RUMOR: Dallas wants to draft a Qb


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Can someone explain why people get so worked up over a rumor stated on a message boared, he could be lying or he could just be relaying info. either way whats the big deal. I never realized how miserable some people lives are until I started reading message boards. STOP HATING.


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theogt said:
More like moving up in the 3rd to take Croyle.

I certainly hope not. I live a few miles from UA and I have never been impressed with Croyle. I would be very surprised if he ever became a starting QB in the NFL, probably a career backup.


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silver said:
If he's there at 18? what are the chances of that happening. You know, If I win the Mega Millions tomorrow i'll buy a Ferrari.

Yep, you nailed it. Funny how everyone's arguing pro and con about taking or not taking VY.

It's like yelling at the wind. He won't be around at #18.

If he is, I'll buy a Ferrari also. :bow:


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MikeD17 said:
Dallas wants a Qb in the draft
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------copied from my friend

Mike my source with player personal is telling me now , Dallas is most definatly looking to draft a qb in this years draft . The Word is still about henson . If he lights it up he will stay if not Dallas will be drafting a qb as early as the first round.

Harrington still remains an option but the guy im talking to is telling me Dallas is seriously looking at vince young now and might choose to move up in the draft to take him IF he hovers around 18th.

I think this is great news, I think with bledsoe probably only having two more solid years , this year is a perfect season to draft a qb . this way bledsoe can groom him alittle bit.

anyway im going to be out in oxnard i think this summer we should definatly meet up . are you still with your girl?? give me a shout

^:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

lmao this is real funny... Trading up for Vince Young... Yeah I would love to see it... If Dallas trades up for VY I would go outside and piss on my neighbors Commanders decorated car...


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BHendri5 said:
LOL, Wow, at first I was giving this guy and his source the benefit of the doubt.

There is no way we will draft Young as a QB. If he is still around 18, and we do draft him, he will become a WR.

We will not draft a QB this draft, I'm on the Brady Quinn bandwagon, some way somehow we will get him next season. He was the best QB last College FB season and he will be the best this up coming season.

Any team to draft Young and try to make him a receiver would make a huge mistake.


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Can someone explain why people get so worked up over a rumor stated on a message boared, he could be lying or he could just be relaying info. either way whats the big deal. I never realized how miserable some people lives are until I started reading message boards. STOP HATING.

wouldn't it be just as simple to say 'stop lying'?

Thick 'N Hearty

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Jarv said:
He also has a 62+ completion percentage. he's averaging about the same YPC as Bledsoe has in his career, has a positive TD/INT ratio.

I just don't get you, Henson is playing well and undefeated.

Your disliking of a Cowboy player confuses me as to your aliance.

Henson asked to go to Europe to get more playing time, he doing quite well, yet you have nothing but hate for the man.

Tell me man, why the hate ? What has he done to you ?

He hasn't done anything to me and he hasn't done anything to show me he's the future. Tell, other than posting numbers against lesser opponents, what has he done to show you that if Bledsoe goes down the Boys won't miss a beat with Henson? What has he done to convince you that he is the future? Not against scrubs in NFLE. Against real players.

Your such the homer. I said I hope he succeeds. But, I'm also willing to look at the bigger picture and realize that he hasn't done anything yet.

Get off the man's lap and think rationally. Just because I may or may not like a player doesn't mean I dislike the Cowboys. Since when did the Dallas Cowboys and Henson become synonymous? What has he done to earn the right to be held in the same light as Troy Aikman?

Your personal feeling on Henson are getting in the way of reality.

You can't compare Bledsoe's YPC with Henson because Bledsoe is throwing against better defenses. If you do, you're an idiot. Would you compare Henson's numbers with Brett Favre? How about Dan Marino?

I'm just trying to understand where the homers are coming from. Notice, I'm not advocating one backup over the other. I'm just saying I don't think the future is on the roster.

Thick 'N Hearty

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Idgit said:
This, I don't really see a need to address, so I'll just ignore it.

Interesting. I'll agree with you that a suffocating defense is a good thing to have. Maybe we should get one of those.

We can just agree to disagree as to the importance of a high QB rating to a winning team, and you can just keep making the excellent point that it is irrelevant.

so does that mean Dan Marino's career 86 QB rating means he was a less than average QB when compared to some of his peers?


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
He hasn't done anything to me and he hasn't done anything to show me he's the future. Tell, other than posting numbers against lesser opponents, what has he done to show you that if Bledsoe goes down the Boys won't miss a beat with Henson? What has he done to convince you that he is the future? Not against scrubs in NFLE. Against real players.

Your such the homer. I said I hope he succeeds. But, I'm also willing to look at the bigger picture and realize that he hasn't done anything yet.

Get off the man's lap and think rationally. Just because I may or may not like a player doesn't mean I dislike the Cowboys. Since when did the Dallas Cowboys and Henson become synonymous? What has he done to earn the right to be held in the same light as Troy Aikman?

Your personal feeling on Henson are getting in the way of reality.

You can't compare Bledsoe's YPC with Henson because Bledsoe is throwing against better defenses. If you do, you're an idiot. Would you compare Henson's numbers with Brett Favre? How about Dan Marino?

I'm just trying to understand where the homers are coming from. Notice, I'm not advocating one backup over the other. I'm just saying I don't think the future is on the roster.

Wow, did somebody get their eggs burnt this morning ?

Sheesh, ease up there partner. Just because Henson is doing well in NFLE you don't have to be foaming at the mouth.

Its just a game, don't have a stroke.


Thick 'N Hearty

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Doomsday101 said:
Smart Man. Myself I have been leaning more towards Henson but the truth be told if either guy stepped up and showed they were the guy who could lead this team in the future I would have no problem accepting either one as our QB

:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

That is one of the points I've been trying to make. I thought people would pick up on that after I said I really do hope he succeeds. If he becomes the future, that is great. I'm man enough to eat my words. But, he's not proven.

What I do find funny is some Boys fans are ready to give up on JJ after two seasons because MBIII showed flashes. Same concept, different position.


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SultanOfSix said:
I don't mean to question his credibility, but anyone can have a source who works at any level of the organization who sees Vaderjagt come in to headquarters (or wherever), and then make the guess than Vanderjagt will be signed. There's a 50-50 chance of being right. So, its not like this prediction came out of nowhere.

I don't usually get into the bantering about people's sources...but your comment makes absolutely zero sense, at least in regards to what I THINK you're trying to say. The fact is that ANYONE couldn't make a prediction based upon seeing VAnderjagt coming would have to be someone in or around the organization. That is EXACTLY what a source is and reporting hearsy or speculation based on educated observation is a whole lot more accurate than you "guessing". hitting something out of nowhere would fall under the auspices of a PSYCHIC, not a source. If anyone could have made the guess, why didn't you do it two days before his visit? Don't mean to sound overly harsh, but I've said it before...That's ALL these boards and forums on the web are: a source of rumors. Some happen, some don't. Folks need to take rumors for what they are and believe it or not. That said, nobody really cares if you or I believe it or not.

Thick 'N Hearty

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Jarv said:
Wow, did somebody get their eggs burnt this morning ?

Sheesh, ease up there partner. Just because Henson is doing well in NFLE you don't have to be foaming at the mouth.

Its just a game, don't have a stroke.


I'm just answering your questions... pal. Don't ask them if you don't want an answer.

But, I'm still trying to figure out how 229 yards in two games is "doing well."


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trueblue1687 said:
I don't usually get into the bantering about people's sources...but your comment makes absolutely zero sense, at least in regards to what I THINK you're trying to say. The fact is that ANYONE couldn't make a prediction based upon seeing VAnderjagt coming would have to be someone in or around the organization. That is EXACTLY what a source is and reporting hearsy or speculation based on educated observation is a whole lot more accurate than you "guessing". hitting something out of nowhere would fall under the auspices of a PSYCHIC, not a source. If anyone could have made the guess, why didn't you do it two days before his visit? Don't mean to sound overly harsh, but I've said it before...That's ALL these boards and forums on the web are: a source of rumors. Some happen, some don't. Folks need to take rumors for what they are and believe it or not. That said, nobody really cares if you or I believe it or not.
:signmast: :thumbup:


Loud pipes saves lives.
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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
I'm just answering your questions... pal. Don't ask them if you don't want an answer.

But, I'm still trying to figure out how 229 yards in two games is "doing well."

I guess you don't think he is doing well in NFLE.

Others, including me disagree.

He's won 2 games, controlled the game (BP stress's game management, not superstar 500 yard games), had no turnovers and hasn't thrown for 5000 yards in 2 games because the game plan and situation didn't call for it.

Not sure what you are looking for him to do ?


rock music matters
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:confused: I'm sorry you lost me.

you'd find a lot less "hate" if people quit trying to be who they're not and "lying" (in the end) to sound cool on a board. *even if* someone is connected and *does* have the connections, making the claim is meaningless cause much like being "tough" online there's no real way to validate it.

if you want people to stop hating then people should stop lying.

Thick 'N Hearty

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Jarv said:
I guess you don't think he is doing well in NFLE.

Others, including me disagree.

He's won 2 games, controlled the game (BP stress's game management, not superstar 500 yard games), had no turnovers and hasn't thrown for 5000 yards in 2 games because the game plan and situation didn't call for it.

Not sure what you are looking for him to do ?

I guess we can say Chang has won to games, too, but with a lesser QB rating. Doesn't Henson play the first and third quarters and Chang plays the second and fourth? If that's the case, Chang technically led them to victory as the final QB to play for the team during the games.

Henson doesn't control a games, he controls two quarters. When he takes the ball from beginning to end, then I'll concede that point.

You never answered my question: what has he done to prove to you that he's the future.


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
I guess we can say Chang has won to games, too, but with a lesser QB rating. Doesn't Henson play the first and third quarters and Chang plays the second and fourth? If that's the case, Chang technically led them to victory as the final QB to play for the team during the games.

Henson doesn't control a games, he controls two quarters. When he takes the ball from beginning to end, then I'll concede that point.

You never answered my question: what has he done to prove to you that he's the future.

Henson has been playing the 1st, 3rd and 4th qrts. Chang is getting snaps in the 2nd qrt.


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Jarv said:
I guess you don't think he is doing well in NFLE.

Others, including me disagree.

He's won 2 games, controlled the game (BP stress's game management, not superstar 500 yard games), had no turnovers and hasn't thrown for 5000 yards in 2 games because the game plan and situation didn't call for it.

Not sure what you are looking for him to do ?

I agree. He is doing well, and it is relevant to what he may be able to do in the NFL. No offense donkey punch, but you're not keeping the Henson comparison in context. Compare apples to apples here. Henson isn't Bledsoe and to think that anyone can go from a back-up to "not missing a beat" with regards to performance is a pipedream!! Bledsoe has 13 years in the NFL...Henson has a couple of starts, only one of whcih was in regular season. He IS the leader of NFLE, regardless of how little value you want to place on it, that's a fact. Additionally, I think several teams would disagree with your assessment that NFLE only proves if a guy CAN'T play. The best example at the position is playing QB for Carolina now. Time will tell if Henson can play, but wholesale discounting of his accomplishments makes no sense at all. Keep it in context when evaluating play, Henson's physical skills (throws, mobility, etc.) have never been a question, it's his lack of pro-level experience that hamstrings him. NFLE is not the NFL in terms of talent - any idiot knows that, but playing and playing well does show something about his potential whether you want to believe it or not. And please don't use that stale term (homer) to describe someone just because they think the guy has some talent. :rolleyes:


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We will not draft a QB in the first round, don't care if Young or Cutler fall to 18. Jerry and Bill want to win this year. It will be a OLB. Now they very well could take a QB in the third or later rounds especially if someone like Omar Jacobs or Whitehurst are available then but first, only in someones dreams.

Now if you are talking next year, then thinking of the relationship with Weiss at Notre Dame and if we get the OG, OLB, OC, and FS that Parcells wants in the draft this year, then I would bet the farm we go after Brady Quinn in the first round in 2007, a Bledsoe clone only more mobile.