RUMOR: Vick to cop a plea

FuzzyLumpkins;1591329 said:
I own a german shepherd and love Thor to death. You know nothing about me so quit trying. Ive had some of my shepherds stolen before that doesnt mean im looking for kidnapping chrages or anything more than if they had stolen my TV.

Fact is vehicular homicide has less of a sentence than dogfighting does and i take umbrage with that. Is that allright with you?

then my total mistake. there was someone in here who flat out said they have no use for dogs and dogs had no rights what so ever. i thought that was you but am i mistaken?

then again if your dog being "dognapped" doesn't bother you more than someone taking your tv???
FuzzyLumpkins;1591329 said:
I own a german shepherd and love Thor to death. You know nothing about me so quit trying. Ive had some of my shepherds stolen before that doesnt mean im looking for kidnapping chrages or anything more than if they had stolen my TV.

Fact is vehicular homicide has less of a sentence than dogfighting does and i take umbrage with that. Is that allright with you?
That's a bit of an overgeneralization. Dogfighting doesn't necessarily carry a larger range of punishment. It just does in these two instances.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591332 said:
your comparing a homicide during the execution of a crime and not. You dont even know what your talking about no how to begin to compare.

vehicular manslaughter is one of the least culpable forms of taking a life out there i was comparing it to the least extreme form not the most extreme.

i'm saying people in both cases are being irresponsible behind the wheel. BOTH could be prevented by just using common sense and realizing when you're driving - that's your ONLY job - to drive.
Fact is vehicular homicide has less of a sentence than dogfighting does and i take umbrage with that. Is that allright with you?

Part of this has to do with the fact the crime Vick commented is looked at as an organized crime venture. Where as vehicular homicide is looked at as an accident.
Oh and there's a difference between vehicular homicide and vehicular manslaughter. I don't know much about Little's case, but it had to be the latter, with that light of a sentence. Manslaughter doesn't require a finding of intent and there is the difference.
5Stars;1591331 said:
Everyone is agreeing with you! Why can't you see that?

Not all situations, cases, circumstantances, courts, lawyers, judges are the same...and you know that. :cool:

Killing a human is more sever than killing a dog. I've run over and killed a dog and a few cats in my life, but I don't make it a habit of collecting dogs to kill just for giths and siggles....
That's what I'm trying to tell him and he won't listen. He's so far gone on this Vick/animal cruelty nonsense that he can't see what is right in front of him.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591254 said:
I am not saying you go up and lie on the witness stand, that is wrong.


Yes you did. Several times. You referred to it as a "rat". A "stoolie".

Hostile;1591339 said:
That's what I'm trying to tell him and he won't listen. He's so far gone on this Vick/animal cruelty nonsense that he can't see what is right in front of him.

Where the difference lies is on how to fix the issue from relative perspective. If you agree that no animal cruelty charge should have a sentence greater than the least of the manslaughter statutes out there then fine.

anyway im done with this these threads just piss me off.
iceberg;1591336 said:
i'm saying people in both cases are being irresponsible behind the wheel. BOTH could be prevented by just using common sense and realizing when you're driving - that's your ONLY job - to drive.

no your claiming my comparison is bad and then you compare two act as similar when one act is criminal and the other is not.

frankly you dont know even how to start to compare the two and then comment on mine and its laughable.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591343 said:
Where the difference lies is on how to fix the issue from relative perspective. If you agree that no animal cruelty charge should have a sentence greater than the least of the manslaughter statutes out there then fine.

anyway im done with this these threads just piss me off.

I asked you this earlier but you didn't respond. Not trying to piss you off here Fuzzy. Just trying to gain insight on your point of view.

What would you consider to be fair as a sentance for Vick?
ABQCOWBOY;1591349 said:
I asked you this earlier but you didn't respond. Not trying to piss you off here Fuzzy. Just trying to gain insight on your point of view.

What would you consider to be fair as a sentance for Vick?

i dont think he should be punished at all. They are dogs and IMO should be afforded the same 'rights' as any other animal we torture, abuse and kill for kick or other selfish purpose: NONE.

i dont mind rodeos or trophy hunting either.

Factor in HUMAN BEINGS getting killed leading to lesser sentences and i get incensed.

Im answering your question out of respect and i didnt mean to ignore you but my opinion on the matter is very unpopular around here.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591343 said:
Where the difference lies is on how to fix the issue from relative perspective. If you agree that no animal cruelty charge should have a sentence greater than the least of the manslaughter statutes out there then fine.

anyway im done with this these threads just piss me off.
The only reason anyone ever gets pissed off is if they refuse to see anything beyond their own opinion.

We get it that you hate all types of animal cruelty Fuzzy. Trust me, we all get it. We understand that legal or illegal doesn't matter to you. You hate all of it. It is an extreme thing with you. We get it.

But in this case, you are trying to point fingers at all of us who don't see it the same way you do and accuse of supporting Leonard Little only serving 90 days in jail. None of us agree with that as far as I can see. We all feel that is a crock of nonsense.

You refuse to see that we agree with you on this. Why? Because you're still focused only on the animal cruelty and the disparity of one case.

If you want me to I will create a poll asking Cowboys fans who they think deserves a lesser sentence between our own Dwayne Goodrich who committed vehicular manslaughter or Michael Vick.

What Goodrich did was an accident. He didn't intend to kill anyone. Michael Vick intended to fight dogs and kill ones who didn't perform. There was intent there.

I bet you 20 bucks, koolaid drinking, blue and silver sunglasses wearing, loyal Cowboys fans will by a more than 2 to 1 margin say Goodrich deserves more jail time.
FuzzyLumpkins;1591352 said:
i dont think he should be punished at all. They are dogs and IMO should be afforded the same 'rights' as any other animal we torture, abuse and kill for kick or other selfish purpose: NONE.

i dont mind rodeos or trophy hunting either.

Factor in HUMAN BEINGS getting killed leading to lesser sentences and i get incensed.

Im answering your question out of respect and i didnt mean to ignore you but my opinion on the matter is very unpopular around here.

I see now why you didn't answer. My bad.
SkinsandTerps;1591058 said:

On a side note. Say Vick gets banned from the NFL.

He still has made and can live off of the money he has made over the 6-7 years he has been in the the tens of millions.

I heard his 'defense' was going to cost him millions. and who knows how much he actual invested and saved of what he made. Taking a plea is way cheaper than going to trial, 'specially against the feds.

With the price tag Billy Martin and Company reportedly would charge to wager any prolonged defense, it's probably to Vick's financical advantage to do a year in the can, and keep his fingers crossed that when he gets out, Jamarcus Russell still hasn't signed, and Al Davis welcomes him with open arms.;)
Hostile;1591354 said:
The only reason anyone ever gets pissed off is if they refuse to see anything beyond their own opinion.

We get it that you hate all types of animal cruelty Fuzzy. Trust me, we all get it. We understand that legal or illegal doesn't matter to you. You hate all of it. It is an extreme thing with you. We get it.

But in this case, you are trying to point fingers at all of us who don't see it the same way you do and accuse of supporting Leonard Little only serving 90 days in jail. None of us agree with that as far as I can see. We all feel that is a crock of nonsense.

You refuse to see that we agree with you on this. Why? Because you're still focused only on the animal cruelty and the disparity of one case.

If you want me to I will create a poll asking Cowboys fans who they think deserves a lesser sentence between our own Dwayne Goodrich who committed vehicular manslaughter or Michael Vick.

What Goodrich did was an accident. He didn't intend to kill anyone. Michael Vick intended to fight dogs and kill ones who didn't perform. There was intent there.

I bet you 20 bucks, koolaid drinking, blue and silver sunglasses wearing, loyal Cowboys fans will by a more than 2 to 1 margin say Goodrich deserves more jail time.

Of course he does...and he already has done more time than Vick will serve for killing all those dogs.

Fuzzy is a good guy...he just works with extremes too much to realize that life does not work that is a btich sometimes...not everything in the world will be where the wolf lays down with the lamb...
iceberg;1590957 said:
yea, i'm on the "i hate vick" bandwagon but a year out of his life - esp at this juncture - hurts and hurts bad. it also gives him a chance at "redemption" and a comeback *if* he really changes his ways.

Why should the scumbag be able to play ball again?

I dont think he should rot in prison, but football should be taken away from him!
LaTunaNostra;1591360 said:
I heard his 'defense' was going to cost him millions. and who knows how much he actual invested and saved of what he made. Taking a plea is way cheaper than going to trial, 'specially against the feds.

With the price tag Billy Martin and Company reportedly would charge to wager any prolonged defense, it's probably to Vick's financical advantage to do a year in the can, and keep his fingers crossed that when he gets out, Jamarcus Russell still hasn't signed, and Al Davis welcomes him with open arms.;)


Last time I saw the Preacher from Poltergist (AKA Al Davis) he didn't look like he would last the year it would take to wait for Vick.

That guy is looking pretty bad.
CanadianCowboysFan;1591200 said:
Unless you are Jean Valjean in Les Miserables who had honour but had to steal a loaf of bread for his hungry nephew I believe.

And don't forget - poor Jean got thirty years. :eek:
FuzzyLumpkins;1591348 said:
no your claiming my comparison is bad and then you compare two act as similar when one act is criminal and the other is not.

frankly you dont know even how to start to compare the two and then comment on mine and its laughable.

no - i'm saying you don't think animals have rights so maybe you should stay out of animal rights threads cause they just "piss you off" because others dare to actually take action when a domesticated animal is abused vs one raised for consumption.

then again you can't see that difference either.
ABQCOWBOY;1591363 said:

Last time I saw the Preacher from Poltergist (AKA Al Davis) he didn't look like he would last the year it would take to wait for Vick.

That guy is looking pretty bad.

Last time I saw Lane Kiffin on espn, he already looked worse.

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