great that the coaching staff decided to screw them up by changing his throwing motion? His skills have been questioned, that's why Parcells said he isn't ready.


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Jarv said:
Maybe in 1993 when they had 12 draft rounds. But now it ends at 7 rounds so there is no 8th round pick.

You didn't answer my question. What would it take for Dallas to move up to the 18th pick as the original poster suggested?

I offered an 8th rounder. What would you offer?

(On second thought, forget it. This is like having to explain the punch line of a joke. Can someone put a bullet in this thread?)


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lkelly said:
You didn't answer my question. What would it take for Dallas to move up to the 18th pick as the original poster suggested?

I offered an 8th rounder. What would you offer?

(On second thought, forget it. This is like having to explain the punch line of a joke. Can someone put a bullet in this thread?)
hey wait a second. you're not supposed to use sarcasm withouth the little smilie thinguie with the eyes rolling up :rolleyes:
get with the program dude.:mad:


Loud pipes saves lives.
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lkelly said:
You didn't answer my question. What would it take for Dallas to move up to the 18th pick as the original poster suggested?

I offered an 8th rounder. What would you offer?

(On second thought, forget it. This is like having to explain the punch line of a joke. Can someone put a bullet in this thread?)

Sorry bro, I have no idea. Someone did post the chart earlier today.

My only comment was that there is no such thing as an 8th rounder...


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silver said:
hey wait a second. you're not supposed to use sarcasm withouth the little smilie thinguie with the eyes rolling up :rolleyes:
get with the program dude.:mad:

I stand in the corner in shame. Mods, please feel free to dress up my posts with the proper emoticons.


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Jarv said:
Sorry bro, I have no idea. Someone did post the chart earlier today.

My only comment was that there is no such thing as an 8th rounder...

I was exquisitely aware of those facts at the time I made my original post.


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Well since we already are the proud owners of the 18th pick I guess we can save our 8th rounder.:rolleyes:


Loud pipes saves lives.
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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
trueblue1687 said:
I agree. He is doing well, and it is relevant to what he may be able to do in the NFL. No offense donkey punch, but you're not keeping the Henson comparison in context. Compare apples to apples here. Henson isn't Bledsoe and to think that anyone can go from a back-up to "not missing a beat" with regards to performance is a pipedream!! Bledsoe has 13 years in the NFL...Henson has a couple of starts, only one of whcih was in regular season.
That's my point with Jarv... you can't compare Henson to Bledsoe, which is what he did.

He IS the leader of NFLE, regardless of how little value you want to place on it, that's a fact. Additionally, I think several teams would disagree with your assessment that NFLE only proves if a guy CAN'T play. The best example at the position is playing QB for Carolina now. Time will tell if Henson can play, but wholesale discounting of his accomplishments makes no sense at all.
When did I say the Cowboys sent him over ot prove he can't play. I agree 100% with what the league is about. And the "wholesale discounting of his accomplishments," what accomplishments? He has a high QB rating? Did that win the World Bowl?

Keep it in context when evaluating play, Henson's physical skills (throws, mobility, etc.) have never been a question, it's his lack of pro-level experience that hamstrings him.
Were his physical skills so great that the coaching staff decided to screw them up by changing his throwing motion? His skills have been questioned, that's why Parcells said he isn't ready.

Actually I was just comparing the stats, not the players. a 92+ QB rating is a good stat.

6.5 YPC (Which Bledsoe has in the NFL, henson in NFLE)is a comparable stat.

I never claimed the leauges to be of equal talent either.

Bledsoe could play in NFLE and won't get a 200 QB rating and 600 yards passing a game. Because both (at least the 200 QB Rating, think it only goes to 143 OR 156?) are not the way the game is played. I don't think any QB in NFLE throws for 300 yards a game up there...Although I could be wrong, but its a different game. The games are shorter due to different clock management and starting QB's only play 3/4's of the game.

All I have been saying is that Henson is playing well there.


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
trueblue1687 said:
I agree. He is doing well, and it is relevant to what he may be able to do in the NFL. No offense donkey punch, but you're not keeping the Henson comparison in context. Compare apples to apples here. Henson isn't Bledsoe and to think that anyone can go from a back-up to "not missing a beat" with regards to performance is a pipedream!! Bledsoe has 13 years in the NFL...Henson has a couple of starts, only one of whcih was in regular season.
That's my point with Jarv... you can't compare Henson to Bledsoe, which is what he did.
His point was in response to your YPC stat being around 6 yards - he said Bledsoe's was only slightly higher. Expectations of him stepping in and "not missing a beat" are a sure comparison to Bledsoe.

He IS the leader of NFLE, regardless of how little value you want to place on it, that's a fact. Additionally, I think several teams would disagree with your assessment that NFLE only proves if a guy CAN'T play. The best example at the position is playing QB for Carolina now. Time will tell if Henson can play, but wholesale discounting of his accomplishments makes no sense at all.
When did I say the Cowboys sent him over ot prove he can't play. I agree 100% with what the league is about. And the "wholesale discounting of his accomplishments," what accomplishments? He has a high QB rating? Did that win the World Bowl? Well, let's see...he was in no way responsibale at all for the two wins his team has: it was solely because of a suffocating defense. You say his numbers mean nothing, but bet you'd say they meant something if there were two losses and a QB rating of say 60?? You're raving about Ragone and Davey having 1700 yards THAT'S accomplishment!! (look at Henson's pace...on track for 1600+ as we speak...but he's not a leader among peers??) A few of us simply said he's been doing well; you're the one ranting about him having done nothing. I guess you have no barometer for ANY kind of talent unless they're holding up a trophy. DUH.

Keep it in context when evaluating play, Henson's physical skills (throws, mobility, etc.) have never been a question, it's his lack of pro-level experience that hamstrings him.
Were his physical skills so great that the coaching staff decided to screw them up by changing his throwing motion? His skills have been questioned, that's why Parcells said he isn't ready.
Parcells has said he simply lacks experience. There has NEVER been a question as to his physical skill. You have a hard time staying on point with this guy for some reason?? Throwing motion change is coaching, skill is why he was signed. CONTEXT my friend...wake up, it's in the soup! It goes back to what was originally said...he's doing well at what he's doing. Make all the excuses you want, but you only sound silly doing it.


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CrazyCowboy said:
Vince Young could fall to #18? Wow....

If it could happen.

That said, I don't believe a word of this "Rumor". Except maybe we'll draft a QB late.


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BHendri5 said:
LOL, Wow, at first I was giving this guy and his source the benefit of the doubt.

There is no way we will draft Young as a QB. If he is still around 18, and we do draft him, he will become a WR.

this is one of the most ridiculous theories i've ever heard. the fella who led the entire NCAA in QB efficiency will be a WR. what's next - reggie bush will play cornerback? what bizarre mental railway sideswitch has led some trains of thought to this barren destination? you barely need to scan the evidence to know how preposterous a proposition this is. just weird.

BHendri5 said:
We will not draft a QB this draft, I'm on the Brady Quinn bandwagon, some way somehow we will get him next season. He was the best QB last College FB season and he will be the best this up coming season.

although i disagree, i have much less problem with this second statement. quinn had a good year but young had a higher comp%, YPA, QB rating, and blew football fans away with a very memorable MVP performance in the championship game - while quinn and co. were swatted by Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl.


El Serrano
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I think we should shoot the next person who posts a rumor...anyway, just kidding. Lighten up everyone, I wish we had the ability to draft someone like Young. If anything, the original post gives me hope that our future might look bright having a rook QB study under someone like Bledsoe. Please, I can't quite figure out pessimistic people. Does it peeve everyone that a rumor like that is not true and therefore does nothing more than raise false hopes? I don't quite understand...