RUMOR: Ha ha Deadskin Brunell may retire!!

I think this all stems from another one of Portis' "classic" stand-up comedy press conferences. I think the whole thing was a joke, and then some drunk clown called into the Junkies with a bogus source to corraborate it.

I didn't hear the segment myself, but a few of my friends did, and they said the guy sounded drunk.

On a side note, leotis hits yet another Home Run. Best Poster... Ever!
burmafrd said:
It is interesting that no skin trolls are in this thread.

Sorry, I've been working all morning. What exactly would you like me to contribute?

Brunell won't be retiring any time soon.
dmq said:
They are too busy at Extremeskins debating how Carlos Rogers will manhandle the overated Terry Glenn.:lmao2:
Not to mention debating taking Rogers over Ware in the draft was a good move.:lmao2:

Its not illogical to say that it was a good move on their part. Ware is better suited for a 3-4 OLB than a 4-3 DE.

They also needed a CB; Springs was mediocre the season before. And Smoot had left for Minnesota.

They needed another CB. Furthermore, it takes a couple of years before CB's tend to hit their stride anyway.

It was a logical choice for them. And it wasn't bad for them either.

Where they lose credibility is saying Merriman was light years better than Ware last year.
Vintage said:
Its not illogical to say that it was a good move on their part. Ware is better suited for a 3-4 OLB than a 4-3 DE.

They also needed a CB; Springs was mediocre the season before. And Smoot had left for Minnesota.

They needed another CB. Furthermore, it takes a couple of years before CB's tend to hit their stride anyway.

It was a logical choice for them. And it wasn't bad for them either.

Where they lose credibility is saying Merriman was light years better than Ware last year.

Skins fans like Merriman so much because they saw him play at the University of Maryland. So they're just pulling for the local kid.
JohnLockesGhost said:
Skins fans like Merriman so much because they saw him play at the University of Maryland. So they're just pulling for the local kid.

Good point.

Don't know why I didn't see that connection. Just slipped my mind, I guess.

Sort of like how some Cowboy fans see Vince Young as God's Gift to football at QB, I suppose...
I heard the segment on the Junkies, and the "JT" the caller was referring to was James Thrash. However, the caller couldn't have had less credibility.

There is no way Brunell retires, and as a Cowboys fan, I hope he doesn't. He was utterly ineffective towards the end of last season (with one hugely regretful exception that I will not speak about), and I will be shocked if he has any kind of sustained success this season.
Vintage said:
Good point.

Don't know why I didn't see that connection. Just slipped my mind, I guess.

Sort of like how some Cowboy fans see Vince Young as God's Gift to football at QB, I suppose...
To college football at least.
EGTuna said:
I heard the segment on the Junkies, and the "JT" the caller was referring to was James Thrash. However, the caller couldn't have had less credibility.

There is no way Brunell retires, and as a Cowboys fan, I hope he doesn't. He was utterly ineffective towards the end of last season (with one hugely regretful exception that I will not speak about), and I will be shocked if he has any kind of sustained success this season.

I certainly wouldn't be shocked. It'll be interesting to see how he fits the new offense. (Please fit the new offense).
Someone on Extemeskins also bashed their team for taking White over Canty. He was in their backyard also. Then some comical guy mentioned Canty as being "undersized". I think their OL is gonna get a good taste of just how "undersized" Canty is. They also mentioned how Ware can't rush the passer.
dmq said:
Someone on Extemeskins also bashed their team for taking White over Canty. He was in their backyard also. Then some comical guy mentioned Canty as being "undersized". I think their OL is gonna get a good taste of just how "undersized" Canty is. They also mentioned how Ware can't rush the passer.

Dude, the thread was started by a troll. And here's a quote from a Skins fan (the first response):

I agree with your point that Ware was the best rookie in the NFC last year and a good argument could be made that he was the best in the NFL. That being said it would have been illogical to pick him that year as we didn't have a need at LB.
I think it is premature to judge Rogers. Ware played well partly due to the fact that he was given the opportunity to do so. Carlos was 3rd on the depth chart last year, that combined with an injury kept him off the field. When he was on the field I think Carlos did very well. He had a couple of important picks and I do not recall him getting burned (unlike some Cowboy CBs, sorry but you picked this fight). I'd wait another two seasons before you can correctly compare the two players.

Sounds downright agreeable, if you ask me.
MONT17 said:
the guy is a bumb with a nice deep ball and some pocket pressence...

Unlike Bledsoe who is a bum with a nice deep ball and no pocket presence.
Anyone that calls Bledsoe a bum has no football credibility at all. Bledsoe is a statue with some problems throwing picks but he is no bum. Hutch, Q, Leaf are bums. Unless you cannot tell the difference.
He and Brunell our confide in themselves with their closeness and nestling ways of secrets hidden fowl.

This phrase reminds me of the subject lines of those spam e-mails. Either that, or the title of a kung-** flick.
JohnLockesGhost said:
Dude, the thread was started by a troll. And here's a quote from a Skins fan (the first response):

I agree with your point that Ware was the best rookie in the NFC last year and a good argument could be made that he was the best in the NFL. That being said it would have been illogical to pick him that year as we didn't have a need at LB.
I think it is premature to judge Rogers. Ware played well partly due to the fact that he was given the opportunity to do so. Carlos was 3rd on the depth chart last year, that combined with an injury kept him off the field. When he was on the field I think Carlos did very well. He had a couple of important picks and I do not recall him getting burned (unlike some Cowboy CBs, sorry but you picked this fight). I'd wait another two seasons before you can correctly compare the two players.

Sounds downright agreeable, if you ask me.

Actually, alot of them surprised me, how pro-Canty/pro-Ware they've been. Ware probably wouldn't fit in a 4-3 anyway.