RUMOR: Dallas wants to draft a Qb


Cowboys Make me Drink
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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
Doesn't Henson play the first and third quarters and Chang plays the second and fourth? Henson doesn't control a games, he controls two quarters. When he takes the ball from beginning to end, then I'll concede that point.


Incorrect, but then again thats expected


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The one thing I've learned is to never believe Jerry when he talks about draft prospects before the actual draft. Heck, he even comes out and occasionally says that he shouldn't be believed this time of year.

How many William Green jerseys were sold in Dallas area malls?


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I'll tell you something that has crossed my mind. It doesn't mean there is anything to it...

But with all this talk about Dallas getting another QB, and with Jerry's recent comments about looking at FS after the first two rounds, could it be so obvious what Dallas is looking at on the first day?

Round 1 - OLB
Round 2 - QB
Round 3 FS


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MikeD17 said:
Dallas wants a Qb in the draft
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------copied from my friend

Mike my source with player personal is telling me now , Dallas is most definatly looking to draft a qb in this years draft . The Word is still about henson . If he lights it up he will stay if not Dallas will be drafting a qb as early as the first round.

Harrington still remains an option but the guy im talking to is telling me Dallas is seriously looking at vince young now and might choose to move up in the draft to take him IF he hovers around 18th.

I think this is great news, I think with bledsoe probably only having two more solid years , this year is a perfect season to draft a qb . this way bledsoe can groom him alittle bit.

anyway im going to be out in oxnard i think this summer we should definatly meet up . are you still with your girl?? give me a shout

sorry...don't believe it.


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I think many people haven't been paying too much attention to the top drafted QBs.

They have NOT been producing for the most part so that high draft pick doesn't guarantee you nothing.

I think we can go without this year. Like most have said we still have pressing needs for that Safety that can cover deep, probably a DT that requires double teaming, LB, I'd like to see 1 more speed wideout.

A QB would be nice, but I just don't think it is time.
I didn't hate QC as much as many of you. He was the last QB that we got to the playoffs with no matter how you want to count it. Turns out his head was screwed up though.

With that said, I've heard from VY that he isn't interested in changing anything. That sounds like trouble to me. That sidearm throw will receive a lot of bat downs at the line.


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iceberg said:
you'd find a lot less "hate" if people quit trying to be who they're not and "lying" (in the end) to sound cool on a board. *even if* someone is connected and *does* have the connections, making the claim is meaningless cause much like being "tough" online there's no real way to validate it.

if you want people to stop hating then people should stop lying.

Why do you need to respond at all if you do not beleive him he is not hurting anyone even if he is lying " We do not know if he is" so I guess your saying that you do not want to know what "might" be going on at valley ranch?

A lot of people appreciate the rumors no matter if there false, made up or possibly true, the people who are so quick to rip this person look as foolish as person who makes up stuff to look good on a message board.


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acheman said:
I didn't mind the TO thing so much, but darned if I want to see another QC debacle by drafting VY, when we have far too many needs (O-line specifically). We also have a sense of making a run this year, which a rookie QB would not be much help in that regard. Plus wait on Quinn next year if you are just dying to draft a QB in the first round. Everything else should be in place that we could afford to give up some picks next year or the year after to land the top pick in '07.

So you're saying that the rest of the NFL is just going to let us have Quinn because he's the best of qb's in the 2007 draft and nobody else wants him. Also, you're saying that we shouldn't draft Vince, because some here thinks he's a QC clone in terms of playing style. Huh! Well, we did make the playoffs with QC in 2003 when the NFC was a stronger conference than last year. We should take the best qb available to us this year without giving up draft picks to do so, and that qb is Omar Jacobs, the most productive qb this side of Leinart who would be a steal in the 2nd or 3rd rounds. Say no to the injury-prone Croyle and the inconsistent, under-achieving Whitehurst. By trading down out of the first, we can get Jacobs in the second and still have another second and another 5th rounder by trading down. We could also trade Bledsoe for a 4th, which we currently dont have and pick up a veteran free agent qb like Blake or one of the vet qb's who will be released after June 1.


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hendog said:
If we don't land one of the big 3 I'd just as soon take Drew Olsen in the 5th.

Drew Bledsoe
Drew Olsen
Drew Henson
:bang2: :laugh2:

Three Drews = 3 strikes you're out. :laugh2:


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11,440 we're gearing up for a big run at the SB this year so we use our first round pick on a QB that won't be able to play for 3 years. That makes perfect sense.

I could see Whitehurst in the third or fourth...but that's about it.


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Whitehurst will not be around in the 3rd or 4th. Book it.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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Everyone knows that I would love Vince Young here but I don't see him falling lower than #10 and also add in that with Parcells near retirement he will want a right away impact player while a QB takes at least 2 years before they make a significant impact


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DBoys said:
It does us absolutly no good to draft a QB we have 2 we are bringing up as is. Drafting a QB does nothing for us next year. The only move Dallas would make is to bring in a vet backup in case something happens. This is pure BS speculation because Dallas showed interest in Harrington.

NO WAY Dallas drafts a QB day one unless a really good one slides

None of the qb's on our roster has gotten a team to the playoffs in recent memory. The ones backing up Bledsoe are jokes. No team would touch either of them, if we released them right now. Jacobs is going to slide to the 2nd or 3rd round and we can make it happen.

Rush 2112

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If I'm not mistaken MikeD17 is the guy that a couple years ago had a post about how BP and Quincy were going to church together and were head over heals in love.

This is nothing more than a "I'm in love with Vince" post IMO.


rock music matters
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Why do you need to respond at all if you do not beleive him he is not hurting anyone even if he is lying " We do not know if he is" so I guess your saying that you do not want to know what "might" be going on at valley ranch?

A lot of people appreciate the rumors no matter if there false, made up or possibly true, the people who are so quick to rip this person look as foolish as person who makes up stuff to look good on a message board.

and a lot of people are tired of every "whoever" with "inside info!".

you're acting like *I'M* advocating either side - i'm not. i'm just explaining how it *could* happen. if you have no problem reading 50%+ "fiction" and other people making stuff up and passing it off as "inside info" when it could be their friends father is the janitor in the lockerroom and he overheard...

i'd just as soon that didn't make it in here but it's not my call. but when it does, it *will* upset people cause to them it's misrepresentation.


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iceberg said:
and a lot of people are tired of every "whoever" with "inside info!".

you're acting like *I'M* advocating either side - i'm not. i'm just explaining how it *could* happen. if you have no problem reading 50%+ "fiction" and other people making stuff up and passing it off as "inside info" when it could be their friends father is the janitor in the lockerroom and he overheard...

i'd just as soon that didn't make it in here but it's not my call. but when it does, it *will* upset people cause to them it's misrepresentation.

I,m not directing it at you I just don't see what the big deal is. I would rather read the rumors and make my own opinion than run someone off who might be in the know.


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BHendri5 said:
LOL, Wow, at first I was giving this guy and his source the benefit of the doubt.

There is no way we will draft Young as a QB. If he is still around 18, and we do draft him, he will become a WR.

We will not draft a QB this draft, I'm on the Brady Quinn bandwagon, some way somehow we will get him next season. He was the best QB last College FB season and he will be the best this up coming season.

I would rather have the other QB that was in the rose bowl

does anyone know if he is commited to entering the draft?


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Taz said:
I would rather have the other QB that was in the rose bowl

does anyone know if he is commited to entering the draft?

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MikeD17 said:
Dallas wants a Qb in the draft
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------copied from my friend

Mike my source with player personal is telling me now , Dallas is most definatly looking to draft a qb in this years draft . The Word is still about henson . If he lights it up he will stay if not Dallas will be drafting a qb as early as the first round.

Harrington still remains an option but the guy im talking to is telling me Dallas is seriously looking at vince young now and might choose to move up in the draft to take him IF he hovers around 18th.

I think this is great news, I think with bledsoe probably only having two more solid years , this year is a perfect season to draft a qb . this way bledsoe can groom him alittle bit.

anyway im going to be out in oxnard i think this summer we should definatly meet up . are you still with your girl?? give me a shout

Who is your "player personal" and what team does he represent? I can see a QB on the 2nd day but unless Cutler or Young is still present at our 2nd pick I don't see us drafting a QB especially @ #18. I think BP would be ending his short stay on his extension with a heart attack!:eek: